The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3577: , State of war

There are only two reasons why communication cannot be connected or contacted...

The first reason is that the magic light brain used by the other party is turned off or damaged, and cannot function normally, which will cause the communication technique sent from his side to be received by the other party.

The second reason is that the user has lost consciousness, or is dead.

People are on the battlefield and turn off the magic light brain. What is the difference between giving up resistance?

As for the damage of the magic light brain...

That possibility is actually very small, and even if there is an accidental damage, most of the officer-level magic pilots like them will carry a spare magic light brain, just in case.

Therefore, excluding these possibilities, and considering the current situation and the strength of the enemy, there is basically only one conclusion that this sniper imperial officer can draw.

That is the imperial officer on the other side, they have already encountered an accident!

This is indeed the case.

John Thrall does have the strength, and the combat experience is not bad. The bonus of that talented skill is even more powerful.

At the same time, just looking at the panel, as the dwarf king, he also has a dual talent that ordinary generals can't match. Once he comes up, he has one more BUFF than other generals.

From this point of view, even the top gods can't compare to him, which enables John Thrall to squeeze into the upper reaches even among the generals of the first echelon.

As for Chat Black Iron, although he can't fight John Thrall in the panel, he has an advantage that John Thrall does not have, that is, the state of war!

There is absolutely no way to compare the state of a frontline general who has a long-term expectation on the battlefield and who will surely lead his army on an expedition and charge into battle, and a person who has a long-term expectation in a comfortable environment.

This state of war is embodied in all sides, and even includes ‘intuition’.

No matter how rich the combat experience and the strongest veterans are, they will inevitably become'sluggish' due to the influence of the surrounding environment after staying in a comfortable rear environment for a long time.

John Thrall is like that.

Although after officially stepping on the battlefield, as the battle progresses, John Thrall, who has gradually demonstrated his strength, is slowly regaining his once-lost state of war, and he has even gradually improved. a feeling of.

But so far, in this area, he is basically unable to compare with Chat Black Iron who has always maintained a sufficiently ‘sensitive’ state.

But the problem is not big, and the gap in their own hard power makes it difficult for these imperial officers to threaten John Thrall in a real sense.

According to the current situation, in the face of John Thrall's pursuit and killing, without other imperial military personnel to support him, it was almost impossible for him to resolve the immediate crisis.

At this moment, the imperial officer who realized that he had no hope of escape gritted his teeth, his heart also began to become fierce, holding the anti-material-level magic rifle in his hand, he aimed at John Thrall who was rushing towards him.

The speed is not as good as humans, and you can’t escape. Instead of waiting until the surrounding magic pilots are dead and wounded, they are chased by the enemy and killed. It’s better to fight against the opponent while there are still soldiers around. You can still get a chance.

As an imperial officer who is good at sniper ability, his marksmanship is undoubtedly quite outstanding.

As soon as he shot, John Salton felt a significant increase in pressure on his body.

At the same time, his sniping also created more attack opportunities for other magic pilots around.

But it's a pity that when the balanced imperial officer was still alive, the two of them teamed up and failed to suppress him. What's more, the opponent is now dead.

The people responsible for intercepting him frontally now became a group of ordinary magic pilots.

Although there are a lot of them, in terms of hard power, they are far worse.

According to data, among this group of magic pilots, the strongest one is equivalent to the appearance of a small soldier in the thousand-army stage. In front of John Thrall, it is simply not enough.

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Cooperating with the stalkers under the upper seat, these magic pilots who came up to intercept him were quickly completely destroyed by John Thrall.

And that sniper-type imperial officer was naturally inevitable in the end and became the soul of John Thrall.

Breathing out a long breath, the stalker landed quickly. After John Thrall jumped down, the stalker changed form again, and in a blink of an eye, he changed back to the original appearance and flew above and behind John Thrall.

This form, called follow mode, will act together behind the controller, which is equivalent to an external turret, providing fire support to the controller.

The other annihilators, although their individual strengths are not as strong as those of John Thrall and Chat Dark Iron, as a member of the top arms and dwarven ace troops, they are basically not much weaker. UU reading

After the large-scale stalkers arrived on the scene, the imperial army magic pilots entrenched in the west D area were quickly killed by them.

As for those imperial infantry units with a larger size.

Obviously, they don't need to worry about it, just give them the full power to the troop of trees stationed in this area.

However, John Thrall’s Thunder Assault Unit and Chat Black Iron’s Annihilator Unit, according to Zhao Pan’s instructions, quickly moved towards other areas to support them.

However, Zhao Pan was not in a hurry to ask John Thrall to support the B area where his son is located.

Among the various areas within Uranus, area B is the worst.

At the same time, it was precisely because of this that Zhao Pan sent Zhao Hao and the others.

It wasn't that he was cheating his son, or that he believed that Zhao Hao, who was in a weak state, could kill all parties and turn the tide.

It was because of the combination of the current situation and the available troops in his hand. This was the wisest arrangement he could make.

Zhao Pan’s fundamental purpose is not to take Zhao Hao with a group of martial arts soldiers to assist the garrison troops stationed in Area B to regain lost ground. In fact, he does not feel that Zhao Hao, who is in a weak state, can do this. .

At this stage, what Zhao Hao and the others need to do is to contain each other.

While Zhao Hao and the others contained the target, he dispatched John Thrall’s Thunder Assault Unit and Chat Black Iron’s Annihilator Unit to clean up other areas, giving priority to recovering those lost ground.

In this way, gradually regaining their control over Uranus by the garrison of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, this is Zhao Pan's fundamental goal!

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