The moment Scarlett said those three words, the scene fell into a long silence.

According to their strength, the void environment obviously cannot prevent them from talking and communicating, but this embarrassing atmosphere can...

"Then, Lord Scarlett, do you remember the direction you came from?"

According to Luo Yong's idea, if they can confirm the direction they are flying from, then they can make a judgment about their current approximate position by locking the original position of the planet.

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To this, Scarlett's answer is...

"Um, probably?"

As he spoke, Scarlett's tone was full of uncertainty, and he looked behind him specifically.

Now behind him, there is an endless black void, the shattered space, which has long been restored.

Under normal circumstances, unless there is a strong enough power, with their own strength, continue to destroy the space.

Or the two big powers fought wildly, causing the fragmented space in an area to fail to heal.

Otherwise, the restoring power of the void is very amazing, and the shattered space will recover in a short time.

As for the black holes formed after the destruction of the planet, for those like Scarlett and Rayong that use ‘microseconds’ as the unit of time after they act, the duration of the black hole is naturally long enough.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, that is just a moment.

In short, for Scarlett and Rayong at this time, apart from the dark void behind them, there were no signs that could allow them to confirm where they came from.

As for this kind of thing, as the flying party, why Scarlett himself could not confirm this problem.

In fact, it is easy to understand.

The situation was urgent at the time. Scarlet was anxious to take Rayong out of the black hole. He didn't have much energy and cared about other things, which was one of the reasons.

There is another main reason, which has been said many times.

That is, in the void, there is basically no clear sense of direction.

Without a marker for him to lock his position, even Scarlett could not guarantee 100% that he was definitely flying in a straight line.

Not to mention, at that time, in order to control the speed that was out of control and dissolve the impulse he brought up under his full burst, he also made various flipping movements while flapping the dragon's wings.

In this wave, let alone whether he was flying in a straight line, even if it was the question of which direction he was flying from, he was not particularly clear.

Scarlett was embarrassed and annoyed at the moment.

Because he found out that he seemed to mess things up again.

But in fact, in a strict sense, this matter cannot be regarded as a mess.

Excluding the fact that they seem to be lost, Luo Yong and him are alive and well. They used a meteor cannon on the opposite side, killed 200,000 magic pilots, and landed on a planet.

No matter how you look at it, they are making a lot of money.

"Anyway, let me contact your majesty first."

In the current situation, ordinary communication methods are definitely not available. However, Luo Yong can still directly contact Luo Ji through the faith network.

Luo Ji was afraid that Scarlett and Rayong were busy getting away at the time. If he suddenly contacts Rayong through the faith network, his news may cause Rayong to be distracted and fall into danger.

In addition, on his own side, the battle was fierce.

Therefore, he did not take the initiative to contact Luo Yong.

Now that Luo Yong contacted him, Luo Ji was greatly relieved after confirming the identity of the other party.

"Rayong, how are you and Scarlett? What is the specific situation over there?"

"Return to your Majesty, Lord Scarlet and I were slightly injured, but the problem is not big, here is..."

While speaking, Luo Yong quickly explained his situation to Luo Ji in relative detail.

After listening to it, Luo Ji knew the whole situation immediately.

And in the first time, through the faith network, these intelligence information was relayed to Hill and Dominic Adolf, who were commanders of the expeditionary force.

Hill, who confirmed the information, was also relieved at this time.

Although she had predicted this situation a long time ago and reminded it.

But after the event really happened, Hill could not guarantee the result.

But now, she can undoubtedly feel at ease.

On the other side, after talking to Hill, Luo Ji's energy quickly returned to contact with Luo Yong.

"Where are you now?"

"My Majesty, in the process of evacuating that planet, we seem to have lost our way."

Just as Rayong said this, Scarlett on the side also quickly said...

"Don't worry, it will take a little longer, I can take you back."

In this sentence, Scarlett still said very confidently.

The belief network of Luo Ji and Rayong belongs to the conversation in the brain. Of course, it is okay for Rayong to speak directly. Otherwise, Scarlett would not be able to hear their conversation.

But Scarlett thought about it casually, and knew that Luo Yong would definitely report the situation here to Luo Ji. Of course, it also included the fact that they got lost. Because of his own face, Scarlett quickly emphasized it. One sentence.

In this regard, Luo Yong also truthfully relayed this remark to Luo Ji.

Luo Ji did not doubt whether Scarlett could do this.

Scarlet has extremely powerful perception abilities, and here on the battlefield, they are fighting so much movement, Scarlett will take a little longer, and he will definitely be able to get it back.

After all, in the current situation, Luo Ji, who was in the middle of the battle, couldn't get out of his body. He wanted to do something, but couldn't do it. In the end, he had to hand it over to Scarlett.

Hearing what Rayong conveyed, Scarlett breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said that there was no problem confidently.

At the same time, the front command room of the Imperial Army is here...

From the moment the Meteor Cannon fired, Marshal Vlad sent a special person to stare at the images fed back from the star field.

This whole process is not long, it can even be said to be very short.

The violent energy fluctuations and the existence of black holes caused by the big bang of the planet prevented them from clearly observing the situation in the star field.

However, in the image, the golden light passing by at an extremely fast speed, and the space that accompanies the golden light, shattering the past, it is obviously impossible for them to notice.

At that moment, Marshal Vlad, who had witnessed this video, almost burst into foul language on the spot.

Because he knew that his layout on that planet was a failure!

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