The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3358: Shaky faith

The six-winged holy wing species had more or less effects. After all, the indigenous people of the wing had a relatively deep-rooted belief in him.

   In addition, the Winged Human Race itself has the characteristics of faith, it is really not an easy thing to shake.

   Regarding this, An Lijie was not anxious, maintaining the Holy Words, and continued to speak...

   "I am not bewitching anyone, and I don't need anyone among you to believe in me, because I am not a god, nor a false god, I am just a winged person like you."

"Your life is not given by the so-called'God'! Food will not fall from the sky out of thin air. This is what you have obtained through farming and hunting, and the result of your hard work! These things originally belong to you. of……"

   "Shut up, you shut up!!"

   These words, after being uttered through holy words, are constantly shaking the indigenous people's belief in him and their original ideas, and undermining his rule.

   At this moment, the Six-Wing Saint Wing is undoubtedly completely panicked.

   I just wanted to stop An Lijie from continuing.


   "It's you who should shut up, rude!"

   In the roar of anger, three judgment wheels with a diameter of 15 meters have condensed behind Latier.

   Then, following the movement of his reaching out and pointing his finger, the three Judgment Sun Wheels hovered directly, blasting towards the Six-Wing Saint Wing!

At this point in the battle, the six-winged holy winged species is undoubtedly approaching its limit. Faced with the bombardment of Latir’s three judgment wheels, the divine incarnation of the six-winged holy winged species finally fell apart, a whole body directly He was shot down from the air by Lattier and fell heavily to the ground.

  The embarrassing appearance made his original image of invincibility in the minds of the indigenous people plummet.

   Coupled with the influence of Enrijie’s Holy Words, that whole situation has almost reached the point of irreversibility.

   At this moment, he can even feel that the faith he has constructed is gradually collapsing.

   "It's over."

   At this point, the face of the Six Winged Saint Wings could not help showing a sorrowful smile.

   He knew that at this point, the whole situation was basically irreparable.

   "You won, but, as you just said, you don't need anyone to believe in you, right?"

   In the sorrowful laughter, the words spoken by the Six-Winged Saint Wings were full of malice.

   What he said was not for An Lijie, but for those native wingers.

  The winged human race has always been built under a belief system and maintained by belief. The other party said that he did not need the belief of others, so he did not believe it!

   He will set it up now, if An Lijie breaks her promise by then, it will be backlashed by those wingmen.

   Faced with this little trick of the Six-Wing Saint Wing, An Lijie naturally knew it very well.

  At the same time, everyone knows that she doesn't need to break her promise.

   "Yes, I don't need anyone's faith. We have no gods in Ten Thousand Realms, nor do they believe in so-called gods."

Not only did Anrijie’s words not deliberately lower her voice, but even under the blessing of the effects of Holy Word, it almost passed into the ears of every wingman present, making them clear. .

   At first, the Six Winged Saint Wings thought it was An Lijie who was supporting him, but he soon discovered that the understatement of the other party really did not look like a fake.

   At the same time, the other wingmen on the opposite side, after hearing these words, did not show any surprises on their faces.

   is like everything the other party said, to them, it sounds like common sense.

   "Under the crown of the Pope, how will this six-winged holy wing species deal with it?"

   Fanning the six wings behind her, Vivian quickly flew in front of An Lijie and asked for instructions.

   Under normal circumstances, the other party is the source of faith for the indigenous winged people. It is best to kill them directly.

   But this time, it is a six-winged holy wing species after all, An Lijie said after a little pondering...

   "Take it back and hand it over to your majesty for disposal."


   responded, Latier, who had heard An Lijie’s instructions in the distance, directly released the prison of the Holy Light, put people in, and handcuffed the six-winged holy wings.

   This is not an ordinary shackle, but a curse shackle made with the technology of magic civilization and with the assistance of the array mage.

   is engraved with a set of incantations called ‘Forbidden Magic Array’.

   was created at the beginning to catch the mage who committed a crime.

   Under normal circumstances, even a mid-level mage, once they are handcuffed by these shackles, they are basically unable to cast spells.

   For a high-level mage, the situation is relatively better.

  Because of the forbidden magic circle on the shackles, his effect is actually not something close to the law. If it can't be used, it can't be used, it's not like that.

   The principle of the ‘Forbidden Magic Array’ actually acts as an interference.

   When the wizards cast spells, there is a process of mobilization, operation, and formation of the mana in the body and the power of the surrounding elements.

   And this ‘Forbidden Magic Array’ will constantly interfere with you during this process, making you unable to smoothly carry out this process, so the spells will naturally not be able to be displayed.

   However, since most of the high-level wizards have opened the spirit sea, the control over the elemental power is far from the reason that the middle-level wizards can compare.

   Therefore, even under the interference of the ‘Forbidden Magic Array’, they can use their super control power to cast some simple spells without being completely restricted to death.

Speaking of back to the topic, at that time, when the mantra shackles were developed, the situation of the wing man was taken into consideration. Therefore, the research and development team made special adjustments and made a version for the'faith power', which is the six-winged saint The one that the wing species is holding now.

As the source of faith for the indigenous Wingers, the collapse of UU Reading's belief system has already greatly reduced his strength. Coupled with the previous battles, he was hit hard by the joint efforts of Latir and Vivian. Serious consumption.

   Now that the curse is shackled, even if the other party wants to do something, it is probably impossible.

   After that, An Lijie used the Holy Words technique to dissolve the other party's beliefs and incorporated the indigenous Wingmen, and at the same time, through the god-like technique, he made a simple report with Luo Ji.

   and bet on the six-winged holy wing, and embarked on the way back.

   As for the things on this planet, after incorporating the indigenous wingmen, combined with the intelligence detected by the detection fleet, they basically knew everything about it.

   Inside the planet, the known large-scale forces, in addition to the Wingmen, there are also a number of Fairy Races and Elf Races. In addition, there are humans almost everywhere, and there are no surprises on this planet.

   These are the most important forces on this planet.

  The elves and fairies are basically shrunk in the forest, guarding their one-acre three-point land, no matter what else.

  Wing human race, the population is relatively limited, mainly develops its own, and other forces do not violate the river.

   This made it unexpectedly that no large-scale war broke out inside this planet.

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