The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3614: , Unique deterrent

Maintaining the All-Mechanic Federation, and at the same time, the mecha units that are extremely familiar with this entire area, approaching the target location at an astonishing speed.

At this moment, it has become a planet of enemy bases, and the surrounding star field has deployed a large-scale imperial patrol fleet.

Needless to say, the other side is guarding them.

While Marshal Bahat used the Meteorite Cannon as his strength, he also considered the possibility that the civilization of the world might seize the opportunity to launch an attack against them.

Therefore, at almost the same time as the withdrawal, Marshal Bahat had already laid a tighter line of defense around the planet.

Now the mecha troops on the side of the civilization of Ten Thousand Worlds maintain a state of all-machine alliances and rapid advances. The moment they approached this area, the Imperial Army had already discovered them.

At that moment, from the patrol fleet in the surrounding area to the command base on the planet, a series of sharp sirens already echoed.

"Marshal, the outer area of ​​the planet, found traces of enemy troops!"

"Confirm which unit it is."

"Identity confirmation..."

"The confirmation is complete, it's the enemy army made up of huge robots!"

The enemy's mech forces, as attacking forces, appeared on the periphery of the frontline planet of their Imperial Army. This incident was not a surprise to Marshal Bahat.

Under normal circumstances, assault troops generally need the following three characteristics.

Strong mobility, the more comprehensive the better, the higher the combat effectiveness, the better!

With insufficient mobility, there is no way to start this attack.

The ability to be comprehensive is to allow the troops to be able to cope with various emergencies when fighting alone.

High combat effectiveness is undoubtedly necessary.

Sending a weak force to fight an attack is tantamount to sending death.

Taking into account the casualties of the previous battle, excluding the serious casualties and unable to fight, the enemy troops that meet the above three characteristics, and the mecha troops are just one of them.

Even after the previous battle, according to Marshal Bahat's idea, if the opponent wants to fight an attack, then the mecha unit is definitely the most suitable choice.

And besides that mecha unit, what other suitable options are there.

That's probably the golden dragon...

"Assemble the patrol fleet in the surrounding area to intercept and kill the enemy unit that came up in a surprise attack. In addition, increase the detection efforts to confirm whether there are other enemy units or units approaching outside the planet. Especially the golden dragon, once found, report to me immediately!"


An order was issued. Some time ago, he had just experienced a fierce battle. As the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army, Marshal Bahat also accumulated a lot of fatigue.

However, at this moment, he still had an immediate vigor of 120,000 points to deal with the attack that was provoked by the civilization of the world.

Judging from the current scale, the main purpose of the opponent's attack should be harassment and consumption.

The scale of an attack with this purpose is generally not too large, and what is needed is a small, elite-level force to execute it.

But Marshal Bahat did not care about it.

Even if it is such an attack, carelessness may cause their imperial army to be completely defeated.

In this war, Ten Thousand Realms Civilization used too many powerful cards he hadn't seen before, completely beyond his expectations.

At this point, he no longer has the qualifications to relax.

"Marshal, did not find any traces of other enemy troops or the golden dragon."

"Check it again."


Within the planetary base, the detection work of the detection force has been carried out three times before and after, and the result of the three times is that ‘there is no trace of other enemy forces or the golden dragon found. ’

At the same time, the battle situation in the star field that was attacked by Ten Thousand Worlds Civilized Mecha Units was not optimistic at the moment.

Compared with warships, the mecha units are too flexible, especially the ace mechas driven by ace pilots like Xu Ji, whose flexibility is simply incredible.

Is that swift and dexterous action really something a giant robot can make?

Before witnessing it with his own eyes, even Marshal Bahat couldn't imagine that a huge robot could show such amazing skills.

Marshal Bahat's fleet deployed in that area couldn't help them.

But he did not dare to easily mobilize the fleet deployed in other areas, because once mobilized, other areas will be defensive loopholes due to the mobilization of the fleet.

At that time, if the other party is prepared, isn't it just because the other party will take advantage of it?

With this as a premise, Marshal Bahat did not easily mobilize the garrisons deployed around the planet, but gave priority to mobilizing a part of their imperial army stationed on the planet for rest and rest. At this time, after receiving the order, that part of the fleet The magic pilot unit has been dispatched urgently.

But to be honest, Marshal Bahart did not have too optimistic views on this.

From within the planet to support the battlefield on the periphery of the planet, there is still a little distance between them, and this distance is enough for the mecha troops on the opposite side to bring some casualties to their imperial army.

If you want to arrive in time, unless you send high-end combat power, relying on their speed can you do it.

However, at this time, Marshal Bahat was worried, and he did not dare to send high-end combat power abroad.

The fundamental reason is undoubtedly because of the golden dragon Scarlett!

Although so far, the detection forces have not found the existence of the golden dragon. UU Reading

But Marshal Bahat still dare not care, because in the eyes of Marshal Bahat, Scarlett did not show up, which does not mean that the opponent is not nearby.

What if the opponent is now hiding in the dark, waiting for him to send out his high-end combat power?

As soon as he sent these forces out, the opponent immediately rushed out like a hungry dragon, and then killed them all!

Who will he talk to to reason?

Luo Ji undoubtedly grasped this level of psychology very accurately.

Moreover, even if the other party's commander guessed that he might be singing an empty city plan, he was unlikely to act rashly.

Because the cost of betting this time is too great.

Rather than bet on this at the cost of losing high-end combat power, the opponent will probably choose to keep both of their high-end combat powers out of control and maintain a state of mutual checks and balances, allowing the troops below to fight, which will be more stable.

Therefore, at that time, Luo Ji temporarily changed his original plan due to Scarlet's injury, saying that he was not required to take action for the time being, but it was not all lies.

At first, Scarlett was asked to follow the mecha troops mainly to allow him to contain the high-end combat power on the opposite side. At the same time, in case of any emergency, he could use his hard power to force the mecha troops to break through.

But in fact, it doesn't matter if he doesn't act with the mech forces.

As long as the Imperial Army knew about the existence of Scarlet, the deterrent power that belonged solely to the golden dragon Scarlet could already perform its due role.

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