The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3490: , Constant threats

Although there is also a means to transfer on the Holy Light battleship, in fact, the Holy Light battleship has too great a goal.

At least the magic pilots were gathering fire to attack them, and once they were transferred on the holy light battleship, then the firepower of the emperor's side and the imperial fleet would also be transferred, which may not be a good thing.

Therefore, they did not choose to take the Holy Light battleship, the movement of the small units was more convenient and flexible.

But what is annoying is that the emperor has already focused on them completely, making them extremely ‘lively’ along the way.

At this moment, the number of magic pilots who were besieging and blocking them was at least a thousand, and the number exceeded them several times.

Fortunately, the four-winged holy wing species of the Papal Guards still have enough strength. Each is an elite-level combat power, coupled with tacit cooperation with each other, even in the case of one enemy and multiple enemies. Can handle it completely.

Want to use a group of ordinary magic pilots to crush them with their strength? That would be too beautiful.

The other person probably realized this problem too, and a gunpoint in the distance had already turned around.

Numerous magical techniques quickly unfolded, with the trigger being pulled, the specially-made magic missile pierced the void directly, hitting the holy light shield they opened.

In an instant, the holy light shield that received a powerful blow was completely shattered like fragile glass.

But the power of that special magic missile has not been exhausted, and it has attacked Enrijie!

Obviously, the guy who shot, from the very beginning, aimed his gun at Enrijie, who was under the protection of the Papal Guard.

Faced with this situation, An Lijie is not unprepared.

Almost at the moment when the outer layer of the holy light shield cracked, her whole body already opened up another layer of holy light shield, and even enveloped all the surroundings.

To be honest, An Lijie's magical skills are probably above Latier.

It's just that she wants to use a super-wide range of Holy Words that consumes very much spiritual power, so in order to reduce the loss of spiritual power and avoid unnecessary burdens on herself, she uses as few other magical arts as possible on the battlefield. But this does not mean that she will not.

The holy light shield that the four-winged holy wings jointly opened is not as fragile as expected. The special magic missile, after it penetrates it, should also consume most of its power, and it was finally by Enrijie The opened holy light shield was blocked.

During this process, the four-winged holy wings of the Papal Guard were shocked and angry, and the first reaction was to counterattack.

As a result, before they could move, another terrifying thunder light blasted over in the distance!

The lightning attack was surprisingly fast, and it was obviously not the same person who launched the sniper before.

Several four-winged holy wings along the way were too late to evade. After being hit by the terrifying thunder light, they instantly turned to ashes, and finally hit Enrijie's golden holy light shield.

The holy light shield that failed to withstand the attack was quickly pierced. Fortunately, An Lijie took advantage of the chance of the holy light shield to block the attack and made an evasive action, successfully reducing the danger.

But the other party obviously won't let it go.

At this moment, there are two emperor's snipers in the distance, aiming here! This situation is simply terrible.

As the soul of the Wing Human Race, there are undoubtedly many Wing Human Race soldiers on the battlefield, who are always paying attention to the situation on An Lijie's side.

During the battle with Linda, Vivian, who was gradually entering the state, was feeling that she was getting better.

As a result, from the corner of her eyes, at the moment when she caught a glimpse of Enrijie's situation, Vivian's face was frosty, and between her eyebrows, a strong killing intent was already revealed.

To put it bluntly, Vivienne has lived in the Anglican Cathedral since she was a child, and was basically brought up by An Lijie.

For Vivienne, Enrijie is not only under the crown of the majestic and holy pope, but also her elder relative.

Vivienne, in his early years, joined the Papal Guard directly after he became an adult, following An Lijie, and later became the captain of the Papal Guard.

However, An Lijie later thought that it was too wasteful to be a guard captain based on Vivian's talents, and planned to transfer her to the Knights Templar.

At first, Vivian was still reluctant, but later confirmed that the Knights Templar was mainly stationed on the side of the Anglican Cathedral, and was also responsible for escorting the pope on weekdays to ensure the safety of the pope before it was accepted.

In the end, relying on strength and qualifications, he was promoted to the commander of the Knights Templar without surprise.

Therefore, how high An Lijie's status is in Vivian's mind, needless to say, now the two snipers on the opposite side simply touched Vivian's inverse scales.

This time, because it was the first time to participate in this level of battle, the entire play was biased towards being cautious and conservative, and Vivian, who was careful, couldn't manage that much.

The whole offensive momentum suddenly became violent and fierce.

In the anger, the holy sword in Vivienne's hand directly set off a golden flame wave.

Linda, who was caught off guard by this sudden situation, was burned by the flames on the spot.

Facing Linda who had subconsciously made a retreat and avoidance, Vivian at this time was obviously in no mood to pursue her.

The golden six wings behind him suddenly vibrated and turned directly into a golden meteor, slaughtering them towards the direction that the sniper hit.

During the flight, a ten-meter golden phantom behind Vivian condensed and formed at the fastest speed.

Needless to say, in order to ensure that she could kill the two rude people, Vivian also seized the opportunity and directly displayed the judgment!

With the strengthening of the avatar of the gods, Vivian quickly approached the target.

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At this moment, UU reading should be aware of the approaching threat and the strong killing intent. As the new commander of the Empire’s Sixth Magic Aircraft Corps, Dick was slightly shocked in his heart, but he also hurryed. Move up.

Like Linda, Dick was originally the deputy commander of the Sixth Sorcerer Regiment of the Empire. After Barr, the former commander of the regiment, died in battle, he was appointed by the empire.

In the early years, in order to cooperate with Barr’s wonderful defensive magic pilots, Ivan Rast specially found a sniper magic pilot with fierce firepower when he arranged a deputy commander for his sixth empire magic pilot regiment. The soldiers cooperate, which is Dick.

He is considered an old man in the army, and his qualifications are a little bit shallower than that of Barr. Compared with several old army commanders, his strength is a bit lacking, but he definitely belongs to the first echelon.

Even with a single firepower output, Dick might still be ranked in the top five among the army commanders.

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