The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3488: , Who is in charge?

The Judgment Blade that flew out of Latir's hand looked like a brilliant golden meteor, piercing the void and attacking directly towards Barak.

At that time, he pulled the trigger and Barak, who had already fired a shot at Gerrard, made an evasive action for the first time, avoiding the judgment blade.

But Lattier would not let him go.

A legion commander with powerful long-range firepower can't just ignore it.

If Barak is allowed to act on the battlefield, he will sniper.

Then, there is a huge threat to every soldier in their ten thousand world civilization!

Along with Barak's evasive action, Latir single-handedly pointed, and a series of trial blades immediately forced him to kill Barak.

After so many years, Latier's magical cultivation base has already reached a peak.

Even if it was a strategic top-level magical technique like the Wheel of Judgment, he could send it out several times in one breath, dragging it behind him.

As for the intermediate divine arts like the Judgment Blade, for Latier, there is no difficulty at all. It is completely easy to pull and wave, and you can directly gather one piece.

Although Barak's marksmanship is superb, but now he has been killed all the way by Latier, no matter how good his marksmanship is, he can't use it without a chance to shoot.

"Fuck! Who will take care of the six-winged bird man on the opposite side!"

Barak, who didn't have much energy to confirm who else was nearby, simply used communication techniques to contact everyone around him.

It must be said that the effect is still there. Latir, who was pursuing Barak, soon encountered many long-range attacks from the enemy.

Barak's 4th Empire Magical Aircraft Corps is nearby, and of course they can't stock their own army commander.

To be honest, if the general corps commander is a sniper magic pilot, he definitely needs the cover and cooperation of his subordinate corps.

After all, not every action, there will be other army commanders.

Therefore, people in their own army must pay more attention to the situation of their own army commander.

Basically, as soon as Barak's communication was sent out, the magic pilots of the 4th Magic Pilots Corps of the Empire who were nearby at that time turned around.

Perceiving the attack, Latier immediately applied a divine protection shield to herself, and immediately opened the holy light shield.

The strength of the shield of the gods is low, but the victory is a low-level gods, which can be cast instantly.

It takes a little time for the Holy Light Shield to be deployed.

The shield of divine protection helped him urgently block the next round of attacks. After the shattered, the shield of holy light was just on top.

Although this holy light shield was opened urgently, and its defense strength did not reach the best, its basic strength was not comparable to the shield of the gods.

According to Latier's idea, it was more than enough to resist the long-range attacks of some ordinary magic pilots.

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But the reality is that there are still many officer-level magic pilots in it, and the entire firepower is much stronger than Latier expected.

At the same time, the most troublesome thing for Latier was that these attacks allowed Barack to successfully get rid of his pursuit, and then shot him backhand.

The attack strength of the regiment chief class is not the same as the attack strength of ordinary magic pilots and some officer-level magic pilots.

The light shield that Latier temporarily opened was almost exploded by Barack.

Fortunately, Latier is not a wooden person, he will not stand still, almost at the same time when the holy light shield is shattering, he has already launched an evasive action.

At the same time, the trial knights of the trial knights under his command also supported their shields to help him resolve the pursuit.

But the battle obviously did not stop because of this. With Latir and Barak as the core, the firepower in the back rows on both sides directly confronted each other in the air.

Suddenly, the situation of the battle was stalemate.

During this period, on Gerrard's side, as the person who was almost shot down by Barack, with the timely support of Lattier, facing Barack's one-point shot, he was considered to be successful in hiding. open.

But while avoiding the attack, facing Kate's strong pursuit, his situation became more passive.

Kate, who is good at using burst and strengthening techniques, has a very strong explosive power. Once he suppresses his opponent, the momentum of continuous pursuit and frantic attack will hardly give people the slightest room for resistance.

At this moment, facing Kate's pursuit, Gerrard is undoubtedly caught in this state.

This was terrible for Gerrard.

The first time I participated in a large-scale war of this level, I was directly suppressed before I had time to perform well.

Fortunately, after living long enough, although Gerrard lacks combat experience at this level, his mentality is not so broken.

But he must admit that he now needs someone to give him a hand.

On his own, it is difficult to reverse this situation right now.

However, who can come?

Needless to say, Latier and Vivienne, the martial arts troops have also completely smashed into a group with the other imperial magic pilots headed by the commanders.

In this situation, in a short time, who else can free this hand...

I'm afraid there is only An Lijie.

Holy Word is a very powerful magic. In order to help the border garrison reverse the situation, An Lijie used the Holy Word to its extreme as soon as he came up.

But as a price, after she finished using the Holy Word technique, she who had consumed a lot of mental power, undoubtedly needed a sigh of relief.

And in this process, of course, An Lijie could not just stay in place so stupidly and do nothing.

She has been carefully observing the situation.

The situation on Gerald's side quickly attracted her attention.

Enrijie can basically feel how bad Gerrard's situation is at this moment.

Without time to think about it, Anrijie's attention quickly focused on Kate, and the Holy Words of UU Reading activated again!


Holy Word can be activated in a wide range, or targeted at a specific target.

Even really speaking, in the case of activating the Holy Word spell for a specific target, the effect can be better while saving consumption.

The two simple words, under the blessing of Holy Words, seemed to have been given a powerful force, and they directly penetrated Kate's mind.

At that moment, Kate's spirit was in a trance, and the whole offensive also came to a standstill.

Seizing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Gerrard resolutely raised the holy sword in his hand.

In an instant, a phantom with a height of ten meters suddenly appeared behind Gerrard!

"God decree!!!"

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