The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3483: , Electronic warfare invasion

If it hadn't been for a big defeat before and had paid a lot of loss, Ivan Rast would definitely not be able to seek reinforcements from Kate Trunk's mechanical civilization.

For now, they are indeed allies.

But how much trust does it have?

Sorry, there is no such thing.

The reason why Ivan Last and Caesar Trunk can form an alliance is simply because they have the same interests and goals.

Obviously, there is no so-called ‘trust’ in this alliance.

Even afterwards, any matter may make them turn the table on the spot, they are still allies in the first second, and immediately become enemies in the second.

Under this premise, Caesar Trunk's mechanical civilization, as a potential enemy that is extremely threatening to himself, Ivan Rast certainly did not want to have too much contact with the opponent's troops.

Because everyone knows that Caesar Trunk’s mechanical civilization uses a typical intelligence flow style of play. It constantly collects intelligence, makes self-adjustment and upgrades, and then completely defeats the opponent.

Fighting against mechanical civilization, the more information exposed, the more disadvantaged the whole situation.

If he asks for help from Caesar Trunk, the opponent's troops will come to his turf and act with his magical and civilized army, Ivan Rast will not believe that the opponent will do nothing.

This is something he didn't want to see, so he hadn't planned this until the Emperor under his command was defeated.

With an awareness of exposing his own intelligence, Ivan Rast, who asked Caesar Trunk for support, undoubtedly has not allowed this battle, and there will be any more discrepancies.

But in this battlefield, Caesar Trunk's mechanical civilization, his own situation, is actually not easy.

While facing the invasion of Zhong Mo's undead army, he also sent troops to the second battlefield to invade Luo Ji's civilization.

In the current situation, Ivan Last asked him for reinforcements, and you asked him to send a large force directly. Obviously it was not that easy.

Fortunately, in the face of battlefield No. 1 and the Ten Thousand Realms Civilized Forces, what Ivan Rast needed was not a large force.

In fact, Caesar Trunk only needs to support an electronic warfare unit to come, and it will be able to provide huge assistance to the emperor of Ivan Last!

It turns out that for the mechanical civilization of Caesar Trunk, the very ordinary electronic warfare unit, on the side of Battlefield No. 1, is directly King Bomb!

"Damn, the electronic communication equipment has been disturbed, activate the backup magic communication equipment!"

The Hyperion Fleet Colonel, who responded in the first time, quickly contacted Gao Yi who was in the main flagship.

During this period, the electronic warfare invasion from the mechanical civilization forces has swept over.

At the same time, Marshal Bahat, who had set the right time, also commanded the imperial fleet on the spot and launched a counterattack!

Needless to say, this wave of Marshal Bahat's retreat was indeed fraudulent.

Marshal Bahat didn't want to play this hole card of the original mechanical civilization electronic warfare unit so early.

He wanted to use it for the next offensive, to seize the opportunity, to hit the opponent by surprise, and to make the garrison of ten thousand civilizations lose their resistance.

After all, Ten Thousand Realms Civilization still has a lot of non-tech side troops, and he doesn't want to give Ten Thousand Realms a chance to adjust.

But now, it is clear that the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

So he simply changed the plan temporarily.

First command the army to retreat. If the civilization of the ten thousand realms does not pursue it, then there is naturally nothing to say.

After the rest of his army is finished, he will attack again.

At that time, the hard power is not as good as his ten thousand civilization garrison, there is no chance of winning

And if the opponent chooses to pursue, then he will play the hole card of mechanical civilization.

In accordance with the powerful technological power of mechanical civilization, a wave of electronic warfare invasion will definitely establish him an overwhelming advantage!

At this moment, receiving the message from Marshal Bahat, the mechanical civilization electronic warfare unit that intervened in the battlefield in advance directly caused a huge impact on the entire battlefield!

Among them, the one that is most affected is undoubtedly Gao Yi's Hyperion fleet.

Because his Hyperion fleet is among the five fleets, the fleet that focuses most on the firepower of the technology side!

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Let’s not talk about the others. Obviously, technological weapons with tracking capabilities, including tracking missiles, cannot be used.

Because the opposing mechanical civilization fleet will interfere with their attacks, making them unable to hit the target.

Under this premise, the maximum attack distance of the five magical fleets of their ten thousand world civilization will also be shortened. After all, the missile weapon is the weapon with the farthest attack distance...

At the same time, it has been said long ago that the weapons on the technological side are the most important part of the firepower output by the civilization fleet of the ten thousand worlds. It is the most frequently used weapon in a war.

But now, these weapons are subject to obvious restrictions, and most of them can no longer be used normally, so the continuous firepower output of their five magic fleets will also be greatly reduced.

In addition, the ‘Hive’ interstellar aircraft carrier carrying a large number of ‘Swarm’ drones is basically equivalent to losing combat capability.

At this moment, the impact on the combat power of the five magic fleets is really too great.

With the entry of the mechanical civilization fleet, Marshal Bahat directly launched a counterattack with the city-breaking artillery. Although the defensive array and holy light shield of the magical warship can be opened normally, the power of the city-breaking artillery is after all Strong, one wave brought a clear loss to the magical fleet of ten thousand civilizations.

In this battlefield of all-out war, after all, there is a mechanical civilization. It is not that they have not thought about the possibility of a mechanical civilization of troops appearing on this battlefield.

But when it is really up against each other, the suppressive power of mechanical civilization in science and technology is really strong!

The only thing worth thanking now is I am afraid that they are the magic warships of the civilization of the world. Although there are many technological equipment inside, they are not purely technological products. Therefore, the electronic warfare invasion of mechanical civilization , It is not enough to abolish them all.

Under this premise, their Ten Thousand Realms civilization can be regarded as a high-tech civilization for the time being, and they have the blessings of science and technology from the tribe of humans, goblins and dwarves.

Coupled with years of development, as the core of their technology-side tactical system, the offensive and defensive ‘Shenhe’ system has undergone more than a hundred upgrades, and the performance of the entire system has become extremely powerful.

Under the full defense of the "Shenhe" system, even if the fleet of mechanical civilization wants to come up, it will use electronic warfare to invade and hack their tactical system. That is also an impossible thing, and it is still capable. Self-protection.

At best, the other party can only do electronic interference.

But for the emperor headed by Marshal Bahat, this is obviously enough...

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