Hundreds of years have passed since the war with the magical civilization ended.

This time is enough to make that battle with the magical civilization become the content of their civilization history class.

Within civilization, the population of the new generation can't even feel that they are now living in a period of war.

It can also be seen from this point that the planets and cities ruled by their Ten Thousand Worlds civilizations have been completely separated from the impact of the original war.

The only thing that has not fully recovered is military power.

After gathering a large amount of the planets and resources of the magical civilization, their ten thousand realm civilizations have completely recovered their capital, and they undoubtedly made a lot of money.

However, the recovery of this military power cannot be done overnight.

The most typical of these is the magic warship.

In this battleship, the engraving of a large number of elven spells was done by hand by elven craftsmen, and the casting of some important parts was also done by hand by dwarf craftsmen.

These things are doomed to the manufacturing efficiency of this magic warship, which is difficult to mention.

Luo Ji squeezed out such a main fleet at the beginning, but it took thousands of years.

In this wave, although his magical fleet was not completely destroyed, it was also severely injured. In addition, after the improvements and upgrades of Ye Xuan and Gerrett, a new generation of magical warships with the city-breaking gun was added. Out.

On the basis of the original magical battleship, it was transformed and upgraded to a new generation of magical battleship. This approach saves money, but it does not save much time.

Even to some extent, it takes more time and increases the workload...

Today, the total strength of the main magical fleets of their Ten Thousand World Civilizations has returned to 70% of its heyday.

In comparison, the more than 300 kilometers of Void Great Wall that was exploded on the first battlefield has been slowly completed.

At this moment, leaning against the pavilion in the small garden on the top floor of his palace, Luo Jizheng was basking in the sun while listening to Wang Sheng's report through the faith network.

It is different from Dak Bem, who is carrying his own trident fleet in the star field of the original magic civilization, on an exploration mission to find the magic civilization planet.

The main task of Wang Sheng and his Star Chaser fleet over the years was to ensure the safety of the original magical civilization planets that were dragged by the ancient star-core trees to the third-party area.

Near that area, there is actually no threat.

After all, now the mechanical civilization of Caesar Trunk is busy opposing Zhong Mo's Styx civilization. How can there be such idle time to send a fleet to come here to fight the autumn wind?

But if there is any threat, it is the gold Rakshasa players originally distributed around the magical civilization.

There are not many people in the Rakshasa camp, and they were originally only members of the Foreign League. After several battles, now there are only a few gold players left, which is also very shabby.

And this gold-level player, in front of Luo Ji today, is basically vulnerable.

To put it more straightforwardly, just Wang Sheng's Star Chaser fleet, the main fleet does not need to be dispatched, and a small fleet is sent directly to the golden civilization. It is a dimensionality reduction attack.

Wanting to destroy a golden civilization is too easy for Luo Ji today.

However, I think at the beginning, when Ivan Last gave him the magical civilization, after all, he raised a mouth.

Although Luo Ji never felt that he was a good person, he still talked a little bit about the morality.

Unless the four golden players of the Raksha camp came to die by himself, otherwise, he didn't plan to waste time to abuse this dish.

Even to speak of it, the resources in the entire planet of the magical civilization are collected by him. Under this premise, is it necessary for him to put the resources of the four gold-class planets in his eyes?

It's not necessary, it's better to be comfortable farming with peace of mind.

However, no matter what, he still has to master the positions of the four golden players.

If the other party doesn't open his eyes and wants to do something when the time comes, Luo Ji will definitely not be soft when he starts.

In this way, the task of monitoring the four Golden Rakshasa players naturally fell on Wang Sheng and his Star Chaser fleet.

At first, these four players were scared when they first realized that their positions were exposed.

After all, Ivan Rast, who is the leader of their Raksha camp, is cold, so are they just a life of food delivery?

However, what people did not expect was that the four Raksha players did not ask Luo Ji to beg for mercy. Instead, they put up a battle to unite and fight to the death, which meant a bit of iron and bone.

Thanks to the situation at the time, Wang Sheng's Star Chaser fleet, after confirming the position and locking the interstellar coordinates, left, and ignored them, and they obviously didn't have the guts to take the initiative to hunt down. UU reading www.

Otherwise, once they fight, they are dead.

Invisibly, these four gold-level Raksha players can really be said to have escaped from the dead.

Later, the four Raksha players who realized that the situation seemed to be different from what they expected, after a round of internal discussions, approached Luo Ji.

In their opinion, if Luo Ji wanted to destroy them, they would be powerless to resist.

But Luo Ji didn't do this. That means there is probably something they don't know about.

With such thoughts in mind, they have to make things clear.

In this regard, Luo Ji did not hide it, and directly stated that he had agreed to Ivan Last, as long as they did not take the initiative to kill him, he would not do anything to them.

As for Ivan Last, it was not he who killed him. It was Caesar Trunk who stabbed the knife in the back. He didn't carry the pot.

Just as Ivan Rast couldn't understand why Caesar Trunk had betrayed, the four gold-rated Rakshas players also couldn't understand.

But they didn't think Luo Ji was lying to them.

The reason is very simple. Luo Ji can kill them with his tongue. The difference in strength lies there. What's the point of lying to them?

After that, in response to the betrayal of Caesar Trunk, the four gold-ranked Rakshas players were all filled with outrage, and they all clamored that they were incompatible with Caesar Trunk and wanted to advance and retreat with Luo Ji.

This is pretty nice, but it's blunt, don't they just want to hold Luo Ji's thigh?

Before they regarded Luo Ji as an enemy, naturally they did not intend to beg for mercy.

But it's different now. It turns out that Luo Ji is not an enemy! For the Raksha camp that lost Ivan Last, in order to survive, naturally it is urgent to find a strong enough thigh to hold it tight...

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