The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3426: , Did not plan to cooperate (2)

   Shingen Miyamoto knows the purpose of the other party, how can he cooperate obediently?

If this is to fight the opponent for another round, when his intelligence is completely exposed and thoroughly studied by the opposing machine clan, then he really has no chance to fight.

Therefore, at this stage, it is very necessary to avoid and not fight.

However, Admiral Tronia obviously didn't intend to let him go like this, but rushed to the speed and directly forced him to kill him all the way.

Although he didn't open Wushuang, this had a great impact on Miyamoto Shingen's strength, but after all, he was also a top powerhouse in Wushuang Realm Xiaocheng, and his strength was still guaranteed.

In addition, what he cultivated was the magical skill of "The Sunflower Treasure", which was known for its speed, combined with the light exercise method, and the speed of walking in the void at this time was also astonishing.

Not entering the unparalleled state, on the contrary, it reduces the burden he needs to bear and increases his continuous combat capability.

But Admiral Tronia is not a good match.

Although the annihilation mode is not turned on, as an S-class fighter of the mechanical clan, his overall performance is still strong.

After being locked by him, Shingen Miyamoto wanted to get rid of him in a short time. It was really not an easy task.

In this process, Shingen Miyamoto naturally carried out some reverse tests appropriately.

I want to see if Admiral Tronia will open annihilation mode.

If he wants to open, he may be able to try, find a chance, and kill the opponent again during the process of opening!

However, it is a pity that Admiral Tronia does not seem to have the intention of entering annihilation mode.

It's not because he enters the annihilation mode, he will reveal certain flaws, but because the energy consumption of the annihilation mode is too large, plus it will greatly reduce the life of the body's mission, which can be regarded as a quite'expensive' combat state.

So even their S-level and A-level machine families, under normal circumstances, will not move into annihilation mode at all.

"Hey, I said you guy, you really like to embarrass my old bone..."

In the void, Shingen Miyamoto tried to get rid of Admiral Tronia who was chasing him while using his physical skills, while habitually entering a complaining mode of'relying on the old and selling the old'.

"There are so many young people on this battlefield, can't you find them to play? Do you understand how to respect the old and love the young?"

At this time, the young people mentioned by Shingen Miyamoto were naturally referring to Guo Zhen and Kargan.

Actually speaking, Guo Zhen and Kargan are both older than Miyamoto Shingen, and they are more than a little bit older.

However, there is a relatively special situation.

That's Guo Zhen and the others. Basically, when their physical fitness was maintained at their peak state, Luo Ji continued their life. After that, their age has been maintained at their most prosperous stage.

Therefore, although they are actually very old and their personalities have basically tended to mature and mature, they have not experienced that kind of heroic twilight, and their bodies are aging. In the end, they can only count the days and watch themselves constantly. The feeling of getting old and walking towards the end of my life.

However, Shingen Miyamoto has it!

Although benefiting from the cultivation of martial arts civilization, Shingen Miyamoto is now considered rejuvenated. Without mentioning his gray hair, his face and physique have almost returned to his youthful state, but the old man in his bones Sense, but it did not disappear.

This makes many people feel a strong sense of disobedience when they see Miyamoto Shingen.

Obviously, he looks very young in terms of appearance and physique, but in terms of temperament, the whole person feels like a dead old man.

This also made him feel no pressure to "rely on the old and sell the old" in front of Guo Zhen and other veterans who are actually older than him.

It will even make Guo Zhen and the others have an illusion that the other party is indeed older than them.

Relying on his light skills, he avoided Shingen Miyamoto, who was fighting against Admiral Tronia again, and dodged all the way from left to right.

At this moment, three sharp arrows flew quickly in the distance!

"Di! Found that the enemy attack is fast approaching..."

At that moment, the three flying arrows were instantly caught by the individual mastermind of General Tronia.

An entire image was presented before his eyes.

"Under analysis, please wait..."

The gradual improvement of the database, as well as the ultra-high dynamic capture capability, allows them to even scan and analyze some flying arrows.

The processing efficiency of the S-class individual mastermind is amazing, and a conclusion can be drawn in just a blink of an eye.

"After the analysis, confirm that the type is a tracking arrow."

The individual mastermind who came to this conclusion listed multiple coping styles.

Admiral Tronia directly deployed the force field shield, intending to block the attack of the tracking arrow.

In this process, the analysis of the individual mastermind will undoubtedly continue...

"Next, there is a 94.73% chance that you will be pursued by a follow-up, using weapons, and a speed-type arrow with extremely strong penetrating properties. The possibility is 92.33%. 1. The probability of an arrow with an explosive attack is 71.03%..."ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

As a result of the entire analysis, the amount of data is not small, but because it is directly input into the Consciousness Body of Admiral Tronia, it only takes a moment for him to read all the content.

The three tracking arrows hit the force field shield opened by Admiral Tronia almost at the same time. With the power of the tracking arrows, it is obviously not enough to break an S-class machine. The force field shield of the tribe warrior. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Then, in the next instant, there were three more arrows, locking three extremely tricky attack angles respectively, and flew toward the position of Admiral Tronia.

It is on the "Broken Shield" that has a big advantage!

Admiral Tronia, who had already analyzed a result, had a sense of leisure in every move.

Checking the timing, on the right arm, the beam weapon shot out quickly.

At that moment, the beam weapon was in the hands of Admiral Tronia, like a sharp beam sword, with a burst of lightning fast, causing him to be in the void, bringing a large area of ​​light and shadow, and Those three flying arrows of chasing wind were completely cut down!


Calgan, who realized that his attack had failed, had a slightly unhappy expression on his face.

Several of his classic attack modes were clearly analyzed by the group of steel knots on the opposite side.

This situation is actually quite uncomfortable for their fast eagle riders.

Although there are many combinations between their wizard magic arrows.

But in the face of this kind of enemy with a shield, the combination of using a tracking arrow to contain it, and then using a chasing arrow to break the shield is the most practical combination.

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