Sending such a large-scale army to carry out a carpet search, this action of the Imperial Army, it is almost impossible to not be discovered.

The latest situation here was quickly fed back to Zhao Pan.

Marshal Bahat couldn't be so stupid to find mech troops.

As an assault force with high mobility, the mech troops want to find them in the vast star field. The difficulty is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Unless it is a force with a mechanical civilization to assist them in their detection, this approach is too difficult and too inefficient.

Therefore, the goal of Marshal Bahat could not be the mech.

Using this as a premise, combined with Zhao Pan's own speculation, he was able to conclude that Marshal Bahat may have noticed the insufficient continuous combat capability of the mecha forces, and the problem of being on the front line for a long time and requiring supplies.

Therefore, the opponent's move is to find the magical transport fleet that has been supplying the mecha units!

In the face of this situation, if Zhao Pan ordered the mecha troops to stop the attack and temporarily retreat with the magical transport fleet, it would be equivalent to the opposite's wish.

And if the attack continues, according to the mobility and concealment of the magical transport fleet, facing such a large-scale carpet search, it is actually a matter of time before it is discovered.

No matter which option, it is not a good choice.

In this regard, Zhao Pan's choice is to continue to attack!

He needs the attack of mecha troops to interfere with the rest of the opposite side, so that the efficiency of the rest of the Imperial Army decreases, so as to buy enough time for their Uranus garrison.

And how much time they can buy is related to the arrangement of their entire tactical plan.

How could Zhao Pan let the mecha troops withdraw?

However, Zhao Pan did not hide the mecha troops from the whole situation.

The mecha troops are not ordinary troops, but one of their ace troops in the civilization of the world. In the mecha troops, every pilot is an elite of the elite. If you want to join this troop, in addition to the requirements for your own strength In addition, psychological quality is naturally the top priority.

A pilot with poor psychological quality and unable to withstand pressure, no matter how good his ability is, it is useless for mecha troops.

The selection criteria of the mecha troops are there. Therefore, Zhao Pan basically does not worry that the pilots of the mecha troops will affect his own state because of this, which can be said to be a normal situation in common sense.

Even to speak of it, for mecha troops, after they have relatively fully understood the situation, they can better deal with the various situations that may occur next.

Facts have proved that all the pilots are very calm, and they did not even deliberately transfer the magic transport fleet that provided them with logistics.

Such a situation often happens on the battlefield.

You hide in a place, the enemy obviously didn't find you, but you always feel insecure and want to change the place, but after this run, the enemy caught you.

As an ace troop, the mech troop will certainly not make such a low-level mistake.

Of course, their self-confidence does not come from'not running around', but from their familiarity with this star field.

They know what is the best hiding place in this star field, and they also know how to avoid the imperial army's search when they are in action, lest the imperial army follow their course of action, follow the vines and find the magical transport fleet The presence.

So after hiding in that location, they won't let the Magic Transport Fleet act rashly, unless they confirm that the location is no longer safe.

The mech forces did not reduce their offensive, and during this period, the opponents continued to bring losses to their imperial army, causing Marshal Bahat a little headache.

The overall size of the mecha force is not large, especially after the loss of a batch in the previous Uranus war, the size has been reduced.

Such a small-scale force, even if its combat power is amazing, the loss it can bring to the Imperial Army is relatively limited.

But this wave on the opposite side kept coming one after another, and the losses that continued to grow, after accumulating to a certain level, the number was no longer small.

In this process, the assault troops sent by their imperial army failed frequently.

Although there are some effects of the attack, the loss and impact it can bring to the opponent is much smaller.

The best way to change this situation is to send high-end combat power.

However, Scarlett's existence made Marshal Bahat jealous. With the high-end combat power in his hands, he did not dare to act rashly.

When I thought of this, even Marshal Bahat felt a little mad.

In the current situation, he wants to send high-end combat power, the safest way is to first wait for Trager and Colinken to regain combat power, and be able to coordinate with Fein.

The golden dragon on the opposite side is indeed very strong, but the Trager trio are also the true top combat power of their empire.

At that time, the golden dragon appeared, Fein was responsible for close containment, and UU Reading Colin Ken was responsible for remote support, supplemented by Trager's spatial technique. In the view of Marshal Bahat, this configuration As soon as you put it out, basically everyone will die!

Of course, think carefully. Even if the golden dragon cannot be killed, as long as the opponent can be restrained, then the high-end combat power of their Imperial Army, headed by a group of army commanders, can start to exert their due Fighting power.

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Before that, he sent out the magic pilot unit to carry out a carpet search. If he could find the supply point of that huge robot force, destroy it, and cut off the supply on the opposite side, it would be able to a large extent. Change the current situation.

In this way, Marshal Bahat, who had confirmed the situation and policy, directly handed over the task of dealing with the attack by the enemy forces to his subordinate, an officer with sufficient ability.

In this imperial army, although he is the commander-in-chief, it is impossible for him to do everything himself, so he shouldn't be exhausted?

Moreover, at this stage, in response to the attack from the enemy, their Imperial Army has shifted its focus to finding and disposing of the opponent's supply point. As for the defense, they have no intention of making any major moves for the time being. .

At the same time, he didn't expect the other party to do anything to him or create any miracles. All he needed to do was to command the defensive forces that he had deployed around the planet. When the opposing assault force came over, he would step by step to resist the offensive.

Under this premise, as long as the officer in charge of the response is not too bad, he should be able to deal with it.

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