As a technological civilization, mechanical civilization is very powerful in its detection capabilities.

Before the Void Burrower and Void Centipede launched their attack, the spatial fluctuations brought up by the surrounding mechanical star ships immediately noticed and formed a vigilance.

This made their culling directly hit the force field shields that were fully supported by the mechanical star ships.

Prior to this, the Styx Civilization had not sent any Zerg units during the battle with the mechanical civilization, but this does not mean that the mechanical civilization of Caesar Trunk would be defenseless.

In the previous battle, Cassendna Diego died, and considering the characteristics of Zhong Mo's Styx civilization, he didn't have a zombie in his hand that was transformed into an undead. That's really a ghost.

According to the position from the spatial fluctuations at that time, the starships of mechanical civilization in that area undoubtedly strengthened the force field shield.

The starship’s main brain accurately calculated the location of the Zerg’s attack. With the concentration of power and defense against an area, even the Void Burrower, it wants to directly penetrate the mechanical star ship with a culling. Force field shield, that is also an impossible thing.

The Void Centipede’s attack mode is different from the Void Burrower. The Void Centipede’s attack mode is mainly ‘strangling’.

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The huge worm body, after drilling out of the space crack, went down a few laps, directly forcibly entangled the starship of the mechanical civilization that was thousands of meters away, and then began to tighten it.

In this process, the Void Centipede uses its own strength to squeeze the starship's force field shield. At the same time, every worm's foot on its body is like a sharp biological blade, and it begins to exert force on the starship. The field shield unfolds and cuts.

This attack mode is doomed to the Void Centipede's attack, and there is no such kind of concentrated explosive power.

Therefore, for this attack mode, the mechanical star ship attacked by the void centipede, their force field shield support plan is also based on all-round maintenance strength.

Because facing the attack of the Void Centipede, once the force field shield has a weak point, it is likely to be torn apart at once, and then the entire force field shield will completely collapse.

On the side of the mechanical civilization fleet, this kind of targeted response method is actually not particularly difficult to crack.

To put it bluntly, they only need to launch a hybrid attack.

Of course, on the side of mechanical civilization, it is impossible for them to succeed so easily.

Under the operation of the main brain of the fleet, the action efficiency of the mechanical civilization fleet is extremely high. It directly uses the starship that has opened the force field shield to forcibly divide the battlefield, trying to isolate the void burrowing insects from the void centipedes. They form a match.

During this period, the side of the Styx civilization, the ghost fleet under the command of the Lich King Sorenk, certainly could not sit still.

Seeing the opportunity, he directly launched a large-scale forward pressure.

For this move, the mastermind of the mechanical civilization fleet is undoubtedly well prepared. The starships deployed at the forefront of the fleet, when they noticed the movement of the ghost fleet, immediately suppressed them with energy weapons while taking the initiative to move forward. Meet up.

In the previous battle, as the side with the superior range, the mechanical civilization fleet would not take the initiative to move forward under normal circumstances.

They can take advantage of their range and wait for work.

But the situation is obviously different at this time. In order to avoid being caught by the ghost fleet and breaking into their position, the mechanical civilization fleet uncharacteristically chose to take the initiative to attack and intercept the ghost warships one by one.

Under the calculation of the main brain of the fleet, this wave of the mechanical civilization fleet, as the defender, can be described as airtight.

Zhong Mo's three kings, the Lich King Sorenk should be the one with the strongest command ability, but this wave, even Sorenk, wants to command the ghost fleet to break through the defenses of the mechanical civilization fleet in a short time. It is not so easy to break the situation.

The computing power of the main brain of the fleet of mechanical civilization is really not enough.

Ordinary tactics, as long as you start an action, the main brain of the fleet can see through it in an instant with big data analysis, and with an ultra-high efficiency that is impossible to achieve in other civilizations, it can command and mobilize the troops under its command.

Therefore, it can be said that there is no advantage in fighting against mechanical civilization.

Therefore, in many cases, against the mechanical civilization fleet, it is either a surprise victory or a hard power to overwhelm others!

At this moment, the spirit of the Lich King Sorenk is highly concentrated. While confirming the battle situation, he constantly issued orders to command the ghost fleet and the mechanical civilization fleet, and launched a continuous pull, trying to help his fleet in this pull process. Create opportunities to cut in.

The starship of science and technology alone, mechanical civilization, is undoubtedly the most technologically powerful interstellar warship in the battlefield.

But even so, the technological side starship of the mechanical civilization, when facing the magic side ghost warship of the Stygian civilization, there is a weakness of relatively weak flexibility.

After all, unlike the magic warships that are not scientific at all, the interstellar warships on the technological side still have to be propelled honestly by propulsion devices.

In order to increase the flexibility of the interstellar warship, UU reading www. they will install many small auxiliary propulsion devices for changing directions, avoiding, or making other flexible actions in various parts of the hull.

But no matter how much you toss, the flexibility is hard to compare with the ghost warship that is just like alive.

In fact, the ghost warships of their Styx civilization are indeed alive!

The ghost warship is controlled by a powerful spirit unit attached to the hull, and is one of the units of the Styx civilization.

The spirit body controls the ghost warship just like a person controls his own body. Can it act inflexibly? What kind of warship's flexibility can be compared with this?

At this point, even the magical warship of Luo Ji's Ten Thousand Realms Civilization is no better than the ghost warship.

As the number of pulls increases, the flexibility of the Ghost Ship is gradually brought into play.

Finally, in the process of pulling back and forth, the Lich King Sorenk seized the opportunity, looked for the gap, and directly ordered the ghost warship to rush up.

In an instant, on the ghost warships that burst into speed, one by one huge evil spirits almost visible to the naked eye began to roar wildly.

This is also one of the special effects of the Ghost Warship. Like the spirit units such as the Wraith Wraith, the Ghost Warship can also have a mental impact on biological units during the attack.

Of course, this type of feature is basically useless for mechanical civilization.

However, it is impossible for Zhong Mo not to send troops of this type.

This type of force occupies a pivotal position in the undead army of his Styx civilization, especially when fighting in the void environment, the proportion of this type of force is even greater.

If this type of force is not sent, then the overall strength of his army will face a problem of drastic reduction.

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