The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3478: , Where's the evildoer?

The unexpected situation flashed a look of surprise in Fein's eyes.

This feeling is really a bit long-lost for him.

At this moment, Fein couldn't help but become more grinning, and in the original grim smile, there was so much excitement at this moment!

"Come on! Let me see how far you can stop!"

In the low roar, Fehn covered his arms under the black armor, and the muscles quickly burst out. On the giant war mallet held by his hands, the constant force exerted madly crushed the opponent in front of him. past.

Facing this battle, under his visor, Luo Yong frowned slightly.

Although from the weapon in the opponent's hand, he could clearly feel that the opponent should be strong, but Luo Yong really did not expect that the opponent's strength was much stronger than he expected.

At this moment, Luo Yong's hands holding the handle of the knife quickly tightened, and also exerted force, using force to contend with the opponent directly!

During this process, Fein quickly discovered that the opponent in front of him, not only was not overwhelmed by his strength, but had some momentum to back pressure.

This made Fein's state couldn't help becoming more excited, and at the same time began to exert more power crazily.

For a while, the two forces squeezed crazily against each other, and it felt like a stalemate.

However, this state did not last long. After the stalemate reached a certain point, the weapons of both sides, under constant exertion of force, quickly swept away each other forcibly.

Rayong and Fein, who had each stepped back a certain distance, resumed their postures.

During this period, thanks to Rayong's timely rescue, there was no threat from Fein. It was obviously not difficult for Ye Feixing to avoid Clinton's magic missile attack.

Ye Feixing, who had successfully escaped, flashed a trace of happiness in his eyes.

Although they have the means of resurrection in the civilization of the world, not everyone likes to die in idleness.

At the same time, at this moment, Ye Feixing, who swept his eyes across the two figures in the void, could be considered as a complete comprehension of what would be so keen on his previous attack on that enemy, and at the same time he would have that subtle sense of familiarity. .

Now, the answer is ready to come out.

The fighting style of that enemy is exactly the same as that of Luo Yong!

In the long development time of their civilization of the world, a group of fierce generals who have fallen into a bottleneck successively, in addition to practicing in retreat on weekdays, whenever they have the opportunity, they will often get together to exchange ideas and experiences, and even learn from each other.

And Ye Feixing, has had many hands-on experience with Luo Yong...

In this battle, he will feel familiar with an opponent of the same type as Rayong, and it is inevitable.

I didn't think much about it. After successfully surrendering the danger, now that Rayong has arrived, he doesn't need to worry about the battle over there.

For Ye Feixing, what he has to do next is to kill the guy who almost shot him before!

As a balanced magic pilot who is better at sniping in the back row, Clinton is undoubtedly very sensitive to things like "line of sight" and "hostility."

Basically, when Ye Feixing glanced over, he was alert.

At this moment, Clinton did not choose to fire continuously, but first shot Ye Feixing tentatively.

Then he planned to use Ye Feixing's reaction to decide whether to take the lead, continue to fire to suppress, or to suppress others, and launch containment based on the enemy's actions.

Clinton was undoubtedly very old in the battle, but Ye Feixing was also a veteran, and he was naturally worthy of him.

From the perspective of overall strength, although Clinton is superior to Ye Feixing, Clinton is unable to simultaneously exert his sniper advantage and melee ability.

In the sniper state, all he can play is his own shooting skills.

And based on this alone, it might not be easy to suppress Ye Feixing completely...

At the same time, on the side of Rayong and Fein, under the pressure of strength, the two people who had stepped back from each other did not intend to stay in a daze.

Already aware of the opponent in front of him, Luo Yong, who should not be underestimated, rushed up again at the same time, the exercise method of "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" was also turned to the limit by him!

In an instant, the dragon appears! This is the effect that can only be achieved after practicing "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" to the Wushuang Realm.

Facing the manifestation of the dragon image, Rayong, the oppressive feeling swept over him, made Fein tremble in every cell throughout his body.

"Hahahaha! Are you going to be serious? Great! Then I have to get serious!!"

In his long life, Fein almost can't remember how long he hasn't been so excited!

In the low roar, Fein's whole body, dense reinforcement techniques quickly wrapped around his body, and at the same time, the huge war mallet in his hand as a weapon was also thoroughly strengthened.

In the next second, the weapons of both sides were slashed in a frantic pair, and the shock of the shocking force and the movement caused by the surrounding soldiers and officers of both enemy and us were surprised.

"Damn it! Where's the monster, can actually slash with that muscular madman Fain?"

Located at the rear, a sniper army commander couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Although the others around him didn't say anything, their inner thoughts were basically the same as that of the army commander.

The commander of their Empire's Second Magic Aircraft Corps, Fein, was the first commander of this regiment. In other words, the opponent was one of the most experienced generals in their Empire Army.

This guy Fein has amazing muscle strength. Under this premise, the magic technique he is best at is the strengthening technique!

Just as Barr used the defensive technique to the metamorphosis level, Fein, who used the strengthening technique, used the metamorphosis level, coupled with the incredible muscle power in itself, which made the previous During the battle, Fehn almost became synonymous with'seckill'.

Any enemy, UU reading www. As long as is hit by him head-on, there is basically only a dead end!

Under this premise, seeing that someone could hack Fein head-on, how can the soldiers and officers of the Imperial Army not be shocked?

And for this point, the same is true of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization.

It's just that when I get to them, the idea in my head becomes...

"Where is the enchanting evildoer? Can you slash against General Luo Yong?!"

Among them, the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army responded most violently.

At this moment, in this void, it is said that there are two monsters fighting there, I am afraid they are all humble.

That horrible battle, let alone ordinary soldiers, even the top combat power of both sides had to retreat, lest they accidentally involve themselves.

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