The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3799: , Either being charged, or waiting in line

There was such a small accident in the middle.

   But in any case, today's Caesar Trunk has got his wish for his civilization and got a spare sun.

   At this moment, the mechanical civilization fleet dragging the magical civilization sun has already reached the border on the other side of their mechanical civilization.

   This wave, the reason why it took so much time to come back, dragging the stars, moving slowly, is naturally one of the reasons.

   In addition, in order to avoid colliding with the large-scale chasing soldiers on the way back, he chose a detour and took another, farther route. This is also the reason.

   However, the most important reason is insufficient energy!

  Dragging such a huge star, the energy consumed by the mechanical civilization fleet is amazing, and the consumption is completely multiplied.

   In the beginning, the devices covering the stars of the magical civilization and their mechanical civilization starships were full of energy to launch operations. At the same time, the fleet was equipped with backup energy sources for emergency replacement.

   So the efficiency seems to be pretty good, and it has smoothly escaped from the border of magical civilization, following the route calculated by the main brain of the fleet, and embarking on the way back.

   And the mobile efficiency dropped drastically, starting from the first energy depletion.

   Of course, with such a large energy body dragging behind, the mechanical civilization fleet can be replenished even if the energy is exhausted.

   However, this sun is not an electrical socket. When you want to charge, just plug the charging cable and charging head into it.

   In the middle, they actually have a relatively complicated conversion process, which converts the energy of the sun into high-quality energy that can be used by their mechanical civilization.

   This transformation is accomplished by the layer of device covering the surface of the sun.

   As for the conversion efficiency, it depends on the performance of the device.

   And the mechanical civilization fleet, the device brought out this time is different from the one used in their civilization.

For the device used in the civilization, you can dismantle a component at will. The specifications are more than 500 meters, and the thickness of the device will be even more exaggerated. There are even a large number of huge external devices on the outer layer, each of which is tall. , Basically comparable to asteroids.

   But, considering the portability under long-distance movement, the device they carry is much smaller.

This has also led to an inevitably significant decline in its performance. Compared with the energy harvesting and conversion device in the civilization, the performance of this one is only 9.54%, or even 10%, of the former. Not yet.

   This makes the mechanical civilization fleet have to stop after the primary energy is exhausted, waiting for the transformation device to charge their starships.

   You know, there are tens of thousands of starships!

  Even if they charge up inside their mechanical civilization, it takes a lot of time, let alone now?

  The most troublesome thing is that this portable energy harvesting and converting device has an upper limit on the internal energy conversion reserve.

   To give a simple example, a mechanically civilized Class A starship is full of a thousand energy sources, and this portable energy collection and conversion device, a small device, can store only 50 energy at a time.

At the same time, in order to ensure its normal operation, it can only charge you forty-nine energy at a time, then stop charging, then turn its head to collect stellar energy, transform and store it again, and repeat this operation continuously. Charge up the starship.

   Of course, this energy harvesting and transforming device covering an entire star is composed of countless small devices.

   This small device has run out of energy, the starship can move a place to find the next small device to continue charging.

   But, as mentioned above, there are tens of thousands of starships...

   Therefore, charging after every energy exhaustion is the most time-consuming task along the way of the mechanical civilization fleet.

   Since taking the sun in the hinterland of the magical civilization, it is not so much that they are all on the road, it is better to say that they have nearly 70% of the time, either charging or waiting in line for charging.

   During this process, if any device fails and needs to be repaired, it can be even more troublesome.

   During this period, Caesar Trunk has not been able to support this side.

On the one hand, due to the pressure brought by the undead army of Zhong Mo’s Styx civilization, facing such an enemy, they have sent tens of thousands of starships to transfer the stars, Caesar Trunk It is really difficult to send more starships outside of civilization.

   On the other hand, for safety reasons, sending starships to support, there is a risk of exposure, and even just being noticed is very dangerous.

   This star, it is vital to the survival of their mechanical civilization.

   In case the support fleet sent out is discovered by Zhong Mo or Luo Ji, the other party will directly send a large army and follow the trail to kill it all the way.

  When the time comes, what else can his mechanical civilization fleet do?

   This star is almost 100% impossible to drag back.

   Although it took a lot of time now, for mechanical civilization, as long as the star can be dragged back smoothly, everything is worth it.

   The mechanical civilization garrison on that side of the border quickly dispatched, UU reading expanded the alert range to ensure that this star, which had been dragged to the border of their mechanical civilization, could be successfully taken over by them.

   Of course, before leaving the third-party area and officially entering the territory of mechanical civilization, they have to install some special external devices on the outer side of the star.

   There are a lot of these external devices, and the smallest ones are more than 100 meters in size, and the larger ones are even thousands of meters.

   As the core of a galaxy, a star has a huge gravitational force. When it is in a third-party region, due to the different regional mechanisms, the existence of the star itself does not show its influence on the surrounding stars.

Although the device wrapped around the star at this time has the effect of counteracting the gravitational force, this set is based on portability after all, and the performance is relatively mediocre. Coupled with repairs on the road, the service life is about to end. Up.

Although in the process of replacing stars for civilization, changes in stellar gravity and position will pull a large number of stars in an entire galaxy, causing the position of planet coordinates to deviate to a certain extent. For this, Caesar Trunk Already prepared.

   But at this stage before the replacement is officially carried out, I still have to control a little bit.

In this way, the external devices added to the stars by the mechanical civilization at this time are to ensure that they are foolproof and offset the gravitational force of the stars, so as to prevent the stars from entering their mechanical civilization and reaching the core of their civilization. A whole civilization is messed up and specially prepared!

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