The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3795: , ‘Wave’ up

The latest website: This disposal method of the mechanical civilization army is not simple and rude.

Within a barren Planet Three, the mechanical civilization base that moved up from the back soon officially settled down.

Obviously, as the three existing super-specification civilizations, the one with the strongest scientific and technological capabilities, the mechanical civilization, it is no surprise that they also have large-scale equipment like the Dwarven Void Mobile Base.

Even the overall efficiency is higher than that of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization.

This is where they’re strong, they can’t be compared, there’s no way.

In this process, Zhou Yi, who had completely got rid of the chase of the mechanical civilization army, did not intend to stop just like that.

Even after confirming the situation, he didn't let the expeditionary army under his command take a break and immediately played back the carbine with Mechanical Civilization, and killed him aggressively.

But unfortunately, relying on its frontline machinery base, the mechanical army of others has spread out a group of highly efficient defensive facilities on planet 3. It will be too late by the time their expedition army of civilizations of the world is killed.

It’s not that it’s impossible to move, but at this stage, facing the mechanical civilization army that is already on planet 3 and spreading its defensive facilities, if they want to drive the mechanical civilization army out of planet 3, at least that’s Must launch a wave of storm.

And to launch a strong attack, you have to suffer a lot of losses. This is not in line with the main purpose of their army of civilizations at this stage. At the same time, Zhou Yi didn't mean that. Caught off guard.

If it succeeds, it is good to suppress the opposing forces.

But now, since he didn't succeed, after harassing the opponent for a while, he naturally signaled his army to withdraw quickly.

After all, they had just been madly hunted down by the mechanical civilization army, and their condition cannot be said to be very good. There is no need to continue to increase the casualties of their expedition army at this point.

Following the instructions of the mastermind of civilization, the mechanical civilization army that changed the plan did not chase for too long. After a proper chase for a period of time, it evacuated.

Confirming that they had gotten rid of the pursuit of mechanical civilization, just in case, their expeditionary army of ten thousand world civilizations simply carried out a space shuttle to their new frontline base.

The location of the exit deviated a little bit, but the problem was not big. The expeditionary army quickly merged with the dwarven void mobile base that maintained the environment and almost merged with the surrounding void.

This base was exactly the base where Zhou Yi was located.

As for the dwarf void mobile base that opened the temporary space door from the inside of the planet before, it is not here at present.

For the sake of caution, Zhou Yi certainly couldn't let the two dwarves move their bases in the same place.

Not only can't get together in one place, but also have to be far enough away to be safe.

Although the Dwarven Void Mobile Base itself has some weapons and equipment, its main function is the ‘base’, and it does not have any offensive capabilities.

Putting it together, the combat power hasn't improved much, it's better to put it farther.

In case the location is exposed any day, the two dwarven void mobile bases will not be taken away by a pot, and at the same time, the second base hidden in another location can also serve as their way of retreat.

In the next period of time, the expeditionary army that was beaten by the mechanical civilization army was undoubtedly going to take a good rest for a while.

As their expeditionary army of ten thousand world civilizations, at the frontline planet base on the border of mechanical civilization, Zhou Yi didn't actually have much thoughts about the fall of planet 3.

Zhou Yi led the soldiers outside, carrying the task of "containing the enemy" and expedition to mechanical civilization. It is impossible for him to have only one idea in his mind.

In this mission, if he can secure planet 3, then he will be able to oppose the frontier defense line of the opposing mechanical civilization, steadily fighting and fighting the opposing side in a containment war.

Conversely, if the number three planet could not be secured, Zhouyi also had a backup plan.

Their dwarven void mobile base can be deployed directly in the void environment, except for individual facilities, which are more troublesome to deploy. Compared with the planet, the environment is at best a little worse.

But it is better than flexibility. There is no target as conspicuous as the planet, which can be easily locked by the army of mechanical civilization.

At the same time, if they feel that their position is exposed, they can also change their position at any time.

Under this premise, Zhou Yi's original style of play must definitely be changed.

Different situations have different styles of play.

In the original expeditionary force, there was an early warning from the No. 2 planetary sentry station, and the latter was backed by a planetary base on the No. 3 planet. This steady and steady tactical style is naturally cheaper in general.

But now, the sentry station is gone, and the planet base is gone, replaced by a ‘stray ship’ that can set sail at any time, and Zhou Yi’s previous style of play would be inappropriate.

In this way, in line with that ‘stray boat’, Zhou Yi’s style of play also followed the ‘waves’.

Selected the high-mobility forces under his command, and then divided them into several groups. The enemy retreated and we entered, and the enemy garrisoned us. Zhou Yi directly fought a guerrilla warfare with the mechanical civilization border garrison that had seized Planet Three.

Compared with before, in this wave, Zhou Yi has a somewhat liberating nature.

The Zhouyi commanded troops in battles, always with a bit of deceitful trickery, and at the same time very good at using various tactics.

The original style of steady and steady play, Zhou Yi is actually good at him.

However, only after entering this ‘flexible’ state can Zhou Yi’s own advantages be brought into full play.

From this day on, UU Reading www.uukā faced the gradual liberation of the Zhou Yi, the mechanical civilization border garrison stationed on Planet 3 obviously had no way to stop.

If they were replaced by other civilized troops, they would have already lost their state under the harassment of Zhou Yi, and even the mentality of the opposing general might be about to be blown up by him.

Mechanical civilization will not be affected by ‘mentality’ and ‘fatigue’, these two points really take advantage in this kind of battle.

But this does not mean that Zhou Yi's methods are useless.

Under the command of Zhouyi, the expeditionary army was frequently harassed by many small units, so that the mechanical civilization garrison on planet 3 had to be forced to respond again and again.

And every time an attack, the troops are dispatched, the mechanical civilization side has to consume energy, and at the same time, because of their existence, the mechanical civilization army does not dare to leave this side of the border on a large scale.

So in this process, Zhou Yi has undoubtedly completed the tasks of consumption and containment perfectly!

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