The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3752: , 1 praise and 1 depreciation

The instructors who received the report at that time rushed over and stopped it.

Directly cleaned up both sides, and at the same time they were all punished, they were closed.

This young man is full of blood, and in addition, they have a sense of competition among their various camps, troops, and even classes. In the past, this kind of thing actually happened occasionally.

If it just ended like this, it wouldn't be a big deal.

But the problem is that this matter is not over...

What happened this time seemed to be a fuse, completely igniting the contradiction between the two sides.

Not only this military region, but also military regions throughout the Ten Thousand World Civilizations, there have been fighting incidents in succession, which has caused extremely bad effects.

Being labeled this way can no longer be explained by youthful vigor and a high sense of competition.

After understanding this situation, Luo Ji naturally quickly asked the military to thoroughly investigate the matter.

The final result is simple to say.

In the army, magic pilots and martial arts soldiers are originally two equal arms, so it is inevitable that they will be compared.

The military itself is a place where there is a sense of competition.

Both Luo Ji and the generals in the military encouraged the soldiers to compete virtuously, inspire each other, and promote each other.

But this state is like participating in a competition. Although everyone is chanting the harmonious slogan of ‘friendship first, competition second’, to be honest, who participates in the competition to get second?

In the arena, everyone wants to win, all for the first!

With this kind of mentality, they are destined to not be too harmonious with each other.

However, when the military was dominated by the martial arts system in the past, although the sense of competition was already very strong, after all, everyone practiced the same system. There is actually nothing to say about the outcome of this matter.

Even if there was a fight, it was at best between a few people, and even the instructor was pulled away by other people present before the instructor arrived.

However, with the addition of the ‘magic technique’ system, everything has changed.

Between different systems, the sense of competition will become stronger invisibly.

This is reflected in all aspects.

Of course there are also manifestations in the matter of ‘recruitment’.

As a new system added later, although it has attracted a lot of people's attention, there are also many people who signed up to study.

But it is undoubtedly too difficult to shake the deep-rooted martial arts system in the civilization of the world.

Using commodities as an example, the martial arts system is equivalent to a long-lasting ‘classic model’ that is guaranteed in every aspect, while the magic guidance system is a newly developed ‘popular new product’.

When it first came out, the attention of ‘popular new products’ would naturally be higher.

But over time, many people will return to the enduring ‘classic’ models, and the ones with higher sales will definitely be the ‘classic models’.

Therefore, among the number of recruits who join the army each year, the recruits who choose the martial art system actually exceed the magical technique system.

At this stage, although the sense of competition has also arisen between the martial arts soldiers and the magic pilots, the martial arts soldiers, as the dominant side, their mentality is relatively flat.

In their view, they don’t need to be too serious about competing with a ‘newcomer’.

At most, when the two sides are training together, you can make fun of the ‘little newcomer’ here.

But the magic pilots don't think so.

At the same time, in their opinion, the ridicule of the martial arts soldiers is basically equivalent to Chi Guoguo's provocation.

Since I chose the path of ‘Magic Pilot’, I certainly hope to prove that the Magic Pilot’s system is better than the martial arts system, so as to prove that my choice is correct.

Therefore, compared with the peaceful martial arts soldiers, the mentality of the magic pilots is that they want to beat the waves of the martial arts system to death on the beach.

Under this premise, such a thing happened, or someone said such a sentence...

"If you have a clever mind, you should learn magic tricks. If your mind is not so good, you should practice martial arts."

You can't say that he is wrong.

Because compared with martial arts, the practice of ‘magic art’ is indeed more mind-blowing.

However, the problem lies in the fact that these words carry an obvious ‘one compliment and one derogation’.

When people say that people who learn'magic skills' are clever in their brains, they also step on their feet to practice martial arts. They say that their minds are not very good at practicing martial arts.

Good guy, isn't this the same as setting off a map cannon, disparaging all those who practice martial arts to Yin and Yang strangely?

This word fell into the ears of martial arts soldiers. Individuals who had a better temper and listened calmly would probably be unhappy. What's more, there are many irritable old men who practice martial arts in this military camp?

With this sentence as the fuse, the relationship between the two sides has also been deteriorating.

Ace troops and elite troops basically have their own camps, and they don't have contact with ordinary troops on weekdays, so there is no chance to fight.

But ordinary troops are different.

In many military districts, the martial arts soldiers and magic pilots of ordinary troops are trained in a camp, and even eat in a canteen.

The two sides with more and more scent of gunpowder have been brought together. Over time, the conflicts become more and more, the more they look at each other, the less pleasing to the eye, and it is difficult not to fight.

This time, there are actually some problems on both sides.

The martial arts soldiers ridicule the magic pilots themselves may not have much malice. Even in the past, they often ridiculed each other. People who practice martial arts are not stiff, and most of them don't take it to heart.

However, as a class of troops that need to use their brains to train, the magic pilots, this move falls into their eyes, but it is inevitable to think too much.

However, in comparison, after the magic pilots, the obvious derogation is undoubtedly even more excessive, UU reading www.uukanshu. com can even be said to be doing things and having a rhythm.

Under this premise, after a thorough investigation of the matter, Guo Jia and the generals of the various military districts, after some discussions, finally made such a decision.

No matter where the soldiers participated in the fight, they were punished for violating military discipline. Needless to say.

The seriousness of the plot of the magic pilot who uttered that sentence and triggered a series of battles is equivalent to splitting within the military area!

If this was before the war with the magical civilization, this kind of people would probably have to suspect that they were enemy spies and be executed directly. But now, the military's disposal is to remove the military from the military and never hire after the punishment is implemented. !

After this, you want to let the martial arts soldiers and magic pilots continue to be friendly, when things have not happened, it is actually impossible.

The easiest way is not to let them get together and solve the problem fundamentally.

As long as they are completely separated from each other so that they can't see each other, they will basically be at peace.

After a while, after Ye Qingxuan took office, Luo Ji, who had nothing at hand for the time being, besides controlling the conquering king colossus and gathering his faith in civilization, he was meditating in the meditation room and practicing divine arts.

In addition, he occasionally went to a secret room in his heavenly palace to hang out for a while.

Needless to say, it is definitely not easy for Luo Ji to come to this secret room in a daze.

I saw that on the four walls in this secret room, there were a total of 24 huge stone tablets lined up.

And the twenty-four huge stone monuments, of course, cannot be ordinary goods. This is Luo Ji's gold-level martial arts civilization from the gift package after he was promoted to the super civilization. It is called "Tai Xuan Jing"!

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