The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3306: Big treasure

In the years waiting for the students to graduate, Luo Ji did not idle.

   Ye Hua has already arrived at Jupiter. Although Jupiter is a whole planet, the scale of the inner city is not too big. Luo Ji filled in with less than a hundred golden civilized cities.

  From this point of view, the overall scale of Jupiter at this stage is actually not as good as the southern continent on the main planet.

  According to Ye Hua's ability, if he wants to grasp the situation here in a short time, the problem is basically not big.

  The focus is on the next work of receiving the magical heritage of civilization.

   Ye Hua didn't let Luo Ji down, and quickly showed his superb ‘organizing’ ability. He organized all the things that were about to be messed up on Jupiter’s side into a pot of porridge.

   Under this premise, in order to reduce the difficulty of sorting out the magical civilization heritage, Luo Ji also sent a team of wizards to assist.

   Therefore, the next work is going very smoothly.

After waiting for the work over there to reach a certain level, Luo Ji directly used the god-praying technique to bring the presidents of the wizard guilds, the wizards on Jupiter's side, and Ye Hua all together, and opened a brain report. meeting.

   There are a lot of wizards, and it will be much more convenient to convey the content of spells.

  Because of the professional knowledge of various industries, for some laymen, most of them are difficult to understand. Of course, the master is no exception.

   It has been a short time since Ye Hua took over Jupiter and began to sort out the magical civilization heritage.

   The things that can be sorted out are actually limited.

   There are a few very important things for their guild of masters of ten thousand civilizations.

   One of them is the talent test item of magic civilization.

   For the magic civilization, this is just an ordinary item, and at the same time it is not a valuable basic item, but for the civilization of the world, it is extremely important.

  Because the test stone of Ten Thousand Worlds civilization was provided by the elven civilization, it can only detect natural elements, and it cannot detect the attributes other than natural elements.

   Therefore, it is conceivable how important this magical civilization test item is to them.

   In addition, Ye Hua also collected a lot of information from the Mage Academy and Mage Association of Jupiter's Magic Civilization Ruins, including a large number of spell books on the Magic Civilization side.

   Currently, the wizards stationed on Jupiter's side have just reported to the magical civilization knowledge.

   Spell knowledge is of course very important.

  A mage apprentice, before formally learning spells, spell knowledge must be passed.

   After all, before you learn to run, you must first learn to walk.

   However, Luo Ji, as the supreme ruler of the civilization of the world, looks at the problem from his perspective. Now he is obviously more concerned about whether he has the magical civilization's magic!

  Space spells needless to say, Luo Ji has always wanted the fire snake spells released from the magic warship during the previous match.

   That trick looks, but it's quite easy to use!

It can be used to deal with some large units. At the same time, for small units, it can also be burned to death directly through the elemental flames emitted from the whole body. It is a very powerful fire spell. Luo Ji is looking forward to this. of.

   However, the result is not very satisfactory.

  Because the important places of the magic civilization are equipped with powerful spell barriers.

   It's easy to get books about basic spell knowledge and those basic spell props.

   But things like magic spells must be kept more tightly.

   Therefore, outsiders like them, if you want to get in, you have to break the barrier first.

   Breaking through is not a good way, because they don't know what the consequences are.

   In the event that in the process of their forcible entry, the activated spell barrier directly destroys all the contents inside, then they will be dumbfounded.

   Therefore, for the sake of caution, Ye Hua also asked the mages on Jupiter's side to slow down.

   And this time at the report meeting, besides reporting some of the gains and circumstances so far, Ye Hua is undoubtedly coming to ask Luo Ji for help.

  He needs more capable wizards, or wizard scholars, to help him break these barriers.

As soon as I said this, many of the Mage Guild leaders who were attending the meeting couldn't help but volunteered. After all, the things hidden in the magic enchantment of this magical civilization are huge treasures for them. !

   They don’t want to get excited.

   Looking at the vaguely out of control situation, Luo Ji couldn't help rubbing his brows.

   "Alright, I will arrange it later. If you want to go to Jupiter, remember to sign up."

   Because of this small accident, the second half of the meeting seemed a bit too lively, but anyway, the main thing was done.

   Next, Ye Hua will get the first batch of magic props and the data of those magic knowledge from Jupiter, and send them all back to the civilization of the world.

   During this period, the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization will also bring a few batches of materials and spells to help break the spell barrier and rush to the front.

   This time, I didn't plan to wait for the Jupiter's fleet to return. They set off again. In that case, the efficiency would seem too slow.

   So this wave started on both sides at the same time.

   I just want to get the ‘Magic Civilization Specialties’ sent back from Jupiter in the shortest possible time, and at the same time, let the team of wizards from the main planet reach Jupiter.

  Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that this wave, the battle of the mages is not small.

   Luo Ji's several high-level mages, except for Mia who has been studying Tianma in recent years, almost all the other mages have left. UU reading

   Obviously, the legacy of the magical civilization is also very attractive to them. Everyone wants to break the spell barrier as soon as possible, so as to obtain the "treasure" inside.

   The fleet's interstellar voyage did not happen accidentally.

  Some time later, the fleet successfully arrived at the moon base, and after a short rest, it officially returned to the main planet.

   For these ships and things, on the main planet side, many people have obviously been looking forward to it for a long time.

   The fleet has just landed, and people from various departments have already surrounded them. In addition to the people from the Mage Guild, there are also a large number of dwarves and elves.

   These dwarf craftsmen and elf craftsmen are all for the new minerals and magic materials discovered from the magical civilization.

   In addition to those magic props and classics, this wave of new materials from within the magical civilization also sent back a lot.

   Ore occupies a large proportion.

   As soon as the boxes of goods were moved down, people from various departments around them swarmed up.

   Fortunately, Luo Ji had already prepared, and directly transferred the nearby garrison to maintain order.

   Then directly distributed the delivered materials to various departments on the spot.

   This wave, to some extent, really saves him trouble.

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