The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3514: , Great background

Standing on his own exclusive car, the huge figure made continuous shots. The round of Judgment Day one after another, as if it didn't need money, one after another smashed into the imperial army's position.

Marshal Bahat took a sigh of relief and commanded the city-class battleships in their Empire fleet to attack with the firepower of the city-breaking cannon, and continuously exploded the Judgment Day wheel that had come over.

Under the frenzied firepower of the two sides, the spread of energy shock almost turned this area into a death zone, making no one on both sides of the fleet dare to approach easily.

In this area, I believe that any warship will be easily crushed to pieces by the spread of energy!

"Wrap up from both the D3 area and F7 area, hurry up! Cover your majesty!!"

On the side of the magical fleet, Yuan Xi, who was constantly confirming the battle situation, commanded the pioneer fleet to do its best. The other four magical fleets cooperated in an attempt to provide cover for their majesty.

At this moment, Luo Ji is the giant who is more than 500 meters tall and is holding the Judgment Sun Wheel in Battlefield One!


It might not be accurate to say that. It should be said that it was Luo Ji's clone, and it was more appropriate.

After all, Luo Ji is still a human in terms of pedigree. Even if he eats well these years, he cannot grow to more than 500 meters under the condition of excessive nutrition...

However, this avatar is undoubtedly a great source.

This is a five-star man-made wonder of their ten thousand world civilization! Named the King of Conquer Colossus!

This Colossus of Conquering King was originally modeled on the five-star man-made spectacle of the Sun God Colossus, and was transformed by the characteristics of their civilization of the world. It had always stood in the port of the Yangtze River Fortress.

However, with the development of civilization, after their civilization of the world has completely entered the age of interstellar navigation, the ordinary navy of this golden age will undoubtedly have to face a problem of elimination and transformation.

At this stage, the naval fleet in the early years of the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms has been fully transformed into a space fleet, which can be regarded as a kind of inheritance.

Under this premise, as a man-made five-star spectacle with various buffs for naval units, conquering the King Colossus undoubtedly has lost its greatest value.

Although it continues to stand on the Yangtze River port as a scenic spot, it can provide him with a steady income of 800 civilization points every day. In one year, there will be nearly 300,000.

But to be honest, will Luo Ji, who has developed to this stage, lose the income of 800 civilization points a day?

A good five-star man-made spectacle has been eliminated by the times and reduced to a tourist attraction that produces 800 civilization points every day, and by the way, drives the development of tourism on the main planet of his ten thousand civilizations. Luo Ji is obviously not happy.

With such a feeling, Luo Ji thought about the colossus of the Conquering King, that is, can the colossus of the Conquering King be made into an alchemy creature?

Thanks to the technology of wind chimes, their ten thousand world civilization has developed very well in the field of refining alchemy creatures.

If you can implant an artificial soul into the Conquer King Colossus and refine it into an alchemy creature, then it is also a combat power.

Luo Ji quickly contacted Feng Chime about this, and consulted.

According to wind chimes, theoretically speaking, there is no problem at all.

But in this matter, the success rate cannot reach 100% after all, so she has to give it a try first.

And under this premise, the colossus of the conquering king must be dismantled first.

Luo Ji didn't have any reluctance to deal with this, so he just approved it.

But before that, he had to transfer the power of faith stored in the Conquering King Colossus.

After all, according to the project effect of Wing Ren civilization, as long as the statue is made in Luo Ji's shape, after the similarity reaches a certain level, only a sum of Wing Ren points needs to be paid to activate it smoothly and become a god. .

Therefore, when Luo Ji was transforming the idols on a large scale, of course he did not forget his Conquering King Colossus.

Even because the conquering of the King Colossus itself is the reason for the five-star man-made spectacle, after being transformed into a deity, its effect of gathering faith power is better than ordinary statues, which greatly increases the output of faith power in the Yangtze River Province. !

The colossus of the King of Conqueror whose faith power completed the transfer was quickly sent to the alchemy factory for decomposition.

After that, based on the blueprint of the Conquering King Colossus, the galaxy-level war was improved and upgraded, and it was refined into an alchemy creature. This project is solely in charge of Wind Chime.

This is a five-star man-made spectacle after all, and it is a five-star man-made spectacle that has been improved once by them. If you want to improve and upgrade again, even with the blessings of the civilization characteristics of the world, it is definitely not easy. The difficulty of things has risen exponentially.

The preliminary work took a lot of time, but after the design drawings were basically finalized, the subsequent refining work was much simpler.

Before the artificial soul was formally incorporated, Luo Ji also went to the alchemy factory to conduct an inspection, and by the way once again gave the other party the characteristics of a "deity".

As a result, when he opened the development panel of Yiren Civilization and operated on the idol project, an extended project next to him made him a whim.

And the name of that project is ‘Advent’.

Luo Ji uses this project casually on weekdays. To put it bluntly, he transfers his consciousness to the idol, and then he can remotely convey the message.

Later, as follow-up items are unlocked, each time it comes, some side effects are added, which can increase the output of faith in the area within a certain period of time after the arrival.

Therefore, when Luo Ji is in trouble, he will use this trick to show his own people, so as to increase the efficiency of gaining faith and at the same time help stabilize the people's hearts.

And this time, Luo Ji was undoubtedly just trying on a whim.

As a result, he tried out the situation...

Because he found that he could control this conquering king colossus to make various actions.

At the same time, because Luo Ji himself is a giant in his spiritual world, he is very used to this giant's perspective, and when he controls it, it's almost like controlling his own body!

This kind of thing has never happened before.

Because those idols are essentially statues, and they don't have the ability to move, how can they move?

The same is true of the original Colossus of Conquer King.

But it's different now!

This colossus of the Conquering King, the wind chime is to be refined into an alchemy creature.

Under this premise, this body, of course, needs to have the ability to move, and alchemy creatures can't just put an artificial soul into a statue.

The direct result of this was that Luo Ji was able to completely control the Conquering King Colossus to take action!

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