A large amount of azure vindictiveness visible to the naked eye is constantly gathering on the spiral war spear in Kalgan's hand.

   Following the spiral pattern of the spearhead of the spiral war spear, the fierce vindictiveness almost formed a high-speed rotating drill bit, carrying a power that penetrates everything, and pierced the head of the mechanical warrior in front of you!

   Obviously, in those years when the civilization of the world was constantly developing, Kalgan, as a general of the elves, was not idle.

   Now the fighting qigong method of their elves has been formally studied to the ten thousand magic realm, and Kalgan's martial arts cultivation has also reached the ten thousand magic realm.

Under this premise, considering that they also have the triple blessings of elven civilization, martial arts civilization, and magic civilization at the same time, under the superimposition of the gain BUFF, the panel attribute alone, the Kalgan who is small in the world of magic, is estimated to hit ten thousand The fierce generals in the perfect realm can fight against each other!

The azure drill locked in his line of sight was constantly zooming in. Under the calculation of the main brain, the mechanical warrior who realized that he was too late to avoid it, also based on the judgment of the main brain system, very simply raised one of his arms. , Condensed energy, and blocked the cyan bit that day.

   Although the body of the mechanical warrior was tough, it was obviously unable to make a head-on with Kalgan's full blow.

  In a short time, along with sparks and electric arcs, starting from the palm of the hand, an entire arm instantly collapsed and collapsed, and was smashed by the spear of Kalgan.

   At the same time, in the palm of the other robotic arm, the energy attack shot directly towards Kalgan.

   Regarding this, Calgan didn't even make any moves, the Swift Eagle partner under him had already started the action, avoiding the opponent's energy burst.

   One shot down the mechanical warrior, and the propulsion device around his body continuously adjusted the angle and sprayed frantically, so that the mechanical warrior opened a safe distance from Kalgan in the shortest time.

  At the same time, the light wheels on the eyes and the temples on both sides quickly lit up with a dull red light...

   "Want to enter annihilation mode?!"

   Calgan, who saw this scene in his eyes, suddenly realized what the other party was going to do.

   Benefiting from the big brother Zhong Mo and the previous golden battle, they are quite adequate for some intelligence acquisition of the machine clan. The generals did their homework before the war.

   Now that Calgan has discovered this characteristic, he is a little nervous in his heart? But his hand movements are unambiguous, waving the spiral war spear in his hand? He chased him down. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   It takes a certain amount of time for the machine clan to turn on the annihilation mode.

   Especially when a part of the body on the opposite side is damaged? The original intact body is defective, and the time it takes becomes longer.

   During this period of time, of course, the opposing machine race could not be so naive to think that Kalgan would do nothing.

   Therefore? While retreating rapidly? The armor on his back also opened quickly, and pieces of tracking energy missiles attacked Kargan.

   These tracking energy missiles are functional weapons used to contain the enemy and assist in attacks.

   The mechanical warrior, of course, does not expect to use these energy missiles to solve Calgan? However, as long as it can help him gain time to activate the annihilation mode? That is enough. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   However, this matter is obviously not as smooth as the individual mastermind of the mechanical warrior calculated...

  The energy missiles that flew out before they had time to officially approach Kalgan? They were hit by an astonishing strong wind, and then formed a large series of explosions.

   Then? In the flames of the explosion? Riding on the Swift Eagle? Kalgan, who was wrapped in an azure shield, rushed out.

   After so many years, this strength has grown, but he is not the only one.

   His Swift Eagle partner, Chasing Wind, has been officially promoted to a Tier 3 monster in these years!

   At the same time, Zhuangfeng is also the only one among the entire Xunying group that has reached the third level!

   What happened just now is undoubtedly a masterpiece of chasing the wind.

   With the assistance of Tier 3 Swift Eagle Chasing, Kargan burst out of extreme speed, before the opposing mechanical warrior entered the annihilation mode, he slaughtered it again, and slammed the opponent's head with a spear!

   At the moment when the main brain of the individual was destroyed, among the remains of the mechanical warrior, the self-detonation system was automatically triggered, directly detonating all the energy in the opponent's power furnace.

   In the violent explosion, Calgan retreated all over under the protection of the chasing wind, but the situation at that time still made him feel thrilled.

   Even if he had been mentally prepared, he was still shocked by the tyrannical explosive power in the face of the self-detonation of the Robot Warrior.

   After this, he naturally inevitably took a long breath of relief.

   The power of the mechanical warrior's self-detonation seems to be linked to the total energy remaining in the opponent's power furnace.

   Judging from the situation just now, the opponent's energy is definitely still sufficient. Once the opponent enters the annihilation mode, I am afraid it will be hit.

   Judging from the results, the most sensible way is to rush to the opposing machine warrior before entering the annihilation mode.

   During this period, also as a member of the Elf Rush Troop, the Elf Druid Troop was undoubtedly also under the key care of the opposing Robot Warrior. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   However, in the face of the energy weapons fired by those mechanical warriors, Clade and the others are much more simple...

  In the army, Clad and Jets shined brightly on their bodies. They originally maintained the form of eagle spirits, instantly incarnate into two huge elven dragons!

   For their existence, there is information on the mechanical civilization side, so they have nothing to hide.

   Seize this wave of opportunities, suppress as many troops as possible, and bring more losses to the opponent. This is the most real thing.

With this thought, Clad and Jets, who were incarnate as elven dragons, said nothing. In the dragon’s mouth, the destructive power quickly condensed. Under the cover of the soldiers of the Elf Druids under their command, the two dragons breathed. Finish the cohesion in a short time and spit out!

   But this time, they are not using the Dragon Star Group, which is known for large-scale killings, but the Dragon Breath!

   The air-piercing dragon's breath spit out from the dragon's mouth, just like two azure lasers, directly tearing the void into pieces, and shooting towards the distance.

   Wherever he went, the mechanical warrior who was swept by the dragon's breath was torn to pieces in an instant, but this was not the fundamental purpose of Clad and Jets.

   The target of their two air-breaking dragon's breath is not the mechanical warriors who have been killed, but the mechanical star ship in the rear! ! !

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