Latest website: As the days approach, Luo Ji also gradually feels that this seemingly ample development time does not seem as ample as he imagined, and it is almost inevitable that there will be a little nervousness in his heart.

After all, in the previous battles, he also had a clearer understanding of the strength of those town bosses.

When it came time to face those big bosses in the town, saying that he was not nervous at all, it must be false.

This made the following days both nervous and busy for Luo Ji.

During this period, taking into account all aspects of the situation, Luo Ji naturally had a carefully prepared killer.

However, it is not easy to say how much effect it can play when it comes to fighting.

Because of the super bosses of Caesar Trunk and Ivan Laster, he really knows very little.

Only in the previous world wars, I have personally seen the reinforcements sent by these two super bosses.

In Luo Ji's view at the time, the strength of a small-scale reinforcements alone was already strong and frantic, and he could directly sling them, golden players.

Of course, as his own strength improved, Luo Ji's vision naturally improved.

For him now, there is basically no difficulty in solving reinforcements of that scale.

But he also knew that when the time came to really fight, facing him who also broke through the golden rank, no matter how confident Caesar Trunk and Ivan Last were, it would be impossible to send two small-scale troops casually. Fuck him, he will definitely mobilize a serious army...

Based on this, Luo Ji also tried his best to obtain some information about Caesar Trunk and Ivan Last from the boss Zhong Mo.

But to be honest, what Mr. Zhong Mo knows is actually limited.

For example, when fighting with Rowan Bollet, the golden dragon Scarlet, and the space artifact, before Rowan Bollet revealed these killer moves, who would have thought he would have such means?

The same is true for Caesar Trunk and Ivan Last.

Although they can be regarded as old opponents for many years, the information that Zhong Mo knows about these two guys is really very limited, because they have not really gone shopping with each other.

As for the superficial intelligence collected under mutual probing? It can only be said that it is better than nothing.

Thinking of this? Luo Ji was really stressed.

In this state, for Luo Ji, the best way to reduce stress is to prepare frantically!

He is the kind of person who will continue to accumulate confidence and confidence in the preparation process.

The more he prepares? The more cards he has, the more confident he is. He is the kind of person who will do all the preparations? Make sure things are absolutely foolproof.

Under this premise, he naturally also tried to make some targeted deployments to the civilizations of Caesar Trunk and Ivan Last.

Caesar Trunk is a mechanical civilization, and Ivan Last is a magical civilization.

Basically, a technology side? A magic side.

In the words of Mr. Zhong Mo, the mechanical civilization of Caesar Trunk basically belongs to the limit on the side of science and technology. It is difficult for other civilizations to compete with each other technologically.

If Luo Ji meets Caesar Trunk? The two sides meet first, electronic warfare will surely start.

If the electronic warfare is defeated? Caesar Trunk's mechanical unit hacks in, then Luo Ji's technological side unit? Basically, it is the same as cold.

Of course, be more optimistic? Facing the electronic warfare invasion of the mechanical fleet? Luo Ji's electronic warfare unit may be able to passively defend.

As for the opposite of anti-black, that is really not to think about it.

It was not that Zhong Mo poured cold water on him, but that Luo Ji himself felt nothing.

After being promoted beyond the specification, if this is to give him plenty of time to develop, then Luo Ji will rely on the scientific and technological capabilities of the human, goblin, and dwarf tribes. In the end, he may be able to wrestle with the mechanical civilization.

But the point is that the other party will never give him time.

Therefore, under this premise, in the face of a mechanical civilization that has almost developed scientific and technological power to the extreme, Luo Ji's scientific and technological prowess can allow him to protect himself, which is already very remarkable. As for other things, it is better not to think too much.

Under this premise, Luo Ji also consciously avoided the technology side, and has always focused more on cultivating the magical side of troops and combat power.

There is a little bit of avoidance and confrontation with mechanical civilization, and it means to avoid weaknesses.

At the same time, according to Mr. Zhong Mo's statement, compared with the mechanical civilization of Caesar Trunk, Luo Ji still played with the magical civilization of Ivan Rast more easily.

It’s not that Ivan Last’s magical civilization is weak, but because mechanical civilization restrains the science and technology side forces of Ten Thousand Worlds civilization due to some of the characteristics of civilization, but if Ivan Last’s magical civilization, This restraint relationship basically does not exist.

At least it is possible for Luo Ji to bring out 100% of the combat power of his civilizations in the world, and not to say that a certain piece of being crushed to death will be strangled in the cradle before it can be used. Up.

Therefore, in the process of discussing the situation with Zhong Mo and deducing the situation, Zhong Mo also made a clear statement.

In the worst case, Caesar Trunk and Ivan Laster join forces to kill him, even in all likelihood.

At that time, he will try his best to help contain Caesar Trunk's mechanical civilization army, but on the side of Ivan Last, Luo Ji may really need to figure out a solution by himself.

Because to a certain extent, Caesar Trunk's mechanical civilization is really the one that most restricts his Styx civilization among several super-standard civilizations.

Once confronted with the mechanical civilization of Caesar Trunk, he probably has no spare capacity to help deal with the magical civilization of Ivan Last.

In fact, he can just block the mechanical civilization in the battlefield of a full-scale war that may form next, which belongs to their ideal state.

After all, in the process of battlefield formation, the system assigns positions completely randomly.

What if the system makes the galaxy of Luo Ji's Ten Thousand World Civilization and the galaxy of Caesar Trunk's Mechanical Civilization directly border, and they will be joined together...

That Zhong Mo is really gone.

With good luck, he can put pressure on the mechanical civilization from the other side.

However, according to the strength of the mechanical civilization, it is obviously not a particularly difficult task to temporarily withstand his Styx civilization army and invade Luo Ji's civilization of the world.

For this piece, UU reading really can only look at the face.

In this way, time passed quietly, and Luo Ji officially broke through the golden rank and was promoted beyond specification.

This day is destined to not be peaceful.

And just when Luo Ji wanted to see what Caesar Trunk and Ivan Last would do, a situation that completely exceeded his expectations happened...

System prompt: The seventh candidate was detected!

System prompt: Identity confirmation, the seventh candidate is ‘Luo Ji’.

System reminder: The battlefield begins to generate...

system hint:……

Luo Ji: "..."

PS: The code word is not easy, please support the genuine |

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