The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3723: , Start to panic

Facing the most important light source in this entire galaxy, the mechanical civilization fleet quickly surrounded it as it approached quickly.

Immediately after the huge mechanical Wenxing ships, pieces of huge plate-shaped devices continued to fly out of them.

Then flew towards the sun of magical civilization.

After getting close to a certain distance, the huge plate-shaped devices began to be accurately and quickly spliced ​​together under the unified calculation and control of the main brain of the fleet.

At this moment, Ivan Rast, who received the latest intelligence feedback, was a complete confirmation.

Caesar Trunk’s army of mechanical civilizations, this wave is not directed at the planet of their magical civilization, its fundamental purpose is actually the sun of their magical civilization? !

Regardless of what the army of mechanical civilization wants to do to the sun of their magical civilization, as the most important celestial body in their galaxy, Ivan Rast can't wait to die.

Marshal Bahat and the border garrison on the front line, Ivan Rast did not mobilize, or that he wanted to mobilize, there was no time.

Fortunately, Marshal Vlad, who had withdrawn from the front earlier, was in the capital.

After confirming the strangeness of the mechanical civilization army, Ivan Last had already issued an order to let Marshal Vlad set off.

At the same time, it did its utmost to gather all the imperial forces in the area that could be mobilized.

But even so, up to now, more than four thousand imperial warships have just been assembled.

Ivan Last wanted to transfer troops from a farther planet.

But in terms of time, it is obviously too late.

The fleet of mechanical civilization has already begun to take action on the sun of their magic civilization. Wait, the ghost knows what will happen?

There was no choice but Marshal Vlad, who was ordered in the immediate danger, had no choice but to bite the bullet, with more than 4,000 imperial warships, rushed to stop, hoping for a miracle.

If the miracle didn't happen, then even the fool knew what the result would be.

On one side is the Imperial Army with more than 4,000 imperial warships, and on the other side, it is an army of mechanical civilization with more than 40,000 starships.

The absolute gap in hard power is destined to be a battle with pebbles and rocks!

The mechanical civilization army is obviously prepared for the possible countermeasures of the imperial army.

In the early battles, Marshal Vlad and General Tronia had fought against each other many times.

At that time, the two sides also fought back and forth, and they were considered old opponents.

But this time, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. When the civilizations of both sides are at the same level, no matter how strong the commander is, it is impossible to command more than 4,000 warships and win more than 40,000.

As soon as Admiral Tronia unfolded that method, the Imperial Fleet was unsurprisingly hit and defeated!

During this period, with the insertion of the last plate-shaped device, the sun was completely covered, and no trace of light could be revealed anymore, making an entire galaxy dim.

At that moment, even Ivan Rust began to panic.

Frequently send messages to Caesar Trunk, asking what the other party really wants to do.

However, when replying to the message, relying on the super information processing ability of his own mechanical clan, Caesar Trunk, who has always returned at the speed of light, has not returned any news this time.

Don't think too much, this guy ignored him.

Over the past countless years, since developing his own magical civilization into an ultra-standard civilization, Ivan Last felt a sense of powerlessness for the first time.

A sense of powerlessness that has been helpless in this situation...

During this period, under the command of General Tronia, the army of mechanical civilization was not idle.

After waiting for their mechanical civilization device to wrap up the entire sun, soon, the next step was planned, and the mechanical civilization starships began to move closer.

And from the inside of the starship, a special rope of sufficient length was projected.

Look for one direction, one end is connected to the starship of mechanical civilization, and the other end is buckled with the outer armor of those plate-like devices.

"Forty thousand Class A starships are deployed."

"Confirm the charging status."

"The device is fully charged."

"Start the device."

In an instant, the surface of the device enclosing the magical civilization sun quickly lit up with blue lines.

Although the light was incomparable with the light of the sun itself, it was still extremely conspicuous in the dark void.

Along with the lighting of those blue lines, those plate-like devices that did not complete the connection with the mechanical star ship, the outer armor quickly opened, and then from the inside of the device, the propulsion devices were switched out one by one.

"Calibrate the advancing position."

"The propulsion orientation is calibrated."


Along with the checking of the situation, one after another orders were continuously issued. At the moment when Admiral Tronia gave the'ignition' order, a large number of sky-blue energy particles were immediately ejected from the propulsion devices. , Bring a strong propulsion.

Looking at this battle, the mechanical civilization fleet actually wants to push the sun!

However, it is obviously impossible to push the sun based on this little propelling force.

Soon, the propulsion devices of those 40,000 Class A starships were ignited. At the same time, the high-concentration energy particles ejected from the propulsion devices deployed on the plate-shaped devices were also sky blue. Transformed into a more terrifying dark red.

Needless to say, in this wave, the mechanical civilization fleet has been fully propelled!

The purpose was to forcefully drag the sun that led the magic civilization from its original position with a burst of propulsion.

They only need to successfully complete this step, then the next thing does not need to be as strenuous as it is now.

However, this move of mechanical civilization made countless soldiers of the Empire, including Marshal Vlad, feel a panic, and a whole heart hung directly on their throats.

"Damn it! Are those steel bumps crazy?!"

Marshal Vlad, who had witnessed this scene, with his remaining troops, wanted to rush forward and stop him.

However, there are more than 40,000 starships in the army of mechanical civilization, but more than 40,000.

A more accurate number is 43,471!

In other words, even when there are 40,000 Class A starships to tow the sun, there are still 3,471 starships around to **** them.

This step is undoubtedly within the calculations of General Tronia...

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