Latest website: After solving Allen, the main combat force in the planet is only the army troops stationed there, and a small number of magic pilots of the 11th Magic Pilots Corps who have the same problem.

Just like Zhao Pan guessed, according to Marshal Bahat's level of caution, the number of these forces added together is actually not much.

After the soldiers of the 7th Magic Pilot Corps and the 9th Magic Pilot Corps intervened on a large scale, the unrest in the planet was quickly suppressed.

But in fact, the death of Major General Jim of the Army and the death of Allen, the commander of the Eleventh Magic Aircraft Corps, were enough to directly increase the loss of their Imperial Army several times.

If you consider the injured Jarvis and Mochi, the loss is naturally greater...

At this point, Marshal Bahart really felt a bit upset.

In this state, he naturally wanted to quickly understand this matter thoroughly.

While giving orders to allow people to conduct all-round inspections of the imperial soldiers who went crazy, he also dispatched several small work ships to enter the planet and conduct a thorough inspection of the environment on the planet. test again.

When they first entered the planet, similar tests had already been done once. At that time, they did not find any abnormalities in this planet.

All values ​​indicate that the planet is very normal, and the natural ecological environment is excellent.

However, today, more than two months later, this is what happened...

Marshal Bahat did not feel that their imperial army's detection technology was not in place, which caused a detection error.

In his opinion, the biggest possibility now is that in these two months, the internal environment of this planet has undergone changes that they don't know.

Inside the fleet, for those soldiers who were captured alive, the test results have come out.

"Report Marshal is a completely strange neurotoxin."

Regarding this result, Marshal Bahat has undoubtedly guessed a bit in the previous exchanges with Jarvis and the others. Therefore, the state of his whole person now is also very calm.

"This neurotoxin? What's the specific situation?"

"In layman's terms, this neurotoxin will cause huge interference and erosion to the human nervous system after a large amount of inhalation? It will cause hallucinations and auditory hallucinations."

Regarding this situation, the medical soldier has undoubtedly compiled the report long ago? Therefore, it is very easy to explain now?

"Simply speaking? Suppose your subordinates have inhaled this toxin and have already suffered from neurotoxicity. Then, when your subordinates face the Marshal you? What the subordinates see? It may not be you, but you. Another person who didn't know where it came from."

"Under this premise, even if you want to inform your subordinates of your identity through words, the Marshal is actually useless? Because not only visually, but also auditory information acquisition? It seems that you will be directly affected by this neurotoxin. distortion."

"What you said, when it reaches the ears of your subordinates? It may become another sentence, in response to this situation? We have verified it on some poisoned soldiers? No matter what we say to those poisoned soldiers? Those poisoned soldiers The reaction shown is completely incompatible with what we have said."

As the soldier continued to explain, Marshal Bahat's brows became more frowning.

"Then, is there a way to detoxify?"

"For this question, we have to know the source of this neurotoxin and conduct some in-depth research on its composition before we can answer it."

Having said that, a hint of hesitation appeared on the soldier's face, as if he was entangled in the next words, whether he should say it or not.

Seeing this, Marshal Bahat said directly...

"No need to worry, I want to know all your thoughts."

"Then, Marshal, please forgive your subordinates to say bluntly. The situation this time is completely different from ordinary poisoning, because the effect of these things is, to some extent, similar to the drugs that addicts take or inject. ..."

Obviously, there are also addictive things in their magical civilization.

In the case of overdose or overdose, hallucinations and auditory hallucinations are not uncommon.

Marshal Bahat, who understood this, already knew what the other party wanted to say.

Has anyone heard that this kind of thing has an antidote? Even in the strict sense, you may not be able to classify it as a poison.

Therefore, the situation this time is likely to be unsolvable.

Thinking of this, Marshal Bahat couldn't help letting out a long breath.

The matter has reached this point. To put it more straightforwardly, he is not particularly concerned about the life and death of the poisoned soldiers who were captured, because there are not many of them anyway, and they will die if they die.

However, what he cares about is how the poison came from. In the next battle, if the opponent uses the same method with him, how can he crack it?

Indeed, the easiest way is to wear a gas mask. So far, the soldiers wearing the gas mask have not shown any signs of poisoning or confusion.

But to be honest, although this method is simple, it is not foolproof.

If he could, Marshal Bahat really wanted an antidote even more.

And that is, in this process, the work ship entering the planet has clearly detected that a new substance has been added to the air.

If there is no accident, these new substances floating in the air are the root cause of the nerve poisoning of their imperial soldiers.

After thoroughly determining this point, they directly began to follow the vine.

At first, they thought it would be hard to find.

But soon, they found out that they were wrong.

This thing is not hard to find, because it is everywhere!

It is the small white wild flowers that grow everywhere on that planet, and the large amounts of toxic substances floating in the air have been confirmed to be the pollen of these small white wild flowers.

Needless to say, this is naturally the handwriting of the fairies.

These small wild flowers are new varieties derived from the genetic hybridization of the psychedelic mushroom and the highly poisonous flower, called the phantom flower.

After inhaling the pollen of the phantom poisonous flower to a certain extent, it will produce hallucinations and lead to mental confusion.

Luo Ji and Guo Jia and the others, UU reading, had already made plans when the war just started, to fight back.

Therefore, after confirming this, Zhao Pan, after locking the approximate position of the enemy, began to make arrangements, allowing the Fairy Clan to plant a large number of phantom poisonous flowers on Planet One.

After the phantom poisonous flower is planted, it takes a certain amount of time from blooming to dispersing pollen. Ordinary fairies cannot say 100% of the specific flowering time of a flower.

However, the soldiers of the fairy clan are different. They have received professional training. It is not difficult for them to do this.

They can even delay the growth of some flowers and plants through deliberate control during the cultivation process, so as to reach the point of blooming in line with the plan.

Under this premise, Zhao Pan and the others don't actually need to confirm the situation here. They only need to calculate the flight time of their super-light mushroom bombs based on the time provided by the fairy clan soldiers, and then start firing the mushroom bombs.

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