The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3827: , The lesson of blood

The intervention of the Budo Corps allowed the battle situation in this super large shield to be controlled again.

At the same time, all the pressure that was originally placed on the magic pilots was effectively dispersed.

This caused many magic pilots to breathe a sigh of relief secretly, but at the same time they felt unwilling in their hearts.

Since large-scale fights broke out in the military area in the early years, the two types of forces have been completely separated from the magic pilots and martial arts soldiers.

I can't see it on weekdays, so naturally I won't fight anymore.

However, the competitive relationship between the two arms of the martial arts soldier and the magic pilot soldier has been completely formed.

Although the current major enemy is now the time for the unanimous outside world, this does not mean that the competitive relationship between the two major arms of their Ten Thousand World Civilization has completely ceased for so many years.

The two sides are undoubtedly still fighting secretly.

Considering the special situation of the magic pilot unit, it has not been able to get a chance to play for a long time, so that the martial arts legion has established its military merits first.

On the side of the magic pilots, although they are secretly anxious, at the same time, as the hidden trump card of their ten thousand world civilization, they actually feel so proud in their hearts.

After all, can your Budo Corps do this?

As a result, this time in the battle, it was because of actual combat experience on both sides that the gap was almost obvious at a glance.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Under this situation, the feelings of the magic pilots were like a large bucket of ice water, poured down on them, and directly gave them a chill, and it was only a ghost if they could feel it well.

Even Jarvan, who was the commander of the legion, felt a little aggrieved in his heart.

After all, Jarvan is also a magic pilot. He grew up in such a competitive environment. For the Budo Corps, Jarvan himself has a sense of competition.

However, in this wave, the gap in the actual combat performance of the two armies seems to be telling Jarvan that your uncle will always be your uncle!

At this moment, although Jarvan also expressed his self-comfort, ‘the foundation of the martial arts corps is there, at this stage, it is only natural for their magical pilots to compare, there is no need to worry about it’.

But since joining the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, he has grown up all the way, smoothly, and said that Jiawen, who is the proud man of heaven, can't be overstated, how can he be so willing?

Thinking of this, Jarvan gritted his teeth, and the movement of his hands sped up invisibly.

His own sufficient hard power has become Jarvan’s biggest capital at this time, and his powerful bursting technique allows him to continuously destroy the mechanical warriors and Type 702 fighters that enter his range.

But at the same time, Jarvan, whose strength is obviously not on the same level as that of the other magic pilots around him, also attracted the attention of the mechanical civilization, and started the action in the first time!

Soon, a powerful energy attack came quickly.

Jarvan, who was aware of the threat in time, immediately launched a burst technique under his feet at a critical juncture. Accompanied by a violent explosion, the whole person relied on the propelling force generated by the burst technique explosion to instantly leave the original. The position defuses the energy attack from the fire.

At this moment, after completing the operation, Jarvan could only feel his heart beating wildly.

This ‘burst advancement’ method is not a conventional blasting technique, but a special technique taught by Teacher Kaidiwen.

Although the principle of ‘burst propulsion’ is not complicated, it is very difficult and extremely dangerous if you want to use it well. It’s easy to injure yourself if you are not careful, or even make yourself half-failed.

But once practiced, the practicality of this trick in actual combat is quite high.

When training by himself on weekdays, Jarvan was naturally able to perform this trick steadily, but it was the first time to use it in actual combat.

The bursting advancement that has been successfully displayed has made Jia Wenhua in danger.

As a result, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the successive pursuits swept towards him.

The terrible situation caused Jarvan's whole heart to hang in his throat in an instant. While immediately raising the strength of his own defense technique to the highest level, Jarvan once again used a burst to advance to evade.

While trying to get rid of the chase of the mechanical race, he gritted his teeth and held up the blaster magic rifle in his hand, judged the direction of the attack, locked the target, and then pulled the trigger.

However, the mechanical warriors who followed Jarvan had already passed the intelligence gathered before and analyzed Jarvan's law of action.

Moreover, the high-speed movement under the burst propulsion also significantly affected Jarvan's shooting accuracy.

A group of mechanical warriors followed the evasion route calculated by the main brain and easily avoided Jarvan’s attack. At the same time, the ensuing energy attack swept once again.

In the first few times, Jarvan was able to dodge attacks by relying on the instant explosive power of the burst.

But in the face of several mechanical warriors chasing all the way, Jarvan’s bursting advancement quickly became useless.

In the face of the engulfing energy attack, Jarvan, who is not good at using defensive techniques, can only say that the defensive techniques deployed on his body are better than nothing, and he was completely shredded by the energy attacks of the mechanical warriors in an instant.

At a critical juncture, even though Jarvan made an evasive action to avoid the deadly key, his left leg was still swept by the energy attack, and he was wiped out by the terrifying energy attack on the spot!

The tearing pain caused Jarvan's entire body to twitch violently.

Out of the corner of his eye, he had already caught a glimpse of the energy attack of the mechanical warrior in the distance, and had already hit him again.

During this process, Jarvan could vaguely feel that the one headed on the other side should be a mechanical S-class fighter. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

But the opponent didn't even need to turn on the annihilation mode. Together with the four mechanical A-level fighters, he was easily driven to ruin.

Carrying the energy attack with terror and destructive power, his pupils were constantly enlarged. At this moment, death was so close to him.

At a critical juncture, a figure shot out, directly blocking Jarvan and the energy attack from the burst.

Around the body, a big golden bell was quickly opened, and even wrapped Jarvan in.

At this moment, it was Zhao Hao who saved Jarvan in time!

The energy attacks of the enemy mechanical warriors blasted on the golden bell one after another, but failed to smash Zhao Hao's body guard golden bell.

But Zhao Hao obviously didn't want to stay on the spot, allowing the opposing machine clan to attack him.

After blocking the next wave of attacks, Zhao Hao was holding a knife in one hand and with the other hand, grabbing Jiawen who had lost his left leg, then burst out at the fastest speed and withdrew towards the distance!

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