The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3686: , Urine of the mechanical family (2)

The grand plan of the mechanical civilization fleet has destined their troops to not pay too much in this battle.

At first, according to Marshal Vlad's idea, as long as he can play a sufficient advantage in this battle, even a clumsy mechanic, shouldn't mind using hard power to defeat opponents in advance.

Therefore, he only needs to create a ‘general trend’, and let the gang of mechanical civilizations follow the ‘general trend’ he created.

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However, the actual operation is not smooth at all.

The plan on one planet had just failed, and soon, the main battlefield also had bad news.

I just received the intelligence information provided by them earlier, saying that they would not change the originally planned mechanical civilization fleet. At this moment, a message came suddenly, saying that it was going to retreat!

Hearing this news, Marshal Vlad was stupid.

Mom, do you want to change the original plan?

What I just said before, when I turned my head, I let it go as a fart? !

In response to this question, Marshal Vlad, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army, had just said the question, and Vitas' communications came in urgently.

Combining Vitas' intelligence and the words of the commander-in-chief of the opposing mechanical civilization fleet, Marshal Vlad finally understood the whole situation.

Simply put, until now, their mechanically civilized fleet has confirmed that they have paid the loss of eight S-class bodies in this battle.

According to the big plan they have made in advance, and under the premise of paying this loss, if they fail to establish a relatively obvious advantage, then there is no need to continue this battle, which was based on intelligence gathering at the beginning.

Next, they will retreat temporarily and conduct an in-depth analysis of the intelligence they have collected.

After finishing the analysis and finishing the update of the intelligence information, they will start the next round of battle with each other.

By the way, during their communication, the commander-in-chief of the mechanical civilization fleet was expressionless and calmly updated the information.

It means that just now, the number of S-class bodies that their mechanical civilization fleet lost in this battle was officially updated to ten.

They also strongly condemned Vitas, the commander of the Seventeenth Magic Pilot Corps of the Imperial Army, who ran away early.

According to the commander-in-chief of the Mechanical Civilization Fleet, Vitas had withdrawn early when they lost seven of their S-class bodies.

This also directly caused the remaining three S-class annihilation fighters of their mechanical civilization fleet to be continuously destroyed by the enemy's top combat power in a short period of time.

As for the loss of the A-class body during this period, it can be even greater.

However, in the face of the strong condemnation of the commander-in-chief of the mechanical civilization fleet, Marshal Vlad's whole mood was very delicate.

On the one hand, the other party’s ‘strongly condemning’ tone was too plain, so plain that he couldn’t hear any trace of anger.

He knows that all the mechanical races have this urine sex.

But at this time, people are always very unaccustomed.

On the other hand, it was because Vitasna took his own life safety as the first priority, which he specifically urged.

Rounding up, this wave is equivalent to him pitting the mechanical civilization fleet...

At this moment, I don't know if it was the reason for the complicated mood. The irritation before Marshal Vlad dissipated more than half.

Marshal Vlad, who had learned about the intelligence from both sides, is now hurriedly asking Vitas, the enemy's top powerhouse, that is, what is the current state of Bai Ze, and he is also set up with the commander in chief of the mechanical civilization fleet intelligence.

In response to this question, Vitas and the commander of the mechanical civilization fleet gave basically the same answers.

That's easy. From the look on Bai Ze's face, to every move and attack intensity, from the opponent's body, there is almost no trace of fatigue.

If not, they would not withdraw so simply.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say that the opponent's continuous combat capability is not strong?"

Faced with this question of Marshal Vlad, Vitas, who was fleeing the battlefield at full speed at this moment, turned his head frequently, and constantly confirmed the situation behind him, after ensuring that he had opened a safe distance, quickly said...

"As far as I know, his continuous fighting ability is indeed not strong, but this time is different from before."

"what's the difference?"

"The opponent's ultimate combat effectiveness this time is not as strong as before, but on the contrary, the continuous combat capability has been greatly improved."

Obviously, this is the main reason why Bai Ze chose to start Wushuang in the previous crisis.

For a top expert whose martial arts cultivation has reached the Martial God Realm, Wushuang's consumption will be significantly reduced.

Therefore, compared with the time of Wushuang, the duration of the whole state of UU reading when using Wushuang in the state of Wushuang will double.

After the state is lifted, the weakening influence that needs to be endured will be reduced, and the duration of the negative state will be shortened.

Therefore, unless it is to fight against a powerful enemy with top strength, otherwise, for the powerhouse of the Martial God Realm, opening Wushuang is the most cost-effective choice.

Under this premise, Bai Ze didn't use the Azure Dragon formation this time, also for the purpose of reducing consumption and extending his fighting time.

According to Hill, the presence of the three combat forces of Scarlet, Bai Ze and Rayong is a major advantage of their expeditionary force.

But it is not the core of their next offense.

The core of their expeditionary force in this war is the ancient star core tree.

As long as the Star Core Ancient Tree can advance smoothly, then they can be sure of the victory.

Before that, they don't need Bai Ze to explode in combat power to do anything.

Not only do not explode combat power, but even pay attention to conserving combat power, and even killing Vitas if it consumes too much, then she would rather Bai Ze not kill.

Because now their army of ten thousand civilizations needs Bai Ze to keep the strength to resolve the enemy's possible meteorite cannon attack.

Bai Ze turned on the state of the **** of war, and it was nothing to kill Vitas.

But the problem is, after you forcefully kill Vitas, what if a meteor cannon from the opposite side, or even two or three meteor cannons come over?

What will they do to resolve it?

The star-killing power of the Meteorite Cannon is enough to reverse the overall situation.

The imperial army had indeed killed Vitas, but that one shot over, also destroyed the great situation of their civilization of the world.

Vitas was dead, but they lost this battle. How could Hill do such a stupid thing that caused him to die?

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