The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3399: Entanglement

Although the cultivation progress of "Hunyuan Wuji Gong" is slow, this method is very stable when it hits the bottleneck. As long as you have enough time to slowly accumulate, the success rate of breaking the bottleneck is better than other top magic skills. It's a lot higher, which can be regarded as a big advantage of this set of exercises.

   After so many years, Zhao Hao's martial arts training has already reached the stage of Wushuang Realm Xiaocheng! Calculating solely on the cultivation base of the martial art realm, Zhao Hao can rank among the fierce generals of their ten thousand civilizations.

   Now that "Wu Shuang" opened, his combat power skyrocketed. Zhao Hao stepped on the void with his feet, thunderous steps erupted, and he was forced to kill Mo Qi directly.

  The sudden situation made Moqi's face show obvious shock.

Aware of the changes in the situation and the approaching crisis, Mo Qi directly threw the huge-sized ship-level magic rifle aside, and the weapon in his hand was directly replaced with a more flexible magic against individual soldiers. Guide rifle.

During this period, his 30 Guardsmen also cooperated tacitly. Twenty-five people were suppressed with long-range firepower, and the remaining five directly unfolded the magic bayonet and forced them to kill, trying to contain the terror. Zhao Hao in aura.

   "Go away!!!"

In the roar of anger, Zhao Hao's voice was like thunder, and he was not afraid of the five magic pilots who came up to the besieged. Only one of them faced each other. Two of the magic pilots were slashed by Zhao Hao on the spot. kill!

   At the same time, the other three magic pilots who assaulted, also holding the magic bayonet in their hands, stabbed Zhao Hao's golden bell from three different directions.

   At that moment, they only felt an astonishing force coming back. Zhao Hao's golden bell was unscathed, but their magic bayonet was shattered every inch under the impact of that counter-shock force.

While letting them see blood, a whole magical rifle was also impacted by the counter-shock force of the golden bell, and the shock almost disintegrated, and even the entire body of the three magic pilots was shocked. The fly flew out.

   Zhao Hao had a clear goal?   pointed at Mo Qi?   didn't mean to chase the three people, but this allowed the three magic pilots to escape.

  However?  For Mo Qi and the others?  The whole situation is not at all optimistic.

   The twenty-five Guardsmen who were shooting at a distance at the time did not dare to dare to dare?   Five of them rushed to kill.

   Didn’t mean?   They didn’t want to swarm them.

It’s someone with a bit of actual combat experience?   should all know that in the case of one more fight, if there are too many people in close combat, it’s impossible to use it?  5 people come forward?   has been their best choice for many years of cooperation Up.

   Other people still stay far away, it would be better to carry out remote cover.

   In the process of interception by the soldiers of the Guards, it is of course impossible for Moqi to do nothing.

  I saw that at this moment, Mo Qi retreated quickly, moving away from Zhao Hao?   While holding up the magic rifle in his hand, he kept shooting at Zhao Hao.

   But this approach?   Obviously, it does not allow them to solve the problem fundamentally.

   Zhao Hao’s "Hunyuan Wuji Gong" combined with the defense of the golden bell is too powerful?   In addition, now he has entered a state of unparalleledness, and his strength has become stronger.

  Moqi used the previous anti-ship-class magic rifle?  In a short time?  I'm afraid he can't break his defense.

   Zhao Hao in this state?   If there are any weaknesses, I am afraid that there is a certain lack of offensive power, speed and flexibility.

   But under the outbreak of Wushuang, these shortcomings have already been compensated to a certain extent.

   The continuous sniping, all being bounced off by the Golden Bell, and the successive deaths of the Guardsmen caused the pressure on Moqi to increase dramatically.

   "Fuck! Isn't it there yet? If you don't, you just wait to collect my body!"

   Almost at the same time Mo Qi yelled this sentence, in the void, two powerful shots swept over.

   The shooting power is obviously not at the same level as those of the Guardsmen. The two shots, at the moment they hit the Golden Bell, produced an obvious impact, which actually caused Zhao Hao's assault speed to suddenly stagnate.

   "It's already here."

   Now that the support came, of course it could not be Jarvis. The guy was injured badly before and has temporarily moved to a relatively rear position for recuperation.

   So, here are the two deputy commanders of the Seventh Magic Aircraft Corps and the Ninth Magic Aircraft Corps of their Empire.

Although    has the word ‘adv’, his strength cannot be underestimated.

   Even though it is not as strong as the legion commanders, it is actually not too bad.

   For this, Zhao Hao has clearly felt it from the attack intensity of the two shots.

   This situation caused Zhao Hao's heart to sink slightly.

  According to his Wushuang Realm Xiaocheng's martial arts training, this Wushuang state cannot be maintained for too long.

   This wave of his Wushuang state started, in order to fight the explosive power brought to him by the Wushuang state, to see if he could kill the enemy gunner who threatened their magic fleet.

  Who would have thought that in just such a short time, two more troublesome guys would come?

   These two deputy commanders, picked out one by one, are probably even more difficult to deal with than the thirty Guardsmen combined together.

   Mo Qi's long-range attack strength far surpassed them, and the two deputy commanders who knew this in their hearts naturally forced them to fight directly without saying a word.

The strength of the guards before, and these two, are not on the same Zhao Hao, who has a strong defense, is not afraid of their siege, but the lack of attack power and speed also makes Zhao Hao didn't take the opponent in a short time.

   However, facing this situation, Zhao Hao didn't feel much anxiety in his heart.

   His temperament follows Zhao Pan, and he is very calm.

  , on the contrary, were the two army commanders on the opposite side. They were obviously bullying and bullying, but they were frightened.

   Zhao Hao swiped a knife, and one of the deputy commander's defensive techniques covering the surface of his body was immediately smashed, and even the equipment under the defensive technique was torn apart.

   No need to look, the intense pain reminded him that he must have seen blood, but it was not terrible yet.

   Zhao Hao is waiting to be pursued.

  Unexpectedly, the weapon in Moqi's hand in the distance had already been replaced by the pair of ship-level magic rifles, and he was given a fierce shot. The main gun-level blow blocked his pursuit momentum.

   let the injured deputy commander escape.

   At the same time, the magic fleet from the rear had already been sent a message, and they had basically escaped the pursuit of the imperial fleet.

   After confirming the news, Zhao Hao felt his current state for a moment, and dispelled the idea of ​​continuing to pursue the pursuit in his heart. When he turned around, it turned into a streamer and flew towards the distant void...

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