The next morning, lying on the window of the passenger seat of the small truck, Kate, who was blowing in the wind, looked melancholy.

Compared to that, I don’t know if there is any bonus, Kate undoubtedly wants the boss to transfer him to shipbuilding!

But he is not stupid. He undoubtedly understands what the boss meant, and he is obviously out of play.

"Okay, you kid, how long will you be melancholy?"

In the driver's seat, the master who was driving took the time to glance at Kate.

"People who don’t know, thought you were going to get the penalty. If you want to open a point, the boss gave us a day off anyway. At that time, if you can give us a bonus, your kid’s life will be much better. Don't be dissatisfied."

"Master...but I want to build a ship... When do you think the boss is willing to transfer me to shipbuilding?"

Kate talked weakly to her master.

After listening to the master, he could only say something in the end...

"How do I know? I'm not the boss."

In this way, in the process of chatting with each other, the master drove the car and brought Kate to the city hall.

Citizens work on the other side. There are very few people on this side, and the atmosphere should be more solemn and solemn.

Obviously, the master has never been here, and the whole person is invisible, with a little restraint.

Soon, a civil servant in a formal suit walked over quickly.

After checking the box they had brought over, they quickly called someone to move the box down.

These planets, after all, are on the border of the magical civilization, so after the detection fleet finds things, most of them will send them here.

Therefore, it is not the first time that they have encountered something like this.

There is even a department dedicated to dealing with these ‘antiques’.

To be on the safe side, Kate and his apprentices waited outside first. After all, no one knew what was in the box, and after so many years, the ghost knew what would happen to the things inside? For example, toxic substances are produced.

I scanned the box roughly with the device, but there was no result.

During this period, the staff have put on professional protective clothing and spent a lot of time. After carefully opening the box, everyone's eyes are greeted by a large number of sealed bags.

Looking at this posture, there are multiple protections.

To be safe, use a detection device to test it first.

At that moment, with a burst of ‘didi’ sound, the detection device jumped on the orange light on the spot.

Faced with this situation, the staff checked each other's protective clothing, and after making sure that there was no problem, they lightly opened one of the sealed bags.

After that, before they waited for a confirmation, the sound of ‘Didi’ sounded again, and it even became more urgent than before.

Good guy, just jump the red light!

This situation made everyone look at each other for a while.

Fortunately, the protective clothing is still reliable. Judging from the physical signs, the staff have not been infringed.

Glancing into the sealed bag, the staff member blinked, and for a while, he really didn't know what to say.

Finally, he simply picked up a small spoon, scooped out the contents of the sealed bag, and poured it into the glass test tube in his hand.

It was a dark blue powder-like object.

It is full of harmful substances. If it is in direct contact, it may cause serious damage to the body.

Next, what they have to do is to re-seal the remaining things to prevent the harmful substances from overflowing.

Then take the collected samples for testing.

Under the information check of the large system, the test results came out very quickly.

At that time, the person who saw the report did not hold back for a while and let out an exclamation on the spot.

At this moment, according to the test results, this powder-like object with a dark blue color turned out to be what their Majesty had been looking for!

That's right, this is the core material used to make the meteor cannon.

At the beginning, after Luo Ji obtained the first batch of materials through alchemy, he confirmed that the manufacturing materials were not enough.

Naturally, there is a sense of resignation in my heart.

However, it doesn't take much time to send a reward.

That's why Luo Ji at the time sent one easily.

He didn't lose if he couldn't find it anyway, and if he could find it, then it would be better.

It's just that ordinary citizens can't always think about this kind of reward. When they first came out, they knew more people. After a long time, wouldn't they be left behind?

In the end, except for a handful of people, there may only be machines that remember this.

This matter was quickly reported up.

However, during this period of time, as the governors of these planets, the Hill people were not here. Instead, they ran to their capital of Ten Thousand Worlds civilization to find Ye Qingxuan for business.

If it's just a general thing, then let it go first, and wait until Hill comes back to talk about it.

But this is not an ordinary thing.

After Hill's secretary confirmed the situation, he directly sent a message to Hill, and then a series of things happened.

At this moment, in the Qingluo Palace, Luo Ji's face was obviously happy.

The video images he saw, front and back, consisted of three segments.

One section is when Kate found the box in the bottom of the ship's bilge, one section is to open the box and confirm the dark blue powder inside, and the last section is the section of the test results.

In these links, there are videos recorded.

To be honest, even Luo Ji hadn't expected that they would have such a harvest.

Needless to say, Luo Ji directly issued an order to have people transport these boxes back to the capital.

Of course, in addition to UU reading, the young man who discovered the material will also come with him.

At that time, Luo Ji will personally award the other party a reward to show his reward.

Of course there is a reason for this.

The main purpose is to inspire the people in their civilization.

There are actually quite a few rewards released within their civilization.

However, many ordinary citizens basically have a mentality of'it won't fall on me anyway.' They don't care much about these rewards, and even after a while, they completely forget about this matter, in the invisible. In, making the reward effect greatly reduced.

In this regard, although the relevant departments have a headache, there is no way to force ordinary citizens to do such things.

In this way, the reward that Luo Ji released at this time is undoubtedly the focus of publicity on the relevant department.

While making the people more concerned about the rewards of civilization, it is also to tell the public that if you find something of this kind in the future, remember to hand it over to civilization, and civilization will not treat you badly.

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