The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3528: , Theoretical plan

At the same time that Colincoln fired the shot, due to the stronger power, Trager, who was responsible for opening the space channel, naturally used a stronger force to ensure the internal stability of the space channel.

In order to avoid the situation that the attack power is too strong, causing the space channel to collapse, and ultimately fail to hit the target.

On the contrary, this approach also brought about more intense spatial fluctuations, making Trager no longer able to cover up their existence!

"General! D4 area, when the attack just came, abnormal spatial fluctuations appeared in D4 area!"

The fragmentation of the double shield made the situation inside the Void Base appear slightly chaotic.

And in this chaos, as a member of the detection team, he found the strange goblin soldier, and his voice was significantly increased by several decibels!

Due to the impact of the technology side equipment, the Void Base's monitoring power for the entire battlefield has undoubtedly declined.

After learning about this situation, Zhao Pan quickly ordered that area be locked.

They didn't let them wait too long, and soon, the attack from the enemy reappeared.

I saw that the space in a certain area was suddenly distorted in that piece of void, and a space channel closed immediately after being opened for a moment.

But at that instant, a powerful attack had already hit them.

Originally, the strength of the Void Great Wall itself was also very high. When it was manufactured, the shield was exploded in battle, so even without a shield, it can be hardened by its own strength. Resist many attacks.

But unfortunately, that was the original...

The section of the Void Great Wall on the first battlefield of the original rung was completely destroyed by the imperial army's meteor cannon.

However, the section of the Void Great Wall that was urgently repaired and repaired was obviously far from reaching that strength.

The attack came again, accurately hitting a fortress-level elemental magical cannon fixed on the Void Great Wall.

The powerful power, while destroying the Elemental Magic Cannon, also caused damage to the surrounding area.

Once the shield is exploded, a super large fortress like this is basically equivalent to an immobile target. In the face of such an attack, they have no room to evade and can only choose to resist.

In fact, these fortress-level elemental magical cannons can be retracted into the armor of the Void Great Wall. In normal days, it is impossible to be exposed to the void environment all the time. That would cause damage to the gun body and reduce a fortress. The service life of the elementary magic cannon.

But at this time, Zhao Pan did not intend to do so.

He had already clearly seen the power of that blow just now.

The power is estimated to be stronger than that of the city-breaking gun. At this stage, the strength of the armor of this temporarily repaired section of the Void Great Wall is simply impossible to withstand.

In other words, if you don't collect it, you will be blown up.

At the same time, if this battle is defeated, their border defense on Battlefield One will inevitably fall. At that time, these fortress-level elemental magical cannons will not be taken away. Are they still left to the enemy?

Instead of that, it's better to seize all the output opportunities and fight the enemy directly!

At this moment, while Zhao Pan was commanding the Void Base, using fortress firepower to fully support the frontline battle, he naturally pondered the attack from the space channel.

As a civilization that also has space technology, they directly use space channels to carry out ultra-long-distance strikes across space. Of course, they have not thought about this kind of thing, but they have not put it into actual use. This is naturally for a reason.

The spatial passage is unstable, even if it is a spatial passage opened by a fixed space door, it is needless to say.

In such a complex, dangerous, and unstable spatial environment, even if you are already very skilled in space shuttles, you have to cheer up and be cautious. Once you deviate from the internal spatial track, It is possible that the ship will be destroyed or killed.

Not to mention the attack.

In terms of technology, let’s talk about smart missiles. Once you enter the space channel, you are in a special subspace environment and completely separated from the original space plane.

In this process, the intelligent missile will basically completely lose its function.

Anyway, Luo Ji and the others, when they were testing, did not have a missile, according to the plan, they smoothly came out from the other end of the space channel.

At the same time, due to the barrier of the spatial plane, the information in the subspace cannot be smoothly transmitted to the main space, and the information in the main space cannot be transmitted to the subspace, so during this test, they do not know the space. What happened in the passage, was their missile lost on the way to the target?

Later, according to the speculations of a group of technicians who specialize in space engineering, there is a high possibility that those missiles are really "lost" in the space channel.

Fortunately, the detonation system was not triggered in the subspace, otherwise, the fun would be even greater.

As for the energy attack, it is undoubtedly more dangerous.

Because energy attacks basically have their own energy magnetic field, at the same time, their own energy will continue to diverge during the flight. For the space channel, it is equivalent to two energy magnetic fields. The same as interfering with each other.

It will make the space channel that is not absolutely stable, become more unstable.

Maybe as soon as the energy attack entered the space channel, it banged, exploded, or flew halfway, exploded with a bang, or flew somewhere, exploded with a bang, anyway, they Have experienced it again...

Zhao Pan is undoubtedly aware of these tests that are entirely to be used on military power. As one of the great generals of the civilization of the world, Zhao Pan is undoubtedly aware, and he is also paying attention throughout the process.

So he also knows how difficult it is to do this kind of thing.

According to the person in charge of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization project, the technology side cannot do it temporarily. If you want to do it, you must first achieve one point, that is, to maintain the connection between the main space and the subspace at all times. It's too difficult, too difficult.

In comparison, it is still possible on the magic side.

A space system mage with a strong cultivation base and extremely powerful control power opens and maintains the space channel, and then another attacker with the same strong control power launches an attack.

In this way, theoretically, it is possible to complete a cross-space ultra-long-range strike without interfering with each other.

Of course, so far, this idea only exists in theory, because it has never succeeded.

And now, as their mortal enemy in this battle, the Imperial Army seems to have put their ‘theory’ into practice...

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