The self-detonation power of the mechanical warrior is so general that it can blow up a small town.

But this statement is really very general.

Not to mention anything else, just say that when it explodes, the amount of remaining energy in the mechanical warrior's energy furnace is good.

The amount of this energy will also affect the power of self-detonation.

This wave of Lombard was somewhat of a loss due to lack of experience.

Fortunately, he was aware of the opponent's intention in time, and while triggering the elemental armor to defend, he also opened up the ‘storm barrier’ that comes with the arms item, plus the vindictive body.

Under the triple defense, besides his appearance a little embarrassed, he didn't suffer any injuries.

At the same time, suddenly suffered the impact of a big explosion, the interior of the base also appeared a little chaotic.

However, the defensive strength of their mobile base in the void is much stronger than an ordinary small town.

In addition, due to the invasion of that special mechanical clan fighter, the frontline commander lowered all the isolation doors in that area in advance.

To a large extent, this blocked the explosive impact of that special mechanical race fighter.

In the end, only a dozen areas around the self-detonation point were damaged by the explosion, and the other areas, at most, had endured shocks of varying severity.

"Quickly confirm the situation in each area of ​​the base! Try to get in touch with General Lombard!"

The sudden violent explosion caused the command room to completely lose sight of that area.

I don't know what is going on there now. Of course, the frontline commander dare not easily raise the isolation door and go to confirm the situation.

The only thing I can do right now is to get in touch with Lombard quickly.

Fortunately, Lombard did not lose contact, and the confirmation of the situation made them all breathe a sigh of relief.

Just as the front-line commander feared that Lombard would have an accident, Lombard was also afraid that it would spontaneously explode and cause serious damage to this void mobile base.

But now it seems that the situation is still within their control.

In just such a short time, except for the area that was affected by the explosion and lost sight, the frontline commander had already confirmed the situation of other areas within this void mobile base.

Then quickly begin to control the situation.

This frontline commander is still very prestigious in this base.

His order allowed the soldiers and staff who had been chaotic to quickly find the backbone and take action.

During this period, another battlefield outside the base.

Almost when that special machine warrior entered the interior of their void mobile base, Xu Ji controlled his ace mecha and attacked and killed the other special machine warrior.

After all, the battle in this base, according to the size of their magic mecha, can't be mixed.

So he can only deal with the threats he can handle.

His ace mecha, the strongest point, although it lies in the almost abnormal flexibility, but in fact, the speed of rush is also very amazing.

The opponent should have noticed his approach, but did not choose to turn his head and flee immediately.

If you want to come to the other party, it should be clear that you can't escape according to your bloated body.

Although the size of the magic mecha is larger, the mechanical warrior is undoubtedly heavier.

In the next second, I saw that the armor of the special mechanical warrior was opened, but this time, the opponent did not change to the previous fortress cannon form, but activated other weapons, facing the ace mecha. Xu Ji launched an interception.

At that moment, an astonishing energy attack swept towards Xu Ji like this.

This state can be understood as the firepower output state of those ordinary S-class mechanical clan fighters before.

The difference is that his firepower is even stronger than those of ordinary S-rank mechanical warriors!

There is no range advantage, and the enemy's firepower is suppressed, as Xu Ji expected.

In the intensive firepower and the exquisite extreme operation, this ace mecha driven by him looks like a butterfly dancing in the rain of bullets.

This scene, just seeing it, is enough to make people worship his operating skills.

And just when Xu Ji planned to maintain this avoidance efficiency, and then approached the target to solve the battle.

In the internal communication channel, a voice rang...

"Xu Ji, it seems that you are going to work in vain."

"Wall, don't go too far, kid!"

Faced with Wal Na Chi Guoguo's head-grabbing declaration, a green vein on Xu Ji's forehead had already begun to violently jump.

Although they are fighting, not playing games.

However, as the two old rivals who have been competing for many years, there is naturally a sense of competition between them.

Originally, when Wall was still serving in the tank and mecha corps, there was nothing to say.

After all, they belong to two units, with different positioning and different tasks on the battlefield.

Even on the battlefield, I occasionally see a few sides, but after a few words of exchange, I will soon go to do their own things.

However, with the continuous upgrading of mechas, pilots with top-notch driving skills among their goblin tribe, dwarf tribe, and human tribe have been continuously recruited into the mecha legion, and Wall is undoubtedly among them.

Right now, it's a bit narrow.

In the beginning, as a senior of the Mecha Corps, Xu Ji was of course not at all empty.

The usual training results and the driving skills of the mecha, Xu Ji, as an old senior, are all overwhelming.

But Wall's talent, after all, was also there, coupled with the sense of competition with Xu Ji, made him train harder, made rapid progress, and soon caught up with him.

Although Xu Ji is still better in terms of driving skills, even in the case of close distance, he can easily play with him between the palms of his hands to show off his face.

But Wall also has his own home court, which is long-range firepower. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

During the training, I couldn't be stunned, but when it came to actual combat, Wall obviously didn't mind, relying on his own range advantage to ‘retaliate’ easily.

And this means of ‘retaliation’ was mainly reflected in robbing Xu Ji’s head and making Xu Ji busy with this matter for nothing.

At this moment, Wall has driven his ace mech into the planet's atmosphere and entered the planet's interior.

The weapon in his hand has also been replaced by his original weapon, the thermonuclear energy gun!

Almost at the same time as the voice fell, Wall already pulled the trigger amidst wild laughter.

In the next second, the dark red energy attack of the thermonuclear energy gun suddenly swept toward the target.

As a result, at the moment Wall’s thermonuclear energy gun was about to hit the target, a prismatic plate-shaped mechanical device that looked like a floating gun but was wider than the floating gun quickly flew out on that special mechanical warrior. On the attack landing point of Volna's thermonuclear energy cannon!

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