The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3679: , The horror of the machine race

From this point of view, the machine race is a very easy-to-understand race, because they have absolute saneness and will only do things that are in their own interests based on the analysis results of data intelligence, and will never use emotions.

When the interests of both parties are basically the same, the machine clan is definitely the most trusted ally.

On the contrary, when their interests cannot be guaranteed, this group of steel knots will turn their faces ruthlessly and be merciless at all.

But anyway, judging from the battlefield situation at this stage, the mechanical civilization headed by Caesar Trunk is completely on the same front.

The most powerful thing about the mechanical clan is not their single combat capability, but their superior intelligence collection and analysis capabilities, as well as their tacit cooperation.

As a matter of fact, the cooperation between mechanical clan fighters cannot be described by the word ‘tacit understanding’ at all.

If you insist, it feels like there is only one consciousness controlling them to fight! It is ‘like one body’ above ‘tacit understanding’.

At this moment, these five S-class mechanical warriors who have turned on the annihilation mode are like this.

Excluding the special factor that the more intelligence gathered, the stronger the strength displayed, the five mechanical S-class fighters, when the annihilation mode is turned on, their comprehensive combat power basically corresponds to them. World civilization entered the Wushuang realm to the Wushuang realm Xiaocheng level.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Bai Ze to be Bai Ze's opponent if it is picked up individually, or even if several people join hands.

But now, the five S-class mechanical fighters who had turned on the annihilation mode launched a joint offensive. Coupled with the presence of Vitas, the pressure on Bai Ze's body was greatly increased in an instant.

With no retreat in sight, even with a top-level body technique like "Eight Steps to Cicada", there is no way for him to escape.

In a moment of life and death, Bai Ze made a decisive decision and immediately exploded into a state of unparalleled combat power!

Originally in a normal state, facing the attacks of five mechanical S-class annihilation fighters and Vitas, Bai Ze, who could hardly find a way out, quickly increased his strength as soon as he entered the Wushuang state. , He seemed to have opened up a new horizon, things that were originally impossible became possible at this moment.

Wearing a cloud spear in his hand, he directly brought up a phantom, condensed with a sharp spear blade, like tearing apart a piece of silk, tearing apart the energy attack, the whole figure has already escaped.

All weapon rights, and the five S-class annihilation fighters who have now been dismissed immediately launched a pursuit.

At the same time, Vitas also opened a distance, throwing divine thunder frequently with his left hand, trying to kill Bai Ze.

The violent attack made this area directly form a death zone.

As the person in the center of this death zone, Bai Ze was not in a hurry. With the unfolding of his body skills, he locked the target and shot him directly.

At this moment, his first goal is not the strongest individual Vitas, but an S-class annihilation fighter of the mechanical race on the other side!

Between the lightning and flint, the masterminds of those mechanical S-class fighters seem to have calculated this situation long ago.

Almost at the same time that Bai Ze started the action, they had already taken cover and avoidance when they caught Bai Ze's movements.

This is the result of accurate analysis of data intelligence!

There is basically no tacit understanding between Vitas and the five S-class annihilation fighters of the mechanical race. It can only be said that they can just be maintained at a level that will not interfere with each other.

Under this premise, instead of slaying a Vitas who has little cooperation with the five mechanical S-level annihilation fighters, Bai Ze might as well reduce the number of S-level annihilation fighters on this side, thereby reducing the total number of fighters. The threat that can bring him.

After the individual's strength has reached a certain level, the combat power that can be erupted by tacit cooperation is in many cases terrifying.

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The cooperation of two people alone can greatly increase the overall combat effectiveness. The more people cooperate, the more amazing the comprehensive combat effectiveness displayed.

Relatively, however, the difficulty of coordination will also increase significantly as the number of cooperating partners increases.

but! This is the machine clan!

The characteristics of the mechanical clan destined that no matter how many people they are, under the unified command of the main brain, they can complete the ‘one-piece’ coordination without any difficulty!

From this point of view, the numerical advantage of the mechanical race is really more terrifying than other races!

In this way, compared to Vitas, which he can easily kill in a one-on-one matchup, Bai Ze naturally has to deal with it first, and this combination will result in a very tricky mechanical race S-level annihilation battle. Taxi.

At the same time, this is also to prevent the opponent from continuing to collect his combat intelligence at close range!

In this wave, the reaction of the five mechanical S-class annihilation fighters was extremely fast, as if Bai Ze had just started his action, and the other party had already seen his intentions.

Facing the energy attacks that blocked his advance route, Bai Ze at this time undoubtedly felt the threat from the mechanical race more deeply!

Suddenly, in Bai Ze's heart, the determination to kill the opponent quickly became firmer.

Without hesitation, "Eight Steps to Cicada" was handed over on the spot. At this moment, Bai Ze directly overwhelmed with hard power!

Taking three steps in a row, while avoiding the attack, Bai Ze relied on the blessing of the body to approach one of the S-class annihilation fighters of the mechanical race at an incredible speed!

"Analyzing the escape route..."

The individual main brain cooperates with the fleet main brain to calculate the maximum speed limit.

"The result is confirmed, there is no escape! The countermeasures are being analyzed..."

"Directly confirm the best response."

"The best way to deal with it..."

A shot was pierced, and facing the unrivaled Ling Ling spear light, the force field shield that the mechanical S-class annihilation soldier fully supported was torn on the spot.

Under the analysis and judgment of the individual mastermind, the mechanical S-class annihilation fighter who realized that he was unable to escape directly activated the self-detonation device in the power furnace without any hesitation.

That's right, this is the best way to deal with his personal mastermind under the limit of calculation, blew himself up!

It was almost at the moment when Bai Ze's spear light touched his body, tore his mimic skin covering the surface of his body, and disintegrated the alloy fiber tissue below.

Accompanied by a rush of sound, the power completely reached the strategic level, the super big explosion that can directly destroy a small city, it broke out in one breath, engulfing everything around it! !

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