The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3379: , Intelligence feedback

Except for the Magic Cruiser, which basically did not possess much combat capability, and had already begun to retreat immediately after discovering the enemy’s trail, the other six Magic Pioneers in the squad were almost all damaged, and there were two more. Moderate damage...

  Looking at one's side's record alone, it's really not pretty.

   However, the two sides played against each other. This is a measure of record. In addition to looking at one's own damage, of course, it must also be combined with the opponent's damage before making a conclusion.

   The image returned by the light and shadow spell, combined with the captain's report.

   Luo Ji could actually see that during the battle, their vanguard squad of civilizations had a fairly high hit rate.

   However, the embarrassing place is that the defense strength of the armor on the opposite side of the armored ship seems to be quite high.

Although this magic vanguard ship is not equipped with main gun-level weapons, but even so, the firepower is actually not bad, however, in the case of consecutively hitting enemy ships, it was completely unable to break the shield of the opposing battleship. ...

   On the opposite side, the firepower is fierce.

   In addition, the strength of the shield of the Magic Vanguard ship itself was average. During the battle, the shield was burst one after another, and the price was finally paid.

   Judging from this result, this round of Vanguard Squad's fight, their ten thousand civilizations, can be said to be a complete defeat...

However, from the actual combat analysis of the image and the captain, they can confirm that although the iron armored ship on the opposite side has certain advantages in firepower and defense, it is relatively more civilized in terms of flexibility. The magical vanguard ship is worse.

   Guo Jia has also seen these images and reports.

   Even Guo Jia said that this first match was completely defeated, and the wrong way of fighting was a big reason.

   "The situation at that time was that our vanguard team fired first, seized the first move, and successfully launched the pursuit by virtue of the strafing advantage of the thermonuclear energy gun."

   Combined with the image in front of him, Guo Jia spoke quickly.

   "According to the momentum at the time, it is estimated that no matter who is in command of the operation, he will inevitably choose to increase the pursuit of power in order to completely suppress the opponent."

  In the meeting room?  Luo Ji included?  Everyone who heard this?  They all nodded subconsciously.

  That’s right?  Since I have taken the lead?  It is of course to be pressed to the end, after a round of unreasonable fire?  The dominance is returned again.

   "Under normal circumstances, during this pursuit?  If our vanguard team can directly break the shield of the opposing battleship?  The whole situation at that time must be directly reversed."

  While talking?  Guo Jia couldn't help sighing.

"But the question is no, the enemy ironclad ship?  Depending on the specifications, it should be only a small ship, but the shield strength is stronger than we expected?  The enemy ironclad ship that withstood our attack directly launched a counterattack? In this state, the flexibility advantage of our magic vanguard was basically not able to be used, and it was suppressed by the firepower of the opponent's counterattack..."

   At this point, Guo Jia no longer needs to say anything, because the whole situation is already clear.

  The enemy fleet that launched a counterattack completely suppressed them with firepower, and finally became the current situation.

   At first glance, their vanguard squad seemed to be defeated. The difference in strength between the two sides is simply not that big.

   But in fact, this is not the case.

   Just like Guo Jia said, this is all because of insufficient intelligence and the wrong way of fighting.

   If the vanguard fleet adopts tactics from the beginning to fully utilize the flexibility advantages of their magic vanguard ships, the situation will definitely not be as bad as it is now.

   This wave is just a lesson.

   The damaged spearhead ships are already undergoing maintenance. After the results of the maintenance are released, they should still be able to obtain some information.

   Next, they will undoubtedly increase their vigilance for the entire area where the battle took place, as well as the big direction.

   At the same time, on Ivan Last's side, his fleet encountered an enemy fleet in a third-party area, and news of a battle occurred. Naturally, it was fed back to him at the fastest speed.

   The fleet that he sent out to open up his vision won a big victory. For Ivan Last, there is nothing surprising.

   He would be surprised if he didn't win.

   However, judging from the information returned, the other party seemed to be a bit strong, and it was not completely destroyed.

   At the same time, according to intelligence, the opposite side also has a dark red energy attack, and its power cannot be underestimated.

Although most of the vanguard ships he sent out were small warships with mobile power and relatively weak defensive power, the pressure on the shields of his vanguard ships during that short encounter was much greater than He expected it to be much bigger.

   This shows that the output firepower of the opposite side needs a little attention.

   is an opponent who has broken through the golden rank after all. Although Ivan Last is confident, he will never relax his carelessness.

   In this process, the Wanjie Civilization side, in the process of overhauling several magic vanguard ships, the follow-up detailed report was quickly sent back.

   During this period, their biggest discovery was to confirm that the guns of the opposing ironclad ship were not pure energy attacks.

   That naval gun has shells!

  Because they found a lot of shrapnel on the magic vanguard ships that were shot.

   At the same time, those shrapnel were also engraved with a lot of things that looked like a spell.

   At this stage, it can be completely confirmed that it is definitely not a wizard spell, and it should not be a magic spell from a magical civilization.

  Because neither the wizard spellmasters nor the formation mages can recognize it.

  Combined with the information provided by Zhong Mo, this should be the thing called ‘magic technique’ in the Ivan Last civilization.

   The opponent should use that magic technique to make shells and attack.

   According to Luo Ji's feeling, this thing is similar to the wizard magic arrow of the elves.

   Their ten thousand civilizations actually tried to make shells or something.

   But then I gave up.

   Wizard magic arrows can be made of spirit wood, but this shell is obviously not suitable for spirit wood.

   So if you want to use it, you can only use magic metal.

   This alone has already raised the cost by a level.

  The cannonball is one of the most commonly used weapons in wars, so if you want to build it, you must ensure that it can be mass-produced. UU reading

   Otherwise, the actual value of this thing is meaningless.

  A war is indeed a key cannon, but the premise is that you have to have thousands of cannons in front.

   In response to this problem, of course they have also thought about it, whether or not to toss a batch of special guns to use at critical moments.

   But finally came to a conclusion and gave up.

   because of incompatibility.

   At the current stage of their civilization, the naval guns on the magic warship are basically divided into two types, one is the thermonuclear energy gun, the other is the element magic gun, and the other technological weapons are missiles.

   Under this premise, both naval guns are energy guns.

   The energy cannon doesn’t need shells. Where should the shells be built?

   If you insist on building, you have to build the corresponding naval guns together.

   After the naval gun is built, if you want to equip the magic warship, you must dismantle some existing weapons and adjust an entire system.

   After all, after so many years of adjustments and improvements, the magical warship of their ten thousand world civilization is now close to a perfect design. If you want to add something, you must remove something.

   Such a set of tossing down not only increases unnecessary costs, but also reduces the output of the magic guided warship in the normal state, which is totally outweigh the gain.

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