The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3352: , The new magic warship (2)

The main gun did not move, and now the shelling angle calibration is in progress, all of which are secondary guns.

Above the cannon, densely packed spells light up quickly, and with the rapid recharging of the Elemental Magic Cannon, in front of the muzzle, one circle after another quickly unfolds.

Under normal circumstances, the elemental magic cannons of their ten thousand civilizations are basically fire elemental cannons and wind elemental cannons.

The effect of the former is equivalent to a high-explosive projectile, while the effect of the latter is equivalent to an armor-piercing projectile.

These are the two attributes with the best actual use effect.

Although later, they also developed the Thunder Elemental Magic Cannon and Water Elemental Magic Cannon, but to be honest, most of the time, the first two are not effective.

Speaking of back to the subject, there are obviously some special circumstances in this wave.

The main body of the Elemental Magic Cannon is cast from elemental alloys with the same properties.

However, due to the element repulsion between elemental alloys with different attributes, they are basically unable to be smelted.

Therefore, there is no elemental magic cannon that has multiple elements at the same time.

But at this moment, in front of the muzzle of the Elemental Magic Cannon, in addition to the fire array as its own attribute, the wind array and the thunder array were deployed one after another!

Don't think too much, this is definitely after the fusion of the firepower system of the magic warship, and it is also the focus of his attention this time.

The fire array in front of the muzzle is automatically formed when the fire element magical cannon is fully charged. It is considered a part of the fire element magical cannon, but the wind and thunder arrays are obviously not.

As the thoughts flew around, the elemental magic cannons had already opened fire, and the high-concentration fire element force that spewed out directly formed a powerful bursting fireball at the moment of passing through the elemental fire circle!

However, this is just the beginning.

Passing through the lightning circle, the lightning and fire are intertwined in an instant, and the power becomes even more amazing. Then after passing through the wind system, it directly transforms into meteors containing the power of violent thunder and fire, and flies towards the distant meteorites. The group banged.

The fit of these three elemental attributes of Wind, Fire and Thunder is quite high. This spell attack is undoubtedly more powerful than the simple spell attacks before.

The moment it hit a large meteorite, the large meteorite was scattered and scattered on the spot.

After only a few rounds of fire, all the meteorites within the range were blasted into pieces!

Needless to say how powerful it is.

This is just a secondary gun!

There is no need to fire a few main guns.

There is no suitable target for the main artillery to hit.

At the same time, looking at the performance of the secondary battery, they can probably estimate how powerful the main gun has been.

Under this premise, as an important naval gun weapon, the thermonuclear energy gun has been upgraded on the original basis in recent years.

But it did not merge with the firepower system of the magic civilization.

Because these two energy sources are fundamentally different.

The element magic cannon uses elemental force as the energy source to attack, while the thermonuclear energy cannon uses the nuclear fusion energy produced by the thermonuclear reaction to attack.

The firepower system of the magic civilization is not compatible with the thermonuclear energy gun.

Although according to their current technology of the civilization of the world, if they insist on doing it, they can do it.

But in response to this problem, Xuan Ye also went to discuss with Bart Wildhammer, who was responsible for the development of thermonuclear energy guns, and studied it for a while.

Finally came to the conclusion that it was unnecessary.

The entire design and technology of the thermonuclear energy gun is very, very mature.

It is already a very powerful weapon. If you insist on tossing it again, it will feel superfluous. There is even a possibility that it will destroy its original design and let it It becomes worse than before.

A truly top master, when designing and making anything, he pays attention to the right one.

And the kind of guy who just wants to use all the things that can be used at his hand, piled up together, can only be said to be third-rate, not even third-rate.

At this stage, the performance of the new magic warship has basically been demonstrated.

Incorporating the technology of the magic warship, while the firepower of the element magic cannon has been fully upgraded, their new magic warship also has a conventional spell attack method.

This is actually quite important.

Because whether it is an elemental magic cannon or a thermonuclear energy cannon, after experiencing a firing, it needs a process of cooling and charging.

In order to prevent a gap in its own firepower output, although the fleet will consciously choose to fire alternately in battle, while using the firepower of the technology side weapon to help itself survive that gap, it is still difficult to be honest.

You fire a round, and it lasts for no more than 30 seconds, but the cooling and charging time in the middle is very long.

Just relying on the firepower of some technological weapons on the magic warship, there is no way to handle it.

Now, they have one more conventional output method, which is definitely a great thing for the Starfleet.

Later, after waiting for the new type of magic warship to arrive at the port, under the leadership of Ye Xuan, Luo Ji and his guards visited the interior of the new type of magic warship.

But it’s actually quite time-consuming, because this new type of magic warship, the captain alone, is 1,800 meters...

This is also impossible, UU reading www. uukanshu. Who makes them more and more on board, and at the same time, the size of some equipment is getting bigger and bigger.

Under this premise, it is almost inevitable that the size of the battleship will change accordingly.

However, Xuan Ye said that this ship is a firepower. The vanguard pays more attention to speed, flexibility and pursuit ability. Therefore, some heavy firepower weapons will be dismantled, and many other equipment will be dismantled.

Although the development and manufacturing have not yet officially started, according to Ye Xuan's estimation, the Magic Pioneer ship they plan to develop afterwards should be able to control the height within 1,300 meters.

After the round of the tour, nothing happened to him on the space station, so Luo Ji and the others took the spaceship directly back to the capital.

Although it is possible to be a space elevator, to be honest, the efficiency of a space elevator is not as fast as a spacecraft...

The spacecraft was piloted by Cerelia. After breaking through the atmosphere, the subsequent flights within the planet were very smooth. Luo Ji leaned in the spacecraft to sort out his thoughts, while Scarlett was holding his mobile phone and kept there. What is being entered.

Luo Ji, who noticed, glanced at it for the first time.

It turned out that Scarlett was actually arguing with people on the Internet about which of the two fuselages in his mobile suit series was stronger, and it was now involved in the mobility.

The airframe that Scarlett pushed was obviously superior in mobility and had the ability to fly at twice the speed of sound.

So Scarlett is now blowing how amazing the mobility is. Once it hits, the opposing body has no power to fight back.

Luo Ji was speechless for a while while he thought...

"What are you talking about? Twice the speed of sound? Don't you fly faster than those units?"

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