The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3331: , Unknown planet (2)

"Captain, do you want to subdue them?"

   A goblin soldier who was controlling the flying insect reconnaissance plane quickly confirmed it.

   Flying Insect Reconnaissance Aircraft does not have any combat effectiveness. However, considering some special circumstances, the insect mouth part of this Flying Insect Reconnaissance Aircraft actually has an anesthesia needle.

   According to that dose, a cow can be put down for you with just one bite.

   Putting down the three native dwarves shouldn’t be a problem.

   And just as the goblin soldier asked, there was a new movement in the oasis below...

   is a very strange creature, and ran to the oasis.

   is covered with khaki fur. It looks a bit like a raccoon, but is much bigger than a raccoon. The body is basically like a big dog. It is a species that has never been seen on their host planet.

  Niantou Feizhuan, the strange creature, has been looking all the way towards the center of the oasis, the only water source is close to the past.

   It looks like it should have come to drink water.

   At this moment, I don't know if it was a wrong step. The ground under my feet suddenly collapsed. Accompanied by a harsh scream, the strange creature fell directly into a big hole.

   It looks like it should be the three dwarves lying in ambush there, the pothole traps arranged there.

   During this period, the flying insect reconnaissance plane flew over to check the situation.

   The bottom of the pothole was covered with sharp metal pointed cones. In this fall, the body of the creature was penetrated by a dozen metal pointed cones on the spot.

   It seems that he has not died yet, but depending on the situation, it is estimated that he is not far from death.

   This situation made the captain sure in his heart that the strange creature should not be a monster.

  Because they haven't seen this kind of creature in their ten thousand world civilization, so he thought that kind of creature was a monster.

   But now it seems that it is obviously not. Warcraft will not be planted on such a simple pit trap.

   So that should be just some native creatures unique to this planet.

   After hearing the creature's scream and confirming that the other party had fallen into their pit trap, three indigenous dwarves ambushing in the oasis bushes appeared one after another.

   Needless to say, the creature that was recruited might have to become their dish.

   But the three native dwarves didn't walk in a straight line, but went back and forth several times.

   Depending on the situation, there are probably many traps in that oasis.

   Hunting and killing the animals that come to the oasis to drink water should be one of their important ways to obtain food.

   After confirming the size of the strange creature, the dirt-stained faces of the three dwarves also showed obvious joy, and quickly began to work together to drag the prey out of the trap.

   In the process, they also finally saw the gestures of the three native dwarves.

   The captain's attention was naturally focused on the gun in the opponent's hand for the first time.

   It turns out that he was right. Those dwarves are indeed equipped with guns.

   The guns seem to be quite old and very worn out, but they are definitely not behind.

  According to the captain's simple judgment on the shape and material of the gun, it should at least be a product of a gold level civilization.

  This can't help but make him more curious about this planet.

   Seemingly simple pothole trap, there also seems to be some small organs underneath it, allowing the three dwarves to easily drag the prey up.

   Probably because of the poor living conditions, the three dwarves are not as strong as the dwarf soldiers of their ten thousand world civilizations. The whole appearance is very thin, but the strength is not small, and it is not difficult to carry the prey.

   One dwarf carried the prey, and the other two dwarves, armed with guns, guarded the surroundings and escorted them. The trio quickly left.

   But no one noticed that several flying insect reconnaissance planes had quietly stopped on their bodies.

   The captain made it clear that he wanted to follow the vine.

   As one of the ethnic minorities in their civilizations, they met the natives of the dwarves. Their policy has always been to capture them alive.

   Unless it is unavoidable, otherwise, it is unlikely to kill.

On the probe spacecraft No. 013, the indigenous dwarves were found here. I wanted to follow the vines to see if there are any other dwarves. At the same time, on the other side of the planet, in the half of the planet that the probe spacecraft 014 is responsible for, The gain is not small.

   They were on the planet and found a lot of ruins like urban buildings.

   Those ruins seem to have existed for hundreds of years at least.

   And among those ruins, they also found traces of humans and orcs!

   However, on this planet, the human situation is obviously quite bad.

   is completely in a state of being chased by orcs everywhere.

   In the end, he could only retract into the ruins, lingering.

   At this point, the captains of the two exploration spacecraft who had some knowledge of the situation on this planet quickly reported the situation to Luo Ji directly through prayers.

   Luo Ji, who confirmed the news, showed joy, and then quickly opened his system map.

   Just now, when the captain of the exploration spacecraft reported to him, the system map was refreshed, and the planet they found was undoubtedly officially appeared on his map.

   The position of this planet is farther than Venus, and farther away.

In that state, if he could not find a planet with an atmosphere, Luo Ji would actually feel a headache, because according to that situation, he could not find a new planet with an atmosphere. Will affect the development of an entire galaxy.

   After all, after experiencing the full-scale war before, he originally thought that there were many planets with atmospheres in the universe!

   As a result, after so many years, let him find one?

   Is there so little in the first place, or is his face too dark? !

   "I knew it would be like this, I should get a few more planets back!"

   Thinking of this, Luo Ji couldn't help pulling his hair a little annoyed, feeling quite a bit regretful.

   But it's a pity, UU reading has no regrets about taking medicine.

   This forced him to spend a lot of conquest points a few years ago to adjust the positions of Venus and Jupiter twice.

   was greedy for convenience before, so he placed Venus and Jupiter closer.

   But now, in order to be able to find a stable station in the galaxy, Luo Ji has to make such an adjustment in order to be able to find himself on a new planet.

   Now the distance from the Moon to Jupiter has increased by 30% compared to the original.

   Under this premise, Venus has been swung farther, and the direct distance between Venus and Jupiter is basically the same as the distance between the Moon and Jupiter.

   Originally these years of technological development and technological progress, along with the upgrade of the space gate, the shuttle efficiency between their planets has become higher. The time from the moon to Venus and Jupiter has basically only taken 19 days.

   As a result, after Luo Ji made such adjustments, the distance between the planet and the planet suddenly returned to the original level of almost twenty-five days.

   Fortunately, the system helped him correct the spatial channel, so that Luo Ji would not toss again.

   But in fact, this can't be counted as a mutation of the system, because basically, the cost is all counted in his conquest points.

   With this adjustment, Luo Ji's conquest points over the past few years are all for nothing...

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