Battlefield No. 2, outside the defense line of the Void Great Wall, the battle continues.

   In the defensive battle, the advantage of the civilization of the world is relatively obvious.

   After all, in addition to the buff of the Void Great Wall, which is a five-star man-made spectacle, the border garrison can also get the buff of the whole picture of Luo Ji's National Defense War.

   Although these two gain buffs have home court restrictions, the bonus range is at the first-line level, which is enough to allow the troops of the ten thousand civilizations to fight defensive battles within their own territory, and their combat power will be significantly improved.

Therefore, under the blessings of this home court advantage, even if it is in the strength of civilization, it is absolutely stronger than their mechanical civilization. They want to deal with the army of Styx civilization on the other side, and at the same time distribute forces, in their civilization. It is not so easy to do whatever you want in the territory.

   was riding a eagle beast, Burgold held a longbow, and led the eagle cavalry under his command to support the audience.

   As far as the current stage is concerned, the output environment of their Hawks is quite comfortable.

As the enemy, the mechanical civilization fleet is in a state of full retreat. The front battlefield is supported by golem troops, orc legions, and magic fleets. On the side battlefields, there are elven troops and martial arts troops. Unless the mechanical civilization wants to expand Fight back, otherwise, the other party would not be able to threaten their current position.

   As a result, before he could be at ease for a while, an astonishing energy cannon penetrated most of the battlefield and strafed towards where they were.


   Burigude reacted quickly, and while giving orders, he quickly evaded.

   At that moment, the amazingly powerful energy cannon immediately passed him.

   However, the hawksmen who followed him, obviously not every reaction was as quick as him.

  Individual soldiers, their movements were only half a beat slow, and they were swept by the energy cannon on the spot, their amazing power instantly turned them into ashes!

   Out of the corner of his eye, he just caught a glimpse of Burigud in this scene, his pupils suddenly shrank like needles, and then his gaze quickly moved in the direction of the attack.

   As an archery expert with ten thousand dharma realm martial arts cultivation, Buri Gude's vision is naturally not comparable to that of an ordinary warrior. He passed through most of the battlefield, and he almost locked the target at a glance.

   "Come here!" 噺⒏⑴祌The full text is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   The guy who launched the energy cannon fire at them is now approaching at their speed.

   "All the members are dispersed in a team!"

   After giving the order, Burigud, who had no time to think, quickly touched the quiver fixed on his back.

   The quiver he carries close to his body contains all top arrows made of elemental alloys! Each one is expensive to manufacture, and it takes a lot of time to manufacture it is extremely precious.

   Before, he only used one of the A-Class fighters of the mechanical race who was about to enter the annihilation mode, but this time, Burigud used three directly without hesitation, and used the arrow!

   Obviously the previous energy attack made Burigude vigilant.

   As a powerful archery expert in the civilization of the world, Burgold’s archery skills are of course needless to say.

   I saw the speed of his bow and arrow, fast enough to directly bring up the phantom.

   The three arrows that came out of the string flew out almost indiscriminately to take the life of the target!

   Facing this battle, the siren had already sounded in the head of General Tronia.

   On the previous battlefield, the intelligence gathered by the loss of many A-level bodies has caused almost every mechanical warrior on the battlefield to update the battle data. Of course, Admiral Tronia who has just intervened on the battlefield is no exception.

   At the moment when the attack was captured, Admiral Tronia had already maximized the output power of the force field shield and captured the attack trajectory, and launched an evasive action.

As an s-level mechanical warrior, although it is only one level different from a-level fighters, and both have annihilation mode, in fact, the comprehensive performance of the s-level mechanical warrior completely crushes the a-level fighters. The strength of the field shield is of course no exception.

  According to the calculation results of the individual's main brain, Admiral Tronia turned on the power of all the propulsion devices on his body, and directly broke out speed, avoiding two of them.

   The third arrow is too late to dodge, so it is blocked by force field shield!

   At the moment of hit, that amazing power directly knocked Admiral Tronia away for nearly a kilometer.

   At the same time, the individual was in charge, and the alarm sounded quickly.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   "Warning! Warning! A powerful attack is detected, and the attack intensity is estimated to be a level!"

   "Warning! Warning! The force field shield has been depleted by 57.43% and is being recharged..."

   "Warning! Warning! The target's threat level has been raised and updated to s level!"

   Although Burigude was only at the level of martial arts cultivation, he had only reached the level of the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, and he had not even reached completion.

However, considering the attack strength of the archery expert that far exceeds that of the martial arts expert of the same level, and the bonus of that special arrow, even the mechanical system has already changed his threat level from the original a-level. Upgraded to the point of s-level!

   At this moment, Admiral Tronia thoroughly confirmed that he listed the opponent as the highest priority to kill, and there was no problem.

   He even looked down on this human a bit before.

   Now, in order to make sure nothing goes wrong...

   "Apply to lift all restrictions."

   "Removal of restrictions will increase energy consumption by more than three times, and the remaining activity time will be greatly reduced. Are you confirming the lifting?"

   "Confirm. UU reading"

   "Confirming the application authority..."

   "Authorization confirmation, s-level, General Tronia."

"application passed!"

   In an instant, the light wings spread out! Armor popped up everywhere on his body, and along with the dark red energy particles spewing out, a large number of weapons and equipment were exposed in the void!

   "Restrictions are lifted, weapon permissions are fully opened! Annihilation mode is activated!"

The efficiency of   s-level fighters entering the annihilation mode is far more than that of the a-level. The mechanical sound without any emotion makes an announcement, and the Admiral Tronia directly turns into a dark red arc of light, and kills it toward Burigud!

   At that moment, on the battlefield, Guo Zhen, Kalgan, and Clad all noticed the existence of Admiral Tronia, and at the same time they noticed the other's purpose.

  The eagle cavalry headed by Brígud has formed a long-range support firepower that is far more flexible than the two magic fleets, and can effectively and accurately support the small-scale battles of their armed forces.

   Considering from this point, for them, the existence of the Hawks is really crucial.

   Therefore, after sensing the purpose of General Tronia, the first reaction of the generals, including Guo Zhen, was to rush to intercept!

   However, after the previous battle, the mechanical civilization that has collected a lot of intelligence is also well prepared.

   Almost at the same time, the twenty A-class mechanical fighters who had entered the annihilation mode in advance had already approached Guo Zhen...

  Ps: The code word is not easy, please support the original version of Chuangwang, QQ reading and

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