During this period, An Lijie, who had just cast a large-scale holy word technique, turned paler.

This mental power was consumed too much, and in a short period of time, she might not be able to use Holy Word.

But on the other hand, the holy word technique she used just now achieved quite good results. At least her guards seized the opportunity to smash the emperor magic pilots who were besieging them in one breath.

At the same time, several other winged troops within the range also seized the opportunity to open up the situation.

Due to the existence of the mechanical civilization and electronic warfare units, the ‘horse swarm’ unmanned fighters basically cannot provide combat power, which makes the magic pilots of the imperial side lose sufficient restraint, and the strength of the troops has reached an overwhelming level.

Even if the Holy Light fleet enters the arena with the Winged Legion, it is difficult to equalize this situation.

At this time, Enrijie’s large-scale holy word art became a key point.

Brought a heavy blow to the imperial troops within the range!

After the first blow, An Lijie, who was unable to perform a wide range of holy words in a short time, obviously did not need to continue the transfer according to the original plan.

At the same time, being unable to use the Holy Word spell does not mean that she has no combat effectiveness.

Not every magical technique consumes mental power like the Holy Word technique.

Without using the Holy Words, let her relax for a while. After the breath eases, she is fully able to use other divine arts to fight, and the combat power will definitely not be inferior to Seratiel.

During this process, what she cared most was undoubtedly the situation on Luo Yunxi's side.

He looked towards the void in the distance.

At this moment, I saw two extremely fast moving lights and shadows colliding wildly in the void.

Luo Yunxi's speed is amazing, but Vitas's speed is also amazing. At this time, the two sides are also inseparable.

But Luo Yunxi could feel that the situation before her was not good for her.

She is not good at fighting protracted battles in her practice, martial arts, and even her own fighting style.

And under this premise, in the course of the battle with Vitas, she would consume an extra amount of qi to resist the current rushing around the opponent, lest the current invade, paralyze her body, and make her The speed of movement and reaction drops.

This kind of continuous consumption has undoubtedly further increased her gas consumption. If this continues, the situation is not so good...

At the critical moment, Luo Yunxi was also simply, swinging the Shadowless Knife in his hand, and directly opened Wushuang, bullying himself up, trying to break through Vitas's gun and kill him.

Compared with the warriors who are good at using long spears among their civilizations, Vitas' marksmanship can only be said to be average, but it is not easy at all to crack.

The key lies in two words, that is fast and fierce!

Under the blessing of the thunder and lightning technique, the thunder and lightning gun in Vitas's hand swung fast and fiercely, with full explosive power.

Coupled with his rich combat experience, his offensive has basically no flaws, and even without subtle marksmanship, Luo Yunxi can't help him in a short time.

And as time goes by, let alone.

In the previous holy word art of An Lijie, many magic techniques that he blessed on her body were broken.

At this time Vitas is re-blessing himself.

In other words, his combat power can continue to grow!

Luo Yunxi opened Wushuang and his combat power greatly increased, but this situation did not exceed Vitas's expectations.

After all, this type of intelligence has long been known to them.

Seeing an opportunity, Vitas, who was constantly blessing himself with magical spells, once again turned into a thunder light, exploding with speed, forcibly separating from Luo Yunxi.

In response, Luo Yunxi subconsciously unfolded his body skills and launched a pursuit.

In the end, he hit the muzzle that turned quickly!

When the trigger was pulled down, thunder blasted from the muzzle of the Vitas magic rifle.

The special magic missiles that came out of the chamber quickly turned into large exploded bombs and blasted towards Luo Yunxi who was chasing them up.

And under the control of Vitas, explosions occurred one after another, bursting out powerful electric currents, and the range of attacks became even more amazing.

And it was in such a terrifying thunder and lightning baptism that Luo Yunxi was swift and shuttled all the way, watching Vitas raised his brows straight, but the movement of his hand did not stop.

The crosshair in front of him flashed several times, and Vitas, who adjusted his muzzle slightly, pulled the trigger again.

This time, what was ejected from the muzzle was not a massive thunder bomb, but a terrifying thunder light!

In fact, in the long-range attack, Vitas is not a sniper-type magic pilot.

There are also various subdivisions of long-range magic pilots.

The magic rifle in his hand is not so much a sniper rifle, as it is a cannon.

To some extent, his attack lacks precision, and his marksmanship is not particularly powerful.

The main reason why he has been able to maintain a good hit rate is because the lightning attack is very fast.

As long as the target is aimed at when the trigger is pulled, and the opponent has no time to evade, most of them can hit.

But Luo Yunxi is obviously not in this list.

In the unparalleled state, Luo Yunxi's skills have become more swift and violent, and the sensitivity of his senses has also risen linearly.

She caught Vitas' attack in an instant, and it was not difficult to hide.

But for this situation, Vitas seemed to have expected it a long time ago. I saw that while he saw Luo Yunxi's evasive action, he turned his muzzle and maintained the amazing thunder light, and he shot directly!

That's right, his marksmanship is not great, and the accuracy is a little bit worse, but on the other hand, his long-range firepower is very fierce! It can be called the existence of naval guns!

On this side, the intensity of the battle was undoubtedly a little beyond An Lijie's expectations.

At the same time, the extremely fast confrontation also left her in this state with no room for intervention.

Regarding this, An Lijie was also extremely decisive, without stopping, she quickly turned her attention to Vivian's side. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Although she had already confirmed it before, in the state of driving the incarnation of the gods, Vivian was one enemy two, and in a short time, she could withstand it.

But in fact, the situation is not as optimistic as she expected.

Only for a while, Vivian was already injured!

The lack of experience is only one of the reasons, and more importantly, the cooperation between Dick and Linda. Before that, they hadn't actually fought side by side, but at this time, the cooperation between the two had a strong The unique tacit understanding between the people.

Focusing on Dick who was about to shoot again in the distance, An Lijie didn't say a word, and three golden judgment blades condensed in her hands, slamming them towards Dick.

Perceiving the threat, Dick quickly evaded.

At the same time, from this moment on, his original relatively comfortable output environment has also been destroyed by An Lijie!

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