Why is there such a large blank area inside the galaxy?

From the perspective of the overall layout of a civilization, the existence of this blank area is undoubtedly too abrupt.

Of course, there may be no planets in this area from the beginning.

In a star field, whether there are planets or not, and how many planets there are, are basically just a matter of looking at the face, and it is not a matter for the player to decide.

However, the player can choose not to deploy the border defense line in such a place where there is no village in front, no shop behind.

Can't you just pull the position of the deployment line back?

Why doesn't mechanical civilization do this?

In view of this situation, there are of course reasons why mechanical civilization does not do this.

To put it simply, he originally had a planet in this area.

However, this planet was exploded by the opponent with a meteor cannon when facing the army of Ivan Last.

Afterwards, the black hole created by the big bang of the planet cleared everything in the surrounding star field.

Originally, the loss of a planet is actually not a major event.

After all, the mechanical civilization of Caesar Trunk has been developed for so many years, and there are also many planets in it.

But the problem is that this planet, as a part of the frontier defense line of Caesars Trunk's mechanical civilization, was exploded, which directly led to a huge gap on the side of Caesars Trunk's border.

Indeed, Caesar Trunk can choose to abandon this area and let the frontier garrison in this area retreat to an area that can back against the planet and have a greater home field advantage, and just garrison it.

But there is another problem involved.

That is, although the garrison in this area can retreat, the mechanical civilization planet and the void fortress that were originally on the same line of defense cannot retreat!

Withdrawal from here will result in a huge gap in the original complete line of defense that cannot be ignored.

In this way, once the enemy invades, the mechanical civilization planet and the void fortress in the two areas near the gap will be in a very bad situation.

Unless Caesar Trunk is determined to abandon an entire defensive planet and make a full retreat decision.

But in that case, the loss will obviously be too great.

I have to say that Ivan Last is really good at adding blockages to Caesar Trunk.

In response to this situation, for Caesar Trunk, the most cost-effective solution is to mobilize the Void Fortress to fill the vacancy and deploy defenses.

At the same time, one of their lines of defense is quite long, containing multiple star fields.

The enemy forces that may appear next will not necessarily be able to undeadly pick this star field to launch an offensive.

But the results proved that in this wave of Caesar Trunk, the face was dark enough, and their expeditionary army of Ten Thousand Realms civilization happened to hit this side.

After confirming the traces of the enemy, the garrisons of other star regions on the entire border, although they also assembled at the fastest speed, formed a large-scale border garrison.

But with the arrival of the ancient star-core tree, the relatively thin mechanical void fortress was easily crushed on the spot.

Obviously, there is no need to say more about the following things.

But this matter really has to be said, in fact, it really can't be completely classified as Caesar Trunk's bad luck as simple as that.

Because there is actually a hole dug by Ivan Last!

When he brought all the remaining troops and expedition to the border of mechanical civilization, Ivan Rast used the magical technique to leave marks along the way.

The fleet of mechanical civilization basically cannot be triggered, and even if it is triggered, it is impossible to interpret those magic spells.

Only those who have also mastered the magic technique can discover these marks.

And Xisen and Dominic Adolf, on the march, undoubtedly discovered the gift Ivan Last left them.

Luo Ji, who had understood this situation at the time, didn't feel that Ivan Rast wanted to help them.

According to the understanding he had gained after his brief contact with the other party, in Luo Ji's view, Ivan Rast should simply want to pit Caesar Trunk.

It turns out that he did it!

At the same time, Zhou Yi and Du Yuanzhi commanded the expeditionary force to fight on the side of the mechanical civilization border...

On the side of Xisen and Dominique Adolf, the ancient star-core tree is about to arrive at the front line, and before launching a storm, through Luo Ji’s belief network, this information is undoubtedly conveyed to this side in the first time Expeditionary force.

Once Xisen and Dominic Adolf and the others initiate a strong attack, many of their hidden hole cards before the Ten Thousand World Civilization will inevitably be exposed to the opposing mechanical civilization.

And according to the efficiency of intelligence transmission and synchronization within the mechanical civilization, I am afraid that if the battle is not halfway through, the intelligence information on the frontier battlefield over there has already been synchronized to this side of the border.

This situation is actually very unfavorable for Zhou Yi and Du Yuanzhi.

However, considering the potential threat of mechanical civilization, under the premise that the ancient star-core tree arrives at the front line, Xisen and Dominic Adolf will not be able to not fight this offensive.

In response to this situation, Zhou Yi and Du Yuanzhi wanted to ensure their advantage and reduce their losses due to intelligence exposure. Naturally, the best way was to seize the opportunity of Xisen and Dominique Adolf to do it on their own. On the side, he also fought a part of his hole cards, making a wave of fiercely!

But under this premise, the situation on their border is different from the border on the other side.

That side of the border was originally adjacent to the magical civilization.

But the magical civilization is long gone!

Therefore, although the size of the forces stationed by Caesar Trunk on this side of the border is not small, considering that the mechanical civilization itself is also a civilization that relies on the number of troops and plays the tactics of the sea, from this point of view~www.wuxiaspot. Com~The size of the forces on this side of the border is actually not too big, it can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

On the contrary, the side that Zhou Yi and Du Yuanzhi were in charge of was different.

This side of the border is adjacent to the civilization of the Ten Thousand Realms.

After the demise of the Magic Civilization, Luo Ji's Ten Thousand Realms Civilization had undoubtedly increased the threat level on Caesar Turk's side, and its threat level had at least surpassed that of the Magic Civilization.

Therefore, compared to the other side, the size of the garrison troops deployed by Caesar Trunk on this side of the border is naturally larger.

At this moment, Planet 3 outside the border of mechanical civilization...

This planet was originally occupied by Zhou Yi and Du Yuanzhi and used as a frontline planet base.

But later, because he could not withstand the fierce offensive of the garrison at the border of mechanical civilization, he was forced to withdraw.

And on this day, outside of Planet 3, Zhou Yi, who had commanded a small-scale troop and fought extremely slickly, had directly assembled a large army after a long absence and pressed the realm at the fastest speed!

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