The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3500: , I surrendered, right? !

In the command room of the Imperial Fleet, Marshal Bahat's expression was solemn.

He didn't need to guess the purpose of these enemies. Shiyou was directed at the mechanical civilization electronic warfare units under their protection.

Although Enrijie's holy word technique directly caused the Imperial fleet to break nearly two thousand warships.

However, under the suppression of the mechanical civilization and electronic warfare forces, the five magic fleets on the side of the ten thousand civilizations also suffered a great loss of combat power.

Although the imperial fleet suffered several rounds of impact, under the command of Marshal Bahat, it quickly stabilized its position and re-established a clear advantage.

Under this premise, even if one counts the fighting between the wingmen and the martial arts troops, the overall situation is still slightly superior.

What happened to him in the end?

They were attacked at the rear of the Imperial fleet. This situation was not unexpected. Marshal Bahat had been prepared. He had deployed enough troops around that fleet to ensure the safety of the mechanical civilization and electronic warfare units.

After all, he also knows that the existence of this mechanical civilization and electronic warfare unit is their current major advantage.

But the question now is, where are so many six wings on the opposite side? !

Although their emperor didn't know much about the Winged Human Race, they didn't know anything like Heavenly Winged and Holy Winged.

However, after such a battle, the more wings of this type of special unit on the opposite side, the stronger it is, and they understood it for the first time.

Especially those with six wings, each of them had amazing combat power. One of them didn't know what method was used, and after using it, it directly brainwashed a large number of soldiers inside their emperor.

In the end, their imperial fleet collapsed and destroyed nearly two thousand ships, unable to exert their combat power.

In this way, the six-winged holy winged species headed by An Lijie, undoubtedly left an extremely deep impression on Marshal Bahat.

And now, this attacking force appearing on the outer battlefield is equivalent to telling him that there are tens of thousands of wingmen like this six-wing level! And here it is! Surprised? Was it unexpected? Unhappy? !

Young life! The moment Marshal Bahat confirmed the true identity of the troop, his face turned green!

This is a fart! I surrendered, right? !

Of course, Marshal Bahat didn't really surrender in place.

The appearance of this attacking force really surprised him, and even his whole old heart trembled several times.

But soon, he realized that something was wrong.

According to the strength of those six-winged holy wing species, if there are tens of thousands of them, then their emperor, even if all the combat power is overwhelmed, I am afraid they are not the opponents on the opposite side.

Why did the opponent fight so hard before? Can you just close your eyes and crush?

But the other party did not do so.

It can't be because the other party is showing mercy and showing mercy, right?

Putting aside this unrealistic possibility, the only possibility is that the opponent does not have that terrifying strength.

There is a problem with the six-wing enemies that appeared on the outer battlefield at this time!

With such thoughts in mind, Marshal Bahat's eyes stared at the image presented before him.

The figures in the image are exactly those six-winged enemies appearing on the outer battlefield, with tens of thousands of them.

Each of them is dressed in a suit of armor covering the whole body, which can be said to be armed to the teeth. The weapon in the hand is a long-handled war mallet that looks full of weight. The six wings behind them are rapidly flapping, with a kind of An astonishing speed approached.

Just looking at it this way, to be honest, he didn't see any problems.

But Marshal Bahat, who had already had suspicions in his heart, obviously didn't intend to just slip away.

The order was quickly issued, and the magic pilot troops stationed nearby were sent to intercept, and at the same time, he was planning to test the opponent.

With the rapid approach of the two forces, although they have not formally met each other, some problems have gradually emerged in the video.

"The size of those enemies is a bit too big compared to the normal human size?"

Staring at the battlefield image that came back before him, Marshal Bahat frowned.

Those guys with wings are definitely not humans, but according to the information obtained before, apart from having wings, those guys are basically the same as humans in terms of their physical form.

Can you say that in this special race, there are a few tall people.

But all of them are so burly, it is somewhat impractical.

But what Marshal Bahat discovered now is that everyone on the opposite side is such a tall man!

This situation became more obvious after the two sides officially approached and started a head-on confrontation.

Especially for the magic pilots at the scene.

Because they found that these enemies in front of them are all giants!

The sense of oppression it brought to them at that moment is completely beyond words.

"Five meters, those guys, every one of them is at least five meters tall!"

I was in a void environment before, and there was no clear reference around me. In that state, it was undoubtedly difficult to detect this.

But now, with their emperor's magic pilots in close quarters, this difference will become very obvious.

All of them are about five meters in size, which is too abnormal to think about.

As thoughts flew around, Marshal Bahat continued to observe the fighting here.

The long-range attacks of the magic pilots were basically blocked by the shields around them. While quickly approaching them, the war mallets in the hands of those six-winged enemies suddenly waved, and the terrifying power could smash the covering in an instant. The defensive technique on the surface of their bodies easily crushed a magic pilot to death.

This combat power is actually quite astonishing, but it is far from the level shown by those six-wing enemies before...

"This force really has a problem."

With this doubt in my heart, until in the fierce battle, the first six-winged enemy suffered heavy damage. The head was shattered, but there was no blood or brain splash. UU read at the same time. The strange thing that the head corpse' is still fighting has happened, and he has completely confirmed.

This expenditure is now the peripheral troops, it turns out that they are not flesh and blood creatures!

Needless to say, this is the conquering knight force of their ten thousand world civilization!

The conquering knights in the early years actually only had one pair of wings, but as we all know, the six wings are the most respected among the winged human races. Based on Luo Ji's appearance and appearance, the conquering knights refined only have two wings? For the Winged Race, how to change how to think.

Finally, after a while of discussion, the design of the conquering knight was officially changed to six wings.

To be honest, this move didn't have much practical significance. The combat power of the conquering knights did not improve due to the change from two wings to six wings. Even doing this has increased the refining materials and costs.

And if there is any benefit, in addition to making it easier to conquer the knights to gather faith, it can be used to bluff people occasionally...

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