Luo Ji adjusted his emotions, and exchanged glances with John Thrall quickly.

They didn't have any verbal communication, but Luo Ji knew that John Thrall already understood what he meant.

At this moment, the two were tacitly aware.

John Thrall continued to sit in the command room of the Star Destroyer, and while in control of the overall situation, he commanded their staff in the Star Destroyer to support and rescue the retreating army.

As for Luo Ji, he quickly got in touch with An Lijie, who was in the back, and wanted to confirm the list of important officers who died in this wave through the soul crystal placed in the back.

There were a lot of people. As the commander-in-chief of the Star Chaser fleet, Wang Sheng, and the commander-in-chief of the Fury Wave Fleet, Li Yi, they were all killed in this wave.

In addition, among the dead, there was Cheng Hao, who was the only space master of their ten thousand world civilization.

Under this premise, the Space Mage Group in their Ten Thousand Realm Civilization Royal Mage Group, I am afraid it has also been completely destroyed...

This loss is heavy for their civilization of the world.

To be honest, Cheng Hao's death was within Luo Ji's expectation.

Facing such a situation, only Cheng Hao was the only one who could give them the great army of civilizations and create a chance to retreat. Apart from him, Scarlett is not worth it.

Fortunately, Luo Ji had long equipped Cheng Hao with soul crystals, and he could be resurrected immediately.

It's just that on his frontline side, he has to lose this space master in a short time.

At the same time...

"Where is the artifact? Where is the artifact now?!"

Cheng Hao has made a mark on the space artifact. Logically speaking, at the last moment, he shouldn't forget to send the space artifact back.

Or was it that the situation was worse than he expected, and he didn't have the energy to return the space artifact?

Without much thought, Luo Ji directly contacted Zhouyi, Dominique Adolf, and Xi Sen through the faith network, asking them to quickly confirm all the ship facilities under his command and see if the space artifacts were sent back.

The Star Destroyer side is of course no exception.

Even to speak of it, Cheng Hao's possibility of transmitting the space artifact here should be the highest.

In this process, as the person with the highest priority on the resurrection list, after Cheng Hao died in battle, he was naturally resurrected in the first place.

At that moment, Luo Ji, who had learned about the situation through the faith network, quickly confirmed the whereabouts of the space artifact from Cheng Hao through An Lijie.

However, Cheng Hao at that time had already blurred his consciousness.

At the same time, after the war, even if he was resurrected, the memory of the time before his death may not be able to remember clearly.

Even to speak of it, the lack of this memory is a common occurrence.

Cheng Hao, who had just been resurrected, obviously failed to give Luo Ji a satisfactory answer, which made him feel sorry.

He sighed. He had already ordered everything that should be ordered. In the current situation, it would not help for him to continue struggling with this issue. After adjusting his mentality, Luo Ji hurriedly put himself into the business.

Through the belief network, gather a group of generals and officials to discuss the current situation.

Before this battle started, although they held a tactical meeting, they had anticipated various situations in advance.

But they really didn't think of the current situation.

It can even be said that it is beyond everyone's imagination!

And that is, in the process of discussing the current battle situation between Luo Ji and the generals, there has been a moving army of civilizations of the world, and gradually discovered something wrong.

"What's the matter? We moved some distance, why is the surrounding space so unstable? Even if the black hole has a large influence, it won't reach this point, right?"

In the commander-in-chief of a dwarven void mobile base, after the deputy general of Zhou Yi made the latest confirmation of the space situation, his eyebrows wrinkled visibly.

Feeling something was wrong, he quickly reported the situation to Zhou Yi.

Through the belief network, in-brain meetings were held. During this process, although Zhou Yi's main energy would be transferred to the meeting, this did not mean that they would not be able to hear any movement outside.

It's just that during the meeting, they will find themselves a quiet place to stay, so as not to be disturbed and affect their meeting and thoughts.

But now the situation is special. Zhou Yi's vice-general directly signaled a soldier and ran to follow Zhou Yi, who was in the conference room and had a brain meeting with Luo Ji and the others, to report on the situation.

After understanding the situation, Zhou Yi frowned slightly. At the same time, he briefly explained it to the other generals present through an intra-brain meeting.

They have had a meeting here for a while, and they have basically handed over the command of their respective troops to their lieutenant temporarily.

And after this period of time, within the area they are in, the spatial fluctuations have been unable to stabilize?

This situation is indeed abnormal. UU Reading

Just like the vice-general of Zhouyi said, even if the size of the black hole is exaggerated, it will not affect the scope of it.

"From the previous battles, the mechanical giant that appeared suddenly seems to be able to control the wormhole at will. Does this mean that the opponent has a considerable degree of control over the power of space?"

In the brain meeting, while Xi Sen put forward his own ideas, he also put forward the ideas of many people present.

Obviously, everyone thought of this one.

"In other words, it is very likely that the mechanical giant is secretly interfering with the spatial fluctuations in the area around us, preventing us from space shuttles."

"That guy is good at space shuttle. If he hides in a wormhole and Master Cheng Hao is not there, it would be difficult for us to find it."

"The other party hasn't done anything until now. Is it waiting for their mechanically civilized rear army to chase up?"

"If that's the case, we should think about how to deal with it now. Now the army has just suffered a terrible defeat and its morale is unstable. At this point in time, there is another battle with the army of mechanical civilization. It is not a good thing to think."

"But this is not something that we can't fight if we don't want to fight. We can't get rid of them because of the long-distance movement and the mechanical civilization fleet.

All the generals present, you said and I said a word, and quickly clarified the thoughts.

And when they were discussing how to deal with this situation, they stayed behind the army and were responsible for covering the army's retreat. When necessary, the commander-in-chief of the Trident Fleet, Duck Bem, spoke up. , The voice is full of solemnity...

"Everyone, the latest information, the army of the mechanical civilization has been chased up!"

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