The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3422: , Not so easy

   As for Marshal Bahart’s purpose of sending a force of magic pilots as the vanguard, Zhao Pan basically knew it.

   is to attack the magical fleet and the Great Wall of the Void of their civilizations, so as to protect the main fleet of the Empire from entering the battlefield.

   Magic pilots are typical individual units. They are small and flexible. The fortress-class weapons deployed on the Great Wall of the Void and the battleship-class weapons deployed on the magical battleship are difficult to beat them.

   Against this kind of enemy troops, using fighter planes is actually a good choice.

However, the "Swarm" drones performed well against ordinary magic pilots, but once they faced the opposing magic pilots, the leading elite magic pilots of the imperial magic pilots. Soldiers, their weaknesses in overall combat effectiveness were suddenly exposed.

   Although at this stage, Zhao Pan can still use the ‘Swarm’ unmanned fighter planes to entangle the enemy’s magical pilots with his quantity and command.

   But in this state, it is really too difficult to get a result.

   At the same time, this style of play will inevitably lead to a substantial increase in the consumption rate of the ‘Hive’ unmanned fighter.

   After a long period of time, the number of fighters continues to decline, and it is estimated that there is no small problem.

   Thinking of this, Zhao Pan couldn’t help feeling in his heart. If only there were a few usable Black Hawk fighter units on hand...

  The Black Hawk fighter unit of ten thousand civilizations has long since taken the route of the Ace Air Force.

  The pilots are all dwarf soldiers with first-class operational skills.

   At this time, it was just right to deal with the elite magic pilots of the Imperial Magic Pilots.

   But in this battle, due to the emergence of mechanical civilization units on the second battlefield, almost all the Black Hawk fighter units were transferred there for support.

   Here on Battlefield One, if necessary, there is actually such a small force left.

   However, for this level of war, what use can a small force come in?

   Black Hawk fighters, although they belong to the ace air force, they also need a certain amount of support.

   is not the kind of troop that can show amazing combat effectiveness with dozens or hundreds of Black Hawk fighters.

  Especially on the battlefield with such a large size, even if it is an interstellar battleship, thousands of ships are moving.

   Let alone dozens of Black Hawk fighters, hundreds of them will definitely not be enough for him.

   Under this premise, instead of leaving the few Black Hawk fighters that are simply impossible to use, it's better to simply go ahead and give them all to Battlefield 2.

   At this moment, Zhao Pan also sighed in his heart, the current situation, but there is no time for him to entangle this question.

   At this stage? Their No. 1 battlefield side? The troops are undoubtedly very sufficient.

   Zhao Pan is confident, even if it is only relying on the ‘Swarm’ drones? He can handle this battle.

   During this period? With the excellent continuous combat ability of "Hunyuan Wujigong", Luo Cheng, who was slightly modified in the base of the Void Great Wall, led the army again.

   This time? Except for the soldiers under his Fengyan Iron Cavalry? The troops under Zhao Hao's command were also under the command of the deputy commander, assisting Luo Cheng to attack and fight together.

   On the side battlefield of the border? The two forces confronted again.

   The magic pilot unit of the opposite Imperial Army? Occupies an overwhelming numerical advantage.

   This makes the soldiers of the martial arts unit on the side of the civilization of the world, just to deal with the magic pilots, they are almost reaching the limit, but they can't spare their troops to support the general Luo Cheng.

   But the problem is not big.

   Although it is one enemy and two? But Barr himself, except for extremely tyrannical defensive styles, was placed at the level of'legal commander' in other respects? All seemed relatively ordinary.

   So what the opponent can do is to rely on defense power? Close entanglement, give way to Mo Qi, who is in the back, find a chance to fire? Shoot Luo Cheng.

   But different from Zhao Hao? Luo Cheng, an almighty fighter, is quite strong in light skills.

   This can be seen from his ability to learn the extremely difficult "Eight Steps to Cicada".

  According to Barr's skill, it is actually difficult to completely limit him.

  Because of Luo Cheng's practice, even if he did not use "Eight Steps to Cicada", with other commonly used light skills, Barr would struggle to catch up.

The difference in    type directly produces a restraint effect at this moment.

   Although Zhao Hao's martial arts cultivation base is higher, at any rate, in terms of type, there is no situation of targeting or restraining him.

   He confronted Zhao Hao head-on, and was not afraid of anyone.

But now when facing Luo Cheng, the other party does not fight him head-on, but instead wanders around with light skills and wants to get rid of him. Compared with Zhao Hao, this approach makes Baal feel at least better. Two or three times more effort.

   At the same time, if it weren't for Moqi to sniper two shots at a critical moment, Baal, who is not superior in speed, would have been completely thrown away by Luo Cheng long ago.

   In this process, facing the enemy that Barr was obviously unable to completely entangle, Moqi naturally did not dare to stay in the same sniper position for too long. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   replaced with a lighter magic rifle. In order to ensure his safety, Moqi completely entered a state of moving while shooting.

  The biggest advantage of this style of play is that the safety is greatly improved.

   But relatively, due to the light-weight magic rifle, the attack power is definitely not comparable to that of the large-scale counter-ship magic rifle. The full text of 噺⒏⑴The fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   At the same time, UU Reading was afraid to stay in one place and fire a few more shots, worrying about being locked in by the enemy.

   Therefore, it is difficult to take a single point to initiate a combo, and it must be moved frequently, so the attack frequency and number of attacks will also be significantly affected.

   Under this premise, in accordance with Luo Cheng's light exercises, and the golden bell cultivation base that can squeeze into the top three of ten thousand civilizations, it is really not a big problem to resolve the attack from Moqid.

   This came and went. Facing the combination of Moqi and Baal, Luo Cheng was firmly suppressed, but in fact, looking at it the other way round, Moqi and Baal were actually unable to take Luo Cheng.

  From this point of view, Zhao Hao was really helpful when he killed the other legion commander Harros who was opposite.

  Fighting on the battlefield, a suitable ‘type’ is really important.

   For example, now, if you replace Barr with Harros.

   That Luo Cheng probably hangs.

   Fortunately, there is no if.

Now Moqi and Barr’s idea is basically to fight Luo Cheng’s war of attrition first. I hope that after a war of attrition, Luo Cheng will be able to decline, unable to maintain that annoying shield, or to say that his speed is slowing down. Let Barr be able to hold him firmly.

   However, if you want to drag down Luo Cheng who has practiced "Hunyuan Wujigong", this is probably not so easy...

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