The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3492: , Too dishonest

Needless to say, let Linda catch up with Vivian and entangle her, that was Dick's fundamental purpose at the time.

Otherwise, he is a sniper corps commander who focuses entirely on output from the back row. When the deputy commander is a counselor and is completely useless, he wants to fight one-on-one against a powerful enemy who can smash his face. ? Then he is too difficult.

In the face of that kind of pursuit, he didn't even have the opportunity to shoot well. Without the output environment, it would be difficult to exert his strength, so he needed Linda, or someone who could entangle the opponent.

Linda didn't let him down. Although Charlie had been counseled before, the three shots fired in a row still created trouble for Vivienne who was rushing, and also created opportunities for Linda.

Linda who seized the opportunity, with an explosive force, forcibly caught up.

Of course Vivian noticed Linda chasing behind her.

However, the other party has been unable to catch up with her speed, and she is now full of brains trying to kill the two rude people, so she just ignored her.

But now, she must admit that the enemy in front of her is still a bit capable.

After being entangled by Linda, coupled with Dick's sniper restraint, the situation suddenly became a little worse.

However, in the previous wave of assault, Vivian was undoubtedly aware of some of the problems with his previous play.

The top fighting talent made her adapt quickly, and her fighting style and play style were instantly converted.

The consumption of spiritual power by the gods is not as exaggerated as the Holy Words, and there is the Holy Light Battleship in the distance to provide them with the power of faith, so that Vivian has the capital to maintain the ten-meter gods phantom for a long time.

At this moment, Vivian was also maintaining the divine judgment and turned back directly to fight!

Linda was also inferior to Vivienne in terms of hard power, but after all, it was not comparable to that of Charlie. Combining combat experience, confronting Vivienne head-on, and dealing with Vivienne, the problem was still not big.

As for the task of killing each other? Linda had already handed it over to Dick in the distance.

Thanks to Linda's restraint, Dick, who set up the anti-material magic rifle, finally obtained a decent output environment, allowing his strength to be displayed.

In the face of such a battle, even if it was Vivian who opened the incarnation of the gods, she would inevitably be suppressed, but to a certain extent, her original goal was actually half achieved.

As the battle progressed, Linda was no longer able to suppress her alone, and Dick undoubtedly knew this.

In this wave, Vivian, Linda, and Dick, the three of them can be regarded as completely restraining each other.

Under this premise, there is only one powerful sniper that the Papal Guard needs to face.

As the former captain of the Papal Guard, Vivienne still has a relatively full understanding of the strength of this guard.

An Lijie's magical skills, coupled with the full cooperation of the Papal Guards, should be able to cope.

However, Vivienne didn't think about it.

Her conclusion comes from the judgment of the strength of Linda and Dick.

But what if the strength of the other sniper clearly surpassed these two new commanders?

In the void, the thunder light jumped, along the periphery, constantly adjusting its position.

As a sniper, this one is obviously too ‘unhonest’.

And this ‘dishonest’ brought about the constant change of attack angle, which greatly increased the defensive pressure of Enrijie and the Papal Guard.

Because the opponent is too fast, it is difficult for them to grasp where the attack will come from in the next second.

Although the holy light shield is known as an all-round defense, if the attack position can be confirmed, Enrijie and her guards can focus on strengthening one of them, so as to resist more stably, so that the defense efficiency is higher, and even Can save the consumption of faith.

And now, the high-speed moving'sniper cannon' in the distance allowed them to spread the defensive strength of the holy light shield completely in order to achieve an all-round defense and avoid a particularly vulnerable point. , Was caught by the opponent.

But the strength of the opponent's attack was quite astonishing, and there were still a large number of emperor's magic pilots besieging them.

Faced with such a situation, An Lijie pursed her lips, her brows showing a trace of sadness.

The opponent's speed is as fast as lightning, making it difficult for her to lock the target, and at the same time, she is quite far away. It is too difficult to launch a targeted Holy Word attack.

As for, directly launch a range attack...

That consumption will inevitably be excessive.

At the same time, the most tricky part is that her bodyguards are being besieged by the emperor's magic pilots who are several times more than them. Even if she uses a wide range of holy words to forcibly interrupt the opponent's guerrillas, it will take a while, No one can step forward to intercept the opponent right now.

After that, the other party will soon recover, and her use of the Holy Words is equivalent to letting go.

Thinking of this, An Lijie was also worried for a while.

Looking across the battlefield, she now has three Six Winged Saint Wings under her command. Among them, Vivian has helped her contain Dick, and is directly against two, unable to get out again.

Gerrard and Kate faced each other one-on-one. Against Kate, Gerrard's strength was not dominant. Relying on the incarnation of the gods, he barely equalized the situation, but he obviously had no spare capacity to do other things.

Under this premise, Lattier is relatively calm, but as a back row output in the strict sense, Lattier's surprise attack ability is not very good, this matter is not within the scope of his ability.

Moreover, he is also currently restraining each other with Barak, the commander of the 4th Magic Aircraft Corps of the enemy Empire, and it may be difficult to get out...

This is really worrying for An Lijie, who is in desperate need of someone and takes care of the guy in the distance.

As a result, when UU read, when An Lijie felt a headache about this situation, a voice rang directly in her mind.

An Lijie who heard this voice was obviously calm.

Then, with a good timing, a wide range of holy words suddenly spread again!

Although it was unable to move to the expected position, it was a blow to the Empire fleet, but in this area, there are also many emperor's magic pilots who are fighting with their Winged human forces.

As soon as this wave of holy words begins, the casualties on the emperor's side will surely rise dramatically.

Of course, more importantly, the figure that almost turned into a thunder light, constantly beating in the void, was also forcibly interrupted under the interference of Holy Word.

And at that moment, in the void, a figure flicked by at extreme speed. As it approached the target, the sharp blade was unsheathed. The blade, thin as a cicada's wing, was directly in the void, bringing a cold chill. mango!

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