The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3347: , Dream (2)

This kind of casual training can achieve a state of promotion, which is obviously impossible to continue forever, and soon reaches a certain limit.

   During this period, Luo Ji could clearly feel that his own growth seemed to have basically stagnated.

   does not mean that he can no longer improve, but that if he wants to go further, he must increase the intensity of his cultivation.

   Like before, it’s no longer possible to practice casually.

   In response to this situation, Luo Ji thought about it for the first time.

   Increasing the intensity of training is actually not impossible...

   Before this, he really didn't have so much leisure time and devoted himself to cultivation.

   But things are different now.

   Thanks to his excellent state during this period, his daily work efficiency is really getting higher and higher.

   In this case, the daily leisure time will naturally increase.

   If all the extra time is devoted to cultivation, then his cultivation intensity can naturally be improved to a certain extent.

   And the actual situation did not disappoint him.

   Maintaining this state, after a period of time, Luo Ji soon felt the improvement of his divine skill cultivation.

   "Your Majesty, Senior Jie Zichuan is out."

   During training, Barenk ran over quickly and informed Luo Ji of this situation.

   Obviously, this was also what Luo Ji had told Barenque in advance.

   asked Barenque to rush over to inform him as soon as he confirmed that Jie Zichuan had left the customs.

   Regarding his current situation, he actually wants to ask Jie Zichuan.

After all, from a general perspective, his cultivation of divine art belongs to the side of the wizard, and he feels that this matter should be related to his five-star spirit. Under this premise, Jie Zichuan is also a five-star spirit. This one, his The experience should be relatively rich...

   With this thought in mind, Luo Ji directly called Jie Zichuan to the pavilion in his top garden, intending to talk about it.

   After understanding the situation, Jie Zichuan pondered for a moment, and then said in a more certain tone...

   "Your Majesty?   What you saw in your dream?   It should be the sea of ​​spirit."

   At this point, Jie Zichuan shook his head again.

   "Or?   That is not a dream at all?   But when you are resting, your consciousness enters your own spiritual sea."

   "Do you mages often do this?"

   "No?   Under normal circumstances, only a high-level mage can enter one's spiritual sea smoothly?  Because this requires mental power and the intensity of perception?  There are no small requirements."

   "Although mana and elemental power are controlled by the spiritual power of a mage, in fact?  Beginner and middle-level wizards?  Their perception of spiritual power is not clear..."

   While talking, Jie Zichuan thought for a while, then raised his right hand.

"Your Majesty, I have raised my right hand now. My consciousness has given the order?   Let myself raise the right hand, but in fact?  Awareness is not for 99% of people?  Clearly, I cannot clearly feel the existence of consciousness?   And mental power is also a similar situation."

   "Of course?   Junior mages and mid-level mages?   It must be much stronger than ordinary people, they can vaguely feel the general flow of mental power."

"However, due to the lack of clarity of this perception, they can't perform particularly fine control. Under this premise, there is basically only one way for them to exercise their mental power, and that is to continuously cast spells during this process. During this period, their mental power will be mobilized naturally, and to exercise in this way is actually not very efficient, but they have no choice."

   "And generally after reaching the level of a high-level mage, the perception of mental power is often much clearer, and you can gradually control it with precision, and then slowly perceive the existence of the spirit sea."

   Speaking of this, Jie Zichuan swiped his fingertips at random, and the dirt on the ground on the side suddenly condensed into a small person, and then he directly performed basic exercises there, commonly known as broadcast gymnastics.

   "Elemental control like this is the real way to exercise mental power."

   "You high-level mages can do this?"

Looking at the clay figure who is doing radio gymnastics smoothly, Luo Ji also feels very novel. What's most surprising is that, upon closer inspection, he found that the clay figure’s facial features and body service. All the details are clearly visible.

   In this process, facing Luo Ji’s question, Jie Zichuan answered casually...


   Fortunately, Jie Zichuan’s answer was not heard by other high-level mages. Otherwise, individual high-level mages would definitely have to scold their mothers.

   is a fart! Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to control it to that point, okay? !

Under normal circumstances, using elemental control to condense the human form and let the opponent move smoothly to do broadcast gymnastics is already a test of spiritual control. The high-level wizards of their ten thousand world civilizations are really not every one of them. Can do it this way.

   Under this premise, Jie Zichuan used elemental control to condense the dirt villain, and his facial features and costumes were extremely clear. The difficulty was at least doubled!

   Except for Jie Zichuan, this kind of thing, in the entire ten thousand world civilization, no second high-level mage can do this.

   He actually said, ‘should it be? ’

Say! Do you want to do something? !

   In this regard, Jie Zichuan is actually relatively innocent, because he really hasn’t compared this to anyone.

   Most of the time, he practiced in his own retreat and studied spells.

   Even if the high-level mages get together, they are basically discussing some magic experience, magic research and so on. UU reading can't suddenly show that one-handed element control is so boring.

   So this makes him have a very clear concept of how he controls the mental power of other high-level mages.

   In the end, only through inertial thinking can produce such an idea...

   "Able to cast higher-level spells, mental power control must be strong enough, I can do this, then everyone should be able to do it too."

   In the end there was the phrase ‘it should be. ’

   After giving a brief explanation of mental power, Jie Zichuan scattered the little clay figurines, and his attention fell on Luo Ji again.

   "However, your situation, your majesty, seems to be more special."

"How to say?"

   "My subordinates can tell you bluntly, your majesty, your cultivation level should not have reached the level of a high-level mage. Under this premise, according to your majesty's description, the specific situation is not quite right."

   Jie Zichuan couldn't help frowning when he said this.

"Generally, even a high-level mage wants to enter the sea of ​​spirit, you must first concentrate your mind, enter a meditation state, and then consciously go deep into it, and your majesty is completely in a sleep state, and you go in unconsciously. "

   "Like this situation, it’s just an accident that happened once. It’s okay to say, but your Majesty, this kind of accident happens every day..."

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