The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3736: ,cheap labor

With the management personnel in place one after another, on the large magical transport ships calling at the port, the materials that were transported to the front line are quickly being transported to the planet port area below.

This process actually does not require much effort.

Because in this link, their transport fleet of ten thousand civilizations has basically been automated.

As the large magical transport ships approached the port, the automatic transport belts had already been laid down.

However, after this, it will undoubtedly be more laborious to transport the materials unloaded from the large magic transport ship to the port warehouse.

Transporter? Have! But the number is not that many.

At this time, those refugees can come in handy.

The frontline troops of Ten Thousand Worlds of Civilization used ‘three meals a day’ as a reward, and it was easy to recruit enough staff.

At this time, some people may be surprised that they can eat without work, so why are so many people willing to work?

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Of course, it is because the food distributed to the refugees and the food distributed to the workers are not on the same level.

Although they are not short of food in the Ten Thousand Worlds civilization, does it take time and transportation costs to transport so much food to the frontline?

Even Luo Ji couldn't be so kind to provide three meals a day to this group of refugees so that they could eat until they were full.

In fact, these refugees only have one meal a day, and the content of this meal is probably a bowl of porridge, a steamed bun and a few pickles.

In comparison, the reward for work is three meals a day, and there is even meat in it.

At this point, their Ten Thousand Realms civilization has always been authentic, and they will definitely fill you up before letting you work.

As soon as this condition is established, there are naturally countless people who want to do this job.

On the port side, there is basically no need to worry about the issue of transportation capacity, some of which are manpower.

After waiting for all the cargo to be unloaded, the large magic transport ships that were vacated took a few days to rest, and then they were about to embark on the way back. This time, naturally, they have to transport some things back. Going back empty boat is a waste of resources.

Originally, according to their early plan, it was supposed to transport the resources or precious research materials mined from the planets of these magical civilizations back to make up for the financial and economic losses caused by their ten thousand world civilizations fighting for these years.

But now they undoubtedly want to change their plans.

Resources are stored here, and if they are properly kept, they are still resources if they are stored for a few years.

But the population is different. If you stay for one more year, you will be one year older.

It has been determined that the natural life span of a man of magical civilization is no different from that of ordinary humans.

Under this premise, these populations are all backlogged on the front lines, and their value is very limited.

And as time goes on, after age and physique decline, their value as cheap labor will continue to decline.

Therefore, compared to transporting those materials and resources, the most important thing at the moment is to use the planets dragged by the ancient star-core trees to the third-party area as front-line sites to transport these populations back to their world in batches. Civilization creates value in jobs that need them to provide labor.

Moreover, according to Ye Qingxuan and the others, the existence of these cheap labors can save a large amount of financial funds for their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization.

However, even without considering comfort and how much it can be packed, the amount of cheap labor that this large magic transport ship can transport back is limited, and it is impossible to transport all of it back in one go.

With this in mind, the choice of the first batch of people to transport naturally also has their own criteria for the civilization of the world.

Before the large transport fleet arrived on the front line, Hill had undoubtedly asked the heads of the various refugee camps under his command to count the status of those refugees and their previous work.

Among these refugees, the first to be transported back to their civilizations are outstanding talents in various fields.

Those who have participated in the design, research and development, and manufacturing of ordnance, on the premise that they are willing to provide technology and capabilities for their civilization, will undoubtedly quickly get rid of the status of'cheap labor' and become official citizens of their civilization. And has a pretty good treatment.

In addition, those engaged in the work related to magic pilots can undoubtedly enjoy the same treatment.

However, even if all these talents add up, it is obviously impossible to fill all the large magic transport ships.

Therefore, these large magical transport ships are most transported by cheap labor.

Among them, the labor force who assisted them in unloading the goods belonged to a large number of refugees and was specially selected, all of whom were young and strong.

This group of laborers, as long as there is no problem in their performance during work, they can all follow the first batch of large magical transport ships.

As soon as the news was released, it immediately attracted the envy of many people.

Before becoming a refugee, UU read www.uukanshu. com, their original work and life are definitely better than they are now.

At that point in time, if they were to be used as cheap labor, 100% of the people of the original empire would feel dissatisfied and even aroused fierce resistance.

But the situation is different now, and the subsequent period of ‘dark days’ in various senses directly destroyed their original lives.

After experiencing those days when you want to eat hot meals and get a good night's sleep, you may not be able to do so, how many people will be unhappy when the conditions of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization are presented?

Fortunately, during this time, there have been priests and nuns of the state religion who have been doing ideological work for the refugees.

Although it is enviable to be able to leave the front line with the first batch of the large magical transport fleet, to obtain a stable life and three meals a day, it is not enough to make them jealous.

Regarding the remaining population, their Ten Thousand Realms civilization will certainly not be able to transport them all back to the rear in a short period of time. Even the individual refugees in it may just die of old age on the frontline planet.

With this in mind, Luo Ji, Ye Qingxuan, Hill and others, after a period of discussion, quickly established a part of the planet and proceeded with key construction.

These planets have basically been determined to be relatively rich in resource output. After this, Luo Ji will directly deploy these planets into his own civilization of the world.

And before that, let those cheap labor, under the command of Hill, slowly toss up the construction work on the planet.

At the same time, the collection factories at each resource collection point must also be prioritized.

In this way, those cheap labor that may not be brought back in time will have a place where they can be valued.

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