After the ‘mummy’ was returned to the medical ship behind the Trident Fleet, after a comprehensive inspection.

Everyone soon discovered that this ‘mummy’ was not far from death.

One of the reasons is that the body is in a mess.

After all, if you survive for a long time in such a bad environment, you will have a ghost if you can be healthy.

The other party can survive in that harsh environment. In this regard, they can only lament the tenacity of human vitality and adaptability.

Therefore, in addition to this point, the main reason why this ‘mummy’ is not far from death is food.

This ‘mummy’ has probably been without food for a long time, and its vitality has also passed away.

According to his physical condition, if they found out a day or two, or even half a day later, this ‘mummy’ might really have turned into a mummy.

But now...

It must be saved.

According to the medical unit's statement, it is to hang the bottle for a few days before talking.

Anyway, according to the current state of this ‘mummy’, it is estimated that there is no way to eat normally. At the same time, letting him eat normally would actually cost him his life.

As for asking questions, I am afraid it will take a long time. At this stage, there is definitely no way to communicate normally.

In the process, of course Dak Bem could not wait foolishly.

After detecting the battleship group scattered on the orbit of the planet, the detection spacecraft of their Trident fleet began to officially approach the atmosphere of that planet.

The spacecraft passes through the atmosphere and enters the interior of the planet. Compared with the previous void environment, it is completely entered into another world.

"Starting to lower the flight altitude..."

In the sound of the prompt, the flying altitude of the spacecraft began to drop continuously. During this process, the whole picture of the planet was gradually revealed in the field of vision of Dak Bem and others.

I saw that the inside of this planet was completely an icy and snowy world, and the overall temperature within the planet was terrifyingly low.

From the big screen in the command room, Dak Bem, who saw this scene, did not have any surprises in his heart.

Obviously, this was not the first planet he encountered either.

Since the sun of the magic civilization was towed away by the mechanical civilization fleet, the entire civilization has been plunged into darkness.

However, the cost of losing the sun is not as simple as daylight.

In just a few days, the temperature of each planet in the galaxy began to drop continuously, and then there was a large-scale snowfall in the planet.

This kind of snowfall is different from the snowfall in previous winters.

In the past seasons on the planet, even if it is winter, when the sun is not visible, the sun is actually still in the center of the galaxy quietly, emitting heat quietly.

Therefore, as long as the sun is still there, no matter how cold the winter on each planet is, there is a limit, and it is impossible to cool down indefinitely.

And now, after the sun was dragged away, the largest heat source located in the center of the galaxy was lost. In an entire galaxy, the'coldness' of all planets seems to have lifted the restrictions, making that day beginning to become more day by day. The day is colder.

The only exception is a group of planets, that is, those planets that were dragged into the third-party area by the ancient star-core trees.

A third-party planet close to a galaxy seems to have only one factor that will be affected by that galaxy, and that is the alternation of day and night.

Basically, the farther the planet is from the galaxy, the shorter the day and the longer the night.

At the same time, the limited sunshine time also affects the ecological environment of these planets.

In addition to this, the existence of the galaxy itself has basically zero impact on third-party regions.

To put it simply, even if there is no sun and all the third-party planets on this side lose their daytime, the third-party planet will not be affected in any way by nature.

Because after entering the third-party region, the regional mechanism has changed. According to the system mechanism, that planet no longer belongs to that galaxy, and the change of that galaxy naturally cannot affect the planet that has changed regions.

On the other hand, those planets that are still floating around the galaxy after the disintegration of the galaxy are not so lucky.

In less than a week, the entire planet became a piece of ice and snow.

After that, although the snow stopped, the temperature did not stop. The temperature became colder and colder day by day.

In this extreme environment, heating equipment and food suddenly became the most sought-after items.

After the loss of the sun, the impact of food cultivation on the planet is undoubtedly very huge.

Although the magical civilization has technological development, there are also many black technologies that extend from the magical technique system, but the technological power of the civilization itself is really not high.

They do have greenhouse cultivation, but the technical level is still at a very early stage. Not to mention that it is compared with Luo Ji’s civilization of the world, even if it is compared with some gold-level technological development. Compared with ordinary human civilization, it is estimated that they are inferior.

Under this premise, once the sun is lost, coupled with the impact of this extreme environment, the food production of the magical civilization will inevitably encounter a devastating blow.

After that, the food problem quickly formed a vicious circle, causing a series of problems.

In the end, whether the population on this planet can survive the destruction stubbornly or become completely extinct is basically up to them.

In the snowstorm, after the probe spacecraft lowered its flying altitude to a certain level, the bottom hatch opened, and a small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft quickly flew out of it and shuttled freely in the snowstorm.

There are more similar planets detected, and their unmanned reconnaissance drones are naturally based on this type of planetary environment. They have been debugged specifically to strengthen the drone's action and detection capabilities in snowstorms and low-temperature environments.

Moreover, according to their accumulated experience on those planets before, it is difficult for humans to survive on the surface of this type of planet, and most of them are moving to the ground that can completely avoid the erosion of wind and snow.

Therefore, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft will also specifically strengthen the detection below the surface during the detection process.

This process is actually not strenuous.

Because in this icy and snowy world, if there are humans living under the ground, the temperature in that area will definitely be relatively high.

Under the scanning of a dedicated thermal-sensing radar, the camps of these survivors were just like fireflies in the night, too conspicuous.

After the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft worked, they soon found the target smoothly...

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