The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3336: Dwarf Mountain City

Suoy, who successfully incorporated this batch of orcs of the vulture clan, naturally also learned a little bit about the situation of the orcs on this planet through the vulture clan.

   They learned from the dwarves before. After all, they are more one-sided. For the sake of safety, they still have to get to know the situation with the orcs.

   At the same time, what they are more concerned about, of course, is whether there are giants.

   After all, in the previous battle, the behemoth unit never appeared.

   To this, the patriarch's answer is...

   "Oh, I heard my grandfather say it before, it seems to be there before."

  The orcs don’t live as long as the dwarves. The dwarves have one or two generations, enough time for them to live for several generations.

  Even, the group of eagle men headed by the vulture patriarch basically has no idea what happened before.

  Because this planet was so bad before they were born, the war that almost destroyed the ecology of an entire planet was too long for them.

   As for the behemoth, of course it is gone.

   Even the giant monster was what his grandfather said when he was young, which is the so-called grandfather's grandfather...

The reason why    has become like this is also very simple.

   just can't afford it.

  Look at the appearance of this planet. The environment is harsh and the resources are scarce. Although their orcs themselves have strong vitality and strong adaptability to the environment, their ability to produce food is very low.

  Even the vulture patriarch, he dare not say that he can eat full every day.

   Under this premise, would you tell me to raise giant beasts? What are you kidding?

   Such and such, on this material-scarce planet, the giant beasts are naturally extinct.

   This situation undoubtedly made Suoy and the others slightly disappointed.

   But Luo Ji is relatively calmer.

   Because the planet itself is his biggest harvest this time, as for the other things, they are all added value.

   During this period, the soldiers were divided into two groups, and they continued to incorporate another dwarf native’s exploration spacecraft. New discoveries were made...

   "That is the remains of the dwarven empire on this planet?"

  As a country composed of dwarves, the area is already quite large.

   And at the very center of the Dwarf Empire is the capital mountain city that almost merges with a mountain range.

   Of course, this mountain city is now dilapidated, and it looks like it has been bombed by a strategic strike.

   I don’t know if it is a masterpiece of humans or elves.

   However, these things are not important to John Thrall.

   At this moment, his sight was completely attracted by the giant cannon that fell on the mountain city.

"what is that?"

   John Thrall was asking the old dwarves standing beside him.

   This way, he included the indigenous dwarves. In individual indigenous settlements, there will naturally be some older dwarves.

   Many things about this planet today must be understood from these old dwarves.

   Facing John Thrall’s questioning, the expressions on the faces of the old dwarves showed reminiscence.

   The old dwarves who can live to the present were basically very young when the war broke out.

   In addition, after so many years, some things about the dwarf empire back then, you expect them to remember very clearly, it is obviously impossible.

   John Thrall didn't urge him, let them think about it slowly, while he motioned to the spaceship he was taking and slowly approached the past.

   As the distance gets closer and closer, the volume of the giant cannon is constantly enlarged in the pupils of John Thrall.

   Just then, an old dwarf next to him suddenly patted his forehead, as if he was thinking of something.

   "I think of it, my father told me back then that the empire is making a very powerful weapon. As long as that weapon is completed, we will win. It should be this giant gun!"

   The old dwarf who thought of this thing was both excited and sorrowful.

  Because he thought of his father who died in the riot, for a while, the whole person seemed to be in a trance.

   This giant cannon should not be anything ordinary. Looking at that thing, John Thrall’s eyes flashed a little thoughtfully.

   The spacecraft entered a low-altitude flight. The dwarven soldiers on standby in the ship landed directly and settled in the dwarf capital that was almost reduced to ruins.

   Despite being scanned by the radar, it has been confirmed that there are no other creatures nearby.

   But just in case, John Thrall still sent his own troops to blockade the dwarven capital, and then launched a large-scale search.

   The size of the city is still quite large, and it will definitely take a lot of time to search again.

   But at this stage, John Thrall, who has a clear goal, is undoubtedly focusing on the area around the giant gun.

   At the moment he opened the room, the visible dust was directly raised.

   John Thrall, who had already put on his face mask, was not affected in any way.

   In the middle of the room, there is a table with a large area. The dust on the table has accumulated an astonishing thickness. John Thrall can vaguely see under the dust, as if some paper is placed.

   This room is near the manufacturing site of the cannon weapon. In other words, the paper on this table is likely to be the design drawing of the cannon weapon. UU Reading

   With this thought, John Thrall tried his best to make his movements softer, and carefully wiped off the dust on it.

   However, the erosion of time has long since blurred the text patterns on the drawings. With a light touch, the fragile paper suddenly shattered.

   But John Thrall is not panicked.

  The dwarves are long-lived races, and these long-lived races all have one common feature, that is, to record important things. They will never use ordinary paper. Those ordinary papers are too useless.

   They must at least ensure that the recording medium can store the contents for five hundred years, or even more than a thousand years!

   The paper on this table is almost always used for the convenience of construction and manufacturing and research and discussion at that time, and the photocopies that were copied randomly, the originals that are really used for long-term preservation, are definitely placed elsewhere.

   After searching for it, as expected, they found the original in a safe.

   An entire design drawing is made of specially processed leather. Even after so many years, it has been preserved very intact. There is no embrittlement or corrosion. The above graphics are also clearly visible.

   After glancing over the original design, John Thrall read out the name of the cannon...

   "Earth Nuclear Artillery..."

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