The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3968: , The overall situation is set

According to Wang Kai's current state, the real body of the Valkyrie is definitely not available, and as a weakened version of the real body of the Valkyrie, although Wushuang can be used, the price is undoubtedly heavy.

The duration is greatly shortened. Let’s not talk about it. After the state is lifted, it hasn’t been long since Wang Kai just got rid of the negative state of Valkyrie’s real body, and the current state itself is not a good reason. In this state, once Wushuang is opened, after The influence of the negative state on him, compared with before, will inevitably increase by a large margin, or even increase exponentially.

From this battle with mechanical civilization to the present, from the current situation and the rhythm of the battle, it is estimated that Wang Kai will not be able to participate in the battle in the next battle.

To put it simply, Luo Ji will definitely lose Wang Kai's top combat power in the Martial God Realm.

In response to this problem, Luo Ji had already thought clearly before he got in touch with Wang Kai.

Considering the ensuing battle, the cost of losing Wang Kai's combat power at the Martial God Realm level was indeed a bit heavy.

However, if they can't smoothly resolve Tronia and Kurin now, then the six words ‘the next battle’ would be impossible to talk about.

In this way, Luo Ji's choice obviously has no more to say.

After confirming the order from Luo Ji and getting in touch with Jarvan, Wang Kai immediately launched the action.

After getting close to a certain point, Wang Kai, who lacked cover, was quickly exposed to the field of vision of General Tronia and Kulin.

The unexpected situation did not cause Wang Kai to panic.

At that moment, Wang Kai, holding a rain-covered knife, directly expanded his body skills, and at the fastest speed, he was forced to kill Kulin, who was venting his firepower in the back row.

Perceiving this situation, Kulin quickly mobilized some energy weapons to switch to fire, trying to suppress Wang Kai who had rushed up.

But at the same time, Jarvan, who had already passed Wang Kai's anger, also coordinated with Wang Kai's actions at this moment to attack Kulin.

The current two-to-one situation forced Kulin to disperse his firepower, which was extremely passive.

In order to ensure that he can also use firepower output to form sufficient suppression force in this state, Kulin directly turned on the annihilation mode.

In the annihilation mode, the output intensity and the charging efficiency of energy weapons will increase greatly, and the firepower output has been fully improved in all aspects.

But on the other hand, the energy in the energy-powered furnace is also burning fast at this time, which is not a long-term solution.

In terms of responsibilities, Admiral Tronia, who should have acted as Kulin’s bodyguard to ensure Kulin’s safety and create a comfortable output environment for Kulin on the battlefield, also directly activated the annihilation mode at this moment.

Accompanied by the crazily spewing dark red energy particles, the general performance of Tronia has greatly improved, trying to get rid of the entanglement of the conquering king colossus, and start to give back.

But Luo Ji, who had been mentally prepared, didn't panic at all.

Admiral Tronia in the annihilation mode, although the overall performance has risen significantly, the guard type is a guard after all. The weapons and equipment on his body are destined to increase the output power even if he turns on the annihilation mode, which will affect his attack performance. The improvement is also very limited.

The speed has also increased, but it has not yet reached the point where it can completely shake off the Conquering King Colossus. The strength of the force field shield has increased significantly, but the difference between'untouchable' and'more untouchable', Obviously it didn't have much practical significance, and it still failed to completely get rid of the entanglement of the Conquering King Colossus.

Admiral Tronia should have understood this at the beginning, so when facing the Conquering King Colossus, even if he was suppressed by the opponent's heavy punches, he did not activate the annihilation mode.

Now, the situation is clearly urgent and there is no choice.

The terrible situation made Admiral Tronia choose to directly resist the heavy fist attack of the Conquering King Colossus at this time to save Kulin.

But it is a pity that Luo Ji, who controls the conquering of the King Colossus, doesn't just throw his fists.

In a short time, the fist was the claw, and a set of great grasping hands was displayed by conquering the powerful body of the king colossus.

The Tronia admiral who tried to force him to attack and started back to aid was just like that, Luo Ji used a set of great grappling hands, and fell back abruptly.

It's a pity that the mechanical race has no emotions, otherwise, the Tronia admiral at this time must be able to fully appreciate the full of anxiety and despair!

During this period, Wang Kai, who had already started his unparalleled state, was able to spot the opportunity, unfolding his body skills, and swiftly forced him to kill.

According to Kurin's cumbersome size and tonnage, he would definitely not be able to escape.

Wang Kai's unfolding body technique at this time was mainly to avoid Kurin's large-scale burst of energy attacks.

If it weren't for Jarvan to help him spread the firepower at this time, the exponentially increased firepower density would inevitably make him fall into an inevitable situation.

But to be honest, the situation is not much better now. UU reading www.

After all, his state at this time was not good at all. From the moment that his Majesty the Emperor took over this task, Wang Kai actually had no plans to go back alive.

Maintaining an unparalleled state, fighting for the last time, Wang Kai, who quickly got closer to Kurin, didn't even think about it, and directly swung his most violent knife in the "Rain Covering Knife", the torrential rain style!

With a slash, while smashing multiple reinforced shields, it directly tore apart the main force field shield of Kulin's body and cut away part of the opponent's heavy outer armor, but it failed to hurt its core energy. Power furnace.

But this is enough, he has already opened the way for Jarvan!

The special magic missiles covering the magical technique came as promised.

Cross the road opened by Wang Kai and hit the target.

Together with Wang Kai, in an instant, an astonishing big explosion swallowed everything in the surrounding area on the spot!

Kulin exits, the overall situation is set!

After receiving this news, Zhou Yi and Dominique Adolf and the others, at this time, the whole person's emotions were completely uncontrollable and there was a burst of excitement.

Of course, they know that these X-rank fighters can be resurrected in all likelihood.

So they have to determine the victory before that!

Taking a sigh of relief, after a brief period of excitement, Zhou Yi and Dominique Adolf, who quickly calmed themselves down, quickly issued an attack order.

Upon receiving the order, behind the army, a specially deployed magic transport ship quickly opened, and a large-scale force entered the field in an orderly manner in the attack hatch.

The leading ones are thirty-six hundred-meter giants wrapped in heavy metal armor. Although there are thirty-six, they all have a unified name, the giant soldiers!

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