The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3639: Tiger down the mountain

Although he is bold and adventurous, he is not stupid...

In this wave, their imperial army was able to make good use of the home court advantage and confront each other. Under this premise, how could Marshal Vlad have a good home court advantage, and they had to compete with the civilized army of the world. Fight to the death outside the border of the empire?

According to Marshal Bahart’s earlier statement, in this game, if the opponent takes the initiative and they fight defensively, then the most important point is to destroy the super huge tree-shaped creature before it approaches their border.

Judging from the current strength and situation on both sides, it is no exaggeration to say that as long as they succeed in doing this, the expeditionary force of ten thousand civilizations will pose no threat to their empire borders!

At this point, Marshal Vlad's thoughts and Marshal Bahat's thoughts are relatively unified.

Especially after seeing the size and defensive strength of that super huge tree-shaped creature.

The imperial fleet that received the order quickly retreated, and the command ship where Marshal Vlad was located, even withdrew their imperial border base in one breath.

At this stage, the fleet of Ten Thousand World Civilizations is actually quite far away from the border defense of their empire.

It was not yet time to fight the opponent to the death.

Before the distance between the two of them was close to a certain point, what Marshal Vlad had to do was to send troops and launch raids frantically to consume the opposing forces and energy.

After all, this is also a big advantage as a defensive side, Marshal Vlad has no reason not to make good use of it.

Of course, in the process of launching an attack, it is more important than consuming the expedition army of the civilization of the world. It must be tried several times to see if you can kill the super huge tree-shaped creature.

As for the specific command of this attack, it is enough to hand it to the appropriate generals under his command. Some of his subordinates are generals who are good at commanding attacks. This matter does not require his commander-in-chief to personally operate.

In this way, the attack on the side of the Imperial Army began frantically.

As a commander in command with a strong offensiveness, the generals under Marshal Vlad, their combat style will naturally be influenced by their commander in more or less.

For example, the general responsible for directing the attack.

The usual tactics at this stage should be based on harassment and consumption.

As long as the enemy's army's mental state can be kept tense at all times and it constitutes a continuous consumption of energy, their goal has actually been achieved to a large extent.

However, the general under Marshal Vlad was different.

Even when he was fighting an attack, he was very aggressive.

Regarding the tens of thousands of civilized armies, considering that their imperial warships have no advantage in mobility and flexibility, Marshal Vlad also provided sufficient strength for the subsequent assault troops.

With this as a prerequisite, coupled with their imperial army's familiarity with this area, this made the general commanding the assault troops under his command. In every attack, he fought like a tiger descending a mountain, aggressively!

In this process, the imperial general who was in charge of directing the attack naturally did not forget his main task, which was to destroy the super huge tree-shaped creature of the enemy.

To this end, Marshal Vlad not only deployed more opposing warships to his raiding troops, but also also deployed their Twelfth Empire Sword Corps, Thirteenth Empire Sword Corps, and Empire Tenth. The four magic pilots were transferred to assist him in the operation.

The commanders of these three imperial sorcerer regiments are all typical rear firepower types!

Among them, the commander of the Twelfth Magical Aircraft Corps of the Empire is Colincoln.

As for the commanders of the other two imperial sorcerer regiments...

Excluding the factors of marksmanship and ‘Apollo’, the rear firepower of these two commanders is actually not much weaker than that of Colincoln.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this stage, the top three rear firepower of their Imperial Army are all here!

Needless to say, how fierce the assault troops gathered these three guns is.

The main force of the civilization of Ten Thousand Worlds, which has been under attack, continues to increase the number of casualties.

In response to this situation, as the commander-in-chief of the expedition, a group of high-level leaders, headed by Hill and Dominique Adolf, including the goblin king Gawain and the goblin king Hassan Medvedev, gathered together and opened a front line. meeting.

"The purpose of the opposite is obvious. Even in the military meeting before the army’s march, the Chief of Staff Guo Jia had already pointed out that their purpose was to destroy the ancient star-core tree before it reached the border. ."

As he spoke, Hill flicked his fingertips, starting from the first attack, the images of each attack were immediately presented in front of everyone present.

From those images, they could basically clearly see that the imperial army that had attacked had given priority to the old star core tree every time.

"In this area, the opponent is more familiar with the environment than we are, and once an attack is fought, it will be detrimental to us. UU Reading"

"And the existence of the ancient star-core tree has greatly slowed down our marching efficiency, which is equivalent to a substantial increase in the enemy's attack opportunities, making the whole situation worse..."

Having said this, Hill's voice paused for a while, and when he spoke again, there was already a bit more solemnity in his voice.

"According to this situation, whether the ancient star-core tree can support the enemy's border, I am not too good to say, but I am afraid that our army will have to be wiped out by the opponent on the way!"

Hill’s remarks are by no means alarmist. When their expeditionary army of civilizations of the world is almost consumed by enemy troops, how can the enemy's border garrison continue to guard foolishly. Border, waiting for them to come here?

At that time, the frontier army directly swarmed up and wiped out them, which is by no means difficult.

Hill was very sure about this matter, and at the same time, all the generals present were very sure in their hearts.

Because they discovered that from the first attack, the enemy commander’s methods and command style were completely different from what Zhao Pan said.

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Zhao Pan said before that the command style of the enemy's commander-in-chief is very cautious and steady, without flaws, making it impossible for people to take advantage of the loopholes.

But this one is completely contrary to what Zhao Pan said.

Hill certainly didn't think that Zhao Pan was lying.

There will be such a change, and the greatest possibility is that the commander-in-chief on the opposite side will change.

Compared with the previous one, this one is very aggressive.

Such a commander-in-chief, they don't think the other party will guard the border honestly and motionless...

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