The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3626: Star Core Ancient Tree

At the same time, here on the battlefield of Uranus...

"One thousand five hundred and seventy-two years, has it finally grown?!"

At the moment when the old star core tree broke out of its shell, that powerful energy immediately caused the fairy king Hassan Medvedev who was in Uranus to have a sense.

The ancient star-core tree is an extremely special kind of treants in the fairy civilization. Their growth needs to absorb the energy of the planet.

Once selected, the planet will become a breeding room for the ancient tree of the star core until it has absorbed enough planetary energy to break out of the shell.

Therefore, when choosing a ‘nurturing warehouse’ for the ancient star-core tree, you must first select the planet with sufficient energy. If it is not enough, there is no way to ‘hatched’ the ancient star-core tree smoothly.

And, at the same time that the old star core tree broke out of its shell, that planet was obviously gone...

In other words, the cost of cultivating ancient star-core trees is that in addition to the extremely long cultivation time, it also requires a planet with sufficient energy as its nutrients!

This price can be said to be quite staggering.

Among Luo Ji's civilizations of the world, the planet with an atmosphere, the planetary energy contained in it, is undoubtedly sufficient.

But how precious is a planet with an atmosphere to Luo Ji? How can he use these planets as nutrients for cultivating ancient trees with star cores?

Fortunately, during the subsequent confirmation process, a planet without an atmosphere also met this standard, which made Luo Ji greatly relieved.

After placing the tree species of the ancient star-core tree on that planet, the next thing to do is basically to wait.

Even the strongest treant trainer of the fairy clan, there is no way to accelerate their cultivation.

According to the instructions, this ancient star-core tree will grow up in about 1,500 years if it has enough planetary energy.

And this "left and right" he is very magical.

Now it seems that this carelessness has affected 72 years...

Hassan Medvedev can have a certain sense of the growth of ancient trees in the star core.

Although he wasn't sure when the old star core tree would break out of its shell, he could probably sense that it was in these few months.

In this way, Zhao Pan and the others were undoubtedly waiting for this old star core tree to grow up and let it become an opportunity for them to launch a counterattack.

Scarlet was imprisoned in a black hole, life and death uncertain, this situation was outside their plan, but now, Zhao Pan has no time to entangle this.

Almost at the moment when the roots and branches of the ancient star core tree broke through the surface of the planet and protruded from it, I received news from Hassan Medvedev that the ancient star core tree was about to burst out of its shell. Zhao Pan had already mobilized the Uranus garrison, which had long been ready to go outside the planet, with the fastest speed, to kill the frontline planet of the Imperial Army.

On the side of Uranus, Marshal Bahart couldn't help knowing such a big movement, and the current situation made him feel very anxious.

The old star core tree broke out of the shell, disrupting all his plans and arrangements, and even the frontline base was destroyed in a flash.

At the same time, the troops and fleets stationed on the planet at that time suffered heavy losses.

Who can think of this?

At this time, the movement on Uranus's side undoubtedly shows that the other party has been planning for a long time.

Now their imperial army, even the front-line base has been completely endorsed by this old star core tree. At this point of view, if the enemy's Uranus garrison is pressed up again...

As soon as he thought of this, Marshal Bahat completely lost the idea of ​​meeting him, and quickly adjusted the original plan to signal the imperial army to retreat.

In any case, retreat to the back planet first, and then make arrangements according to the situation.

After all, in the current situation, even the battle-tested Marshal Bahat, his whole brain has become a mess.

A big guy like Star Core Ancient Tree was there, even he couldn't think of a way to deal with it for a while.

However, he has not fallen behind the commands that have been deeply rooted.

Some of the arrangements that need to be made do not need to be thought about, they can be made just by relying on his rich commanding experience.

For example, the Uranus garrison that is advancing here at the moment...

Although there is still a safe distance between the two of them, the other party can't immediately threaten their safety in a short time, but it takes time for their army to evacuate, and this force has to be guarded.

So Marshal Bahat immediately dispatched a fleet of sufficient size to perform guard missions on the periphery.

At that time, in case the opponent's vanguard fleet is chasing up, in an emergency, this fleet can also help intercept it and buy some time for the large-scale retreat of the Imperial Army.

With the rapid delivery of Marshal Bahat's orders, within the surrounding star field, the Imperial Army quickly followed his orders and launched operations.

During this period, the ancient star-core tree that broke out of its shell, although it is not clear what the situation is now, Hassan Medvedev has already used a special connection between him and the ancient star-core tree. The message passed.

Before the ancient star-core tree was planted, Hassan Medvedev followed the instructions. UU reading used his natural energy to leave a mark on the tree species of the ancient star-core tree. While deepening the connection between him and the ancient tree of the star core, it will also let the ancient tree of the star core know that Hassan Medvedev was the one who cultivated it, so as to follow his orders.

At the same time, this is also the main reason why Hassan Medvedev, who is on Uranus, is able to sense the ancient trees with the nucleus far away on another planet.

Now after receiving Hassan Medvedev’s message, the ancient star-core tree did not hesitate at all. Between the sturdy branches and waving, driven by its huge size, it does not require any special skills or The move, just a simple swipe, brought a devastating blow to the surrounding imperial warships!

At this moment, the terrifying sight made the state of the imperial army more tense.

"The whole fleet, leave this star field urgently, hurry up!!"

At this stage, facing such a behemoth, the way Marshal Bahat can think of is to escape, first escape the attack range of the old star core tree.

However, this size can be comparable to the ancient star-core tree of the planet. Any branch or root can reach an astonishing hundreds of kilometers in length. Once an attack is launched, the range of the attack is naturally beyond doubt.

In a short period of time, their imperial fleet wanted to completely get rid of the attack range of the old star core tree, which is basically an unlikely thing.

Not to mention, this old star core tree doesn't just stay motionless.

The roots at the bottom slide quickly, like the tentacles of a jellyfish or a squid, pushing the old star-core tree to move in the void...

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