Except for the inside of the mechanical civilization, basically no one knows. In the special enhanced type, the huge body of the fire-powered X-level warrior is not so much their main body, but more like carrying a large number of firepower weapons, similar to the enhanced exterior. equipment.

The real core subject is actually shorter than the normal mechanical race. The body is in the form of a human, with a height of about one meter and six.

This emergency evasion made Kulin successfully escaped the fate of being destroyed by the explosion.

But Cerelia has no way to escape.

In order to launch a counterattack before, she had already made a trade-off and was hit hard by the energy attack.

After Kurin successfully escaped, several small propulsion devices around his body quickly made him stabilize his figure in the void, and at the same time, he quickly opened his palms towards Cerelia, who was severely injured. .

At that moment, in the palm of Kurin's palm, the energy cannon fired directly.

Although the power is much weaker, it is basically enough to deal with the weak defensive Cerelia.

With the fire support of General Tronia, Cerelia was shot and killed soon.

Then Culin tried to re-lock Nidhogg at the first time.

But Niederhogg, apparently had run away long ago.

From this point of view, Cereliana had achieved at least one of the two goals of killing Kurin and saving Nidhogg.

However, the current situation is not at all optimistic.

In just such a short time, Delk has already tried twice to get rid of General Tronia and go to Cekulin.

But the result was obviously unsuccessful.

Delk and General Tronia are basically in a state of entanglement with each other at this stage, and no one can do anything about it.

But once Kulin blended in, the situation would change.

As expected, Kulin was not idle. Behind him, a space door opened quickly, and a set of 50-meter-level enhanced equipment flew out of the space door.

This spare equipment is directly available on their mechanical civilization logistics fleet. With their mechanical civilization space shuttle technology, they are in the same battlefield. Without the threat of the enemy and destroying the space gate, sending a piece of equipment is nothing. Difficult.

When the equipment was turned on, Kulin's humanoid body entered the control chamber just like that.

It didn't take much time at all. In the next second, Kurin's fire broke out and, in conjunction with the suppression of the gravity field of General Tronia, directly took Delk's life.

And all of this, from the time when the conquering knight controlled by Luo Ji was blown to the ground, it actually took a while.

Luo Ji and Jarvan who had been withdrawn temporarily did not even have time to return to the battlefield, and the battle was over.

At that moment, Luo Ji, who had understood everything through divine consciousness, had an ugly expression on his face.

Although it cannot be said that this is the worst situation, among the five X-level fighters, the combination of General Tronia and Kulin is left. The threat to their army of civilizations is really too great.

Without waiting for Luo Ji to think about it, Kurin, who had taken Delk's life in cooperation with General Tronia, had already made new moves.

Counting the outer reinforcements, the fifty-meter-level Kurin quickly unfolded its transformation, and in a blink of an eye, his main body was directly transformed into a large crystal cannon.

Compared with the antimatter energy cannon in the human form before, this is the main weapon with the strongest firepower in Kurin.

It’s just that it’s more troublesome to use, and it’s not suitable for small-scale battles, and it’s not even suitable for single soldiers, so Kulin never used it before.

And now, it's time to use it!

At that moment, within the crystal barrel, powerful energy burst out with a dazzling light.

Relying on his spiritual sense, Luo Ji, who was constantly monitoring the opponent's every move, obviously changed his face after realizing what the other party was going to do.

Without time to think about it, at a critical juncture, Luo Ji directly conveyed his words to every officer under his command through the faith network.

"Outside the planet, all magical ships and troops will withdraw from Zone C12 at full speed! All personnel in the planet base, emergency evacuation! Hurry up!!!"

After Luo Ji urgently issued this order, it didn't take long for a shocking energy attack to shred the void and blast towards their army of civilizations.

All the troops and magic ships that were too late to evade along the way, but all the units that appeared on the Kurin attack trajectory were all wiped out!

However, the target of Kulin's attack this time is not these, but the frontline planet behind their army of civilizations!

One hit hit, and the terrifying destructive power spread on the surface of the planet on the spot, allowing them to build a front-line base within the planet and destroy a large number of military defense facilities.

Obviously, this is the fundamental purpose of Kulin.

That is to disintegrate the home court advantage they finally gained!

Compared with the magical guided ships and troops destroyed along the way, the loss of home advantage will have a huge impact on their army of civilizations.

Although Kulin's blow hadn't reached the star-killing level, it should be enough to destroy individual small asteroids based on its power.

At this moment, Luo Ji, who was outside the planet, was observing the planet that had been hit by Kurin's antimatter energy cannon through his divine consciousness. A whole planet was visible missing with the naked eye!

Good guy, just open up a planet...

This situation is undoubtedly even worse for the army of civilizations of the ten thousand worlds that have just been defeated in the confrontation of top combat power.

And in this terrible situation, if you insist on saying that there is something worthy of gratitude, it is probably the important personnel in the planetary base, after receiving Luo Ji’s warning, tentatively through teleporting spells, They were transferred in time, and they were not buried in their frontline planetary base.

But to be honest, the current situation makes Luo Ji completely unhappy.

From the point of view of Kurin's attack mode, this should be his main weapon. It may consume a lot of time. After a shot, it takes a lot of time to cool down, but it will definitely not disappear after a shot~www.wuxiaspot. com~ And once the opponent cools down and recharges it, Kulin’s next target needless to say, 100% is the Star Destroyer!

Just in case, he has urgently contacted Jarvan, and he has no other choice. Then he can only bet on the life and death of his civilization of the world. He took the risk and went on the court in person to see if he could find a chance to destroy it. Kurin.

The mechanical giant hadn't shown up for some reason, let alone what happened to him.

Under this premise, as long as they can successfully kill Kulin, the situation can basically be stabilized.

"Damn, isn't it okay over there? It should be almost the time, right?!"

With some anxiety, Luo Ji, who is about to leave, frequently confirms the message window between himself and Zhong Mo.

After waiting and waiting, finally, Zhong Mo sent a message over.

At the same time, because of the instability of the ‘wormhole engine’, Caesar Trunk temporarily withdrew from the battlefield. At this moment, he received news from another battlefield...

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