The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3327: Moon Resort

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan walked directly towards the passage leading to the inside of the moon.

A group of people were waiting at the waiting seat near the entrance, and the elevator came soon.

According to the space of this elevator, it is more than enough to carry thirty or forty people in one trip.

However, considering some circumstances, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan still wanted to sit alone, so they decided to wait for the next trip.

This elevator is definitely not an ordinary elevator, but a space elevator.

Connect directly from the space station to the surface of the planet.

In accordance with the scientific and technological capabilities of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, it is not too difficult for them to build this space elevator.

However, at that time in the early years, there was no need to build this stuff.

Why do you spend money and time to build a space elevator? Just to connect a space station?

But later, as the space channels connecting the various planets were completed successively, the existence of this space elevator became meaningful.

Because they need a more convenient way to get in and out of the planet.

The cost of building a space elevator can't be compared with building a space channel.

On several planets at the same time, the space elevator on the moon is the easiest to build.

The most critical reason is that the moon has no natural atmosphere.

This makes it easier to lift and maintain the space elevator.

On the VIP channel, there are two space elevators operating at the same time. The other space elevator came up quickly. Under the guidance of the staff, Luo Ji, Ye Qingxuan, Barenque and Hu Che quickly walked in. .

After the elevator door was closed, it descended steadily towards the planet.

This is a sightseeing elevator, so the speed will not be too fast. At the same time, the elevator is transparent on all sides. During the descending process, there is sufficient time for tourists to overlook the moon's surface from a high altitude.

At the same time, considering some people with fear of heights, the bottom and four sides of this sightseeing elevator can actually be adjusted.

For example, now...

Ye Qingxuan pressed a button, and the original black elevator floor instantly became transparent.

At that moment, if a person with acrophobia stood there, they would be scared to the ground on the spot.

However, the four Luo Ji obviously did not receive any images.

And Ye Qingxuan, holding her beloved camera, kept taking pictures there.

After the elevator's height was lowered to a certain level, the scene of the moon's surface became more and more clear in their eyes.

Of course, on this elevator, it is impossible for you to see important facilities like the moon base. Those important facilities are basically deployed on the back of the moon.

And now the piece they saw was all sold to Ye Qingxuan as a moon resort.

Although he hasn't officially approached yet, now Luo Jiguang is watching from a high place, and he can already feel how well his wife is doing this moon resort.

At this glance, it makes people wonder if this is the moon.

Considering the height distance between the moon and the space station, it will obviously take some time for this sightseeing elevator to descend to the end.

Therefore, there are deployed seats inside the elevator for visitors to sit and watch.

Ye Qingxuan quickly took the picture almost, and then sat next to Luo Ji and introduced him to this moon resort.

A whole resort, in addition to a large area under the artificial atmosphere, there are actually many small areas around it.

Everything is basically concentrated in a large area. There are entertainment facilities, shopping streets and a series of lunar tourist attractions. In addition, of course there are also a large number of hotels for accommodation. The entire area is almost comparable to that of one. Small towns.

As for those small areas, they are simply high-end independent houses.

In their business, they must consider the needs of their customers. There are not a few rich and famous people who travel on the moon.

People in this category basically pay attention to privacy. Most of them want to take a comfortable vacation without being disturbed by anyone.

For this type of customer, there is this kind of high-level independent house.

Each of these high-level independent houses is shrouded in a single small artificial atmosphere, and is separated from other areas by a vacuum zone that is not too far away, but not too close. Under normal circumstances, others can't get close to it.

Under this premise, each independent area is equipped with a dedicated lunar rover. If customers want to go to a large area, they can take the lunar rover directly.

If you don't want to, the surrounding area of ​​this detached house is actually prepared with some landscapes. It is no problem to stay in it comfortably for a vacation.

This time, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan lived in this kind of independent area without a doubt.

The overall style of each independent residential area is different, and Ye Qingxuan specially asked professional designers to design one by one.

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan are not people who pursue luxury. They actually prefer some relaxed and laid-back styles because they are too busy and tired on weekdays. Therefore, during the holidays, they hope they can relax in all aspects. An environment that allows them to relax is naturally crucial.

This time, Ye Qingxuan arranged all of the vacation. I have to say that the old husband and wife of so many years know each other too well.

This holiday home is fully in line with the two people's preferences.

In fact, this house is completely closed to the outside world, so Ye Qingxuan prepared it for them.

After the first day of holiday...

He sleeps dimly, and doesn't care about anything, everything will wait until they are full!

The kind of hard-won vacation travel, obviously it’s time to relax, but it started earlier than work. At the end of the day, all kinds of hurry, running here and where, this nervous way of traveling like clocking in at work, is simply poisonous.

On this point, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan are undoubtedly a perfect fit, and there is no contradiction.

Maintaining such a state, on the next day, the two of them also slept until noon, then slowly got up, and then prepared to go to the large area to play casually in the afternoon, and then come back after dinner.

In this large area, UU reading is far more lively than Luo Ji expected.

Obviously, the scale has reached the level of towns, but wherever they go, there are people coming and going, and it is very lively.

But after thinking about it carefully, Luo Ji didn't feel strange anymore.

The simple truth is that, for a person who wants to travel, which one is more attractive to a person who wants to travel?

It must be a different planet!

Under this premise, going to Venus and Jupiter is too far away. Normal office workers don’t expect this.

But the moon is different. After the space channel is built, it only takes five hours to travel from the main planet to the moon, even if it is an ordinary spacecraft, and it does not take a day to go back and forth, which fully meets the travel needs of many people on a small holiday.

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