The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3971: , Giants Army Corps (3)

Of course, this latest type of giant soldier and alchemy armor cannot be the original version.

Among them, under the premise of ensuring the enhancement of ‘alchemy’ as the core requirement, the design of the new type of giant soldiers and alchemy armor, but referenced the design of many dwarven exoskeleton reinforced armor.

Later, with the appearance of the magic armor of the magic civilization, the alchemy factory and the ordnance research department also jointly made further improvements.

After all, in a strict sense, compared to the exoskeleton reinforced armor of the dwarves, the alchemy system is more similar to the magical technique system.

Therefore, in fact, many things between these two systems can learn from each other.

And in this process, what was finally born was the new type of giant soldiers and alchemy armor used by the giant soldiers today.

While being able to better enhance the alchemy of the alchemists, the biggest change in the new type of giant soldiers and alchemy armor lies in the improvement of the comprehensive combat capabilities of the arms themselves.

The strengthening of this piece is available to the original giant soldiers, and the enhancement range is also very high, almost giving the giant soldiers the power to dismantle battleships with their bare hands.

However, after researching and integrating the design of magical armor and dwarven exoskeleton reinforced armor, this improvement has become stronger than before.

Solving the trivial small-scale units of the mechanical clan, the Giants Corps directly charged towards the fleet position on the mechanical civilization side.

After confirming the battlefield here, after the giant army entered the battlefield, they were leading the murloc army under his command, forming a school of fish, rushing back and forth in the position of the mechanical civilization army, and disrupting the formation of the opposing army. Bey Rand, without saying a word, hurriedly took a group of murloc beasts headed by the sea king whale Hal to start the response.

At the same time, the snake-men army in Zhao Heng's orc army, headed by the hundred-headed giant snake Shesha, cooperated one after another.

The reception of the orc legion made the entry of the giant army legion smoother.

After entering the arena, as a group of war units, the highest priority target of the Titan Army Corps is naturally the main firepower starship in the army of mechanical civilization, followed by the firepower ship.

Destroying these two types of starships can strike a blow to the firepower output of the mechanical civilization army with the fastest efficiency.

In this situation, the Titan Army Corps is racing against time. It must be before the three opposite X-level fighters are resurrected, directly at the level of the army, and establish a clear enough advantage for their army of civilizations!

However, the mechanical civilization side obviously did not intend to let the whole situation go, just follow their ideas.

A large number of vanguard starships quickly rushed towards the giant army legion.

Although it does not have as strong output firepower as the main firepower starships and firepower ships, the vanguard ship wins because it has a larger number.

After approaching a certain distance, a large number of vanguard naval gun-level energy attacks quickly intertwined into a dense firepower network, and strafed towards the Giant Army Corps.

That ultra-high attack density basically left little room for the giant army to evade.

However, in the face of such a battle, the Titan Army Corps did not show any nervousness.

"If you cheer up, just follow the training state."

As the commander of the Giants Corps, the voice of General Rodrin rang in the ears of every soldier.

At that moment, the generals and soldiers who had confirmed the order, including Huang Feiyu and Burrows, started to act while shouting to obey the orders.

With thirty-six giant soldiers as the center, the soldiers of the giant soldiers legion opened their palms and raised their hands one after another.

In an instant, a large number of alchemy formations just spread out in the void.

On the side of mechanical civilization, the dense energy cannons fired, and the moment they touched the alchemy array, they were actually disintegrated on the spot.

Facts have proved that in this world, everything that exists must have its composition, and energy is no exception!

It's just that the speed of the energy attack is extremely amazing. If you want to break it down, it often tests an alchemist's reaction speed and alchemy cultivation.

The vast majority of alchemists in the Titan Army Corps, in this case, just decomposing the energy attack, it is almost the limit, and naturally they don't have more energy to do other things.

However, those generals are exceptions...

In this process, along with the decomposition and reorganization of the armor on one side of the shoulder, on the shoulders of the giant soldiers, a number of thermonuclear energy cannons were actually assembled.

Their alchemists make weapons, obviously it is impossible to rely on local materials, and they themselves will bring a lot of materials just in case.

With the completion of the production of thermonuclear energy cannons, those enemy energy cannons that were decomposed by them were attacked, at this moment, they were converted into the purest energy and sent to the thermonuclear energy cannons on their shoulders.

Immediately afterwards, the charged thermonuclear energy cannon opened fire brazenly and launched a strong counterattack!

During the period, the soldiers of the Giants Army Corps also seized the opportunity and quickly approached.

Even the force field shield couldn't stop them, so it disintegrated directly and penetrated in.

After approaching the distance completely, a group of alchemy soldiers, UU reading www. suddenly turned into masters of dismantling.

Basically, wherever the hands are touched, they can be removed.

In the Giants Corps, it is impossible for an ordinary alchemy soldier to completely dismantle a mechanically civilized starship in a short period of time.

However, with ten people, one hundred people, and one thousand people added together, this can always be easier.

In just such a blink of an eye, the nearby star field is already full of wreckage of starships, large or small...

Of course, if it is a wreck, it may not be appropriate. A more accurate statement is to dismantle the remaining parts.

After all, as I said before, some things, relying on their scientific and technological capabilities at the current stage of the civilization of the world, really can't understand them, and the alchemists can't understand them, so naturally they can't be broken down.

But it doesn't matter. Except for some parts that they don't understand, they are all taken apart. The ones that can't be taken apart are all floating in the air. How many threats can they pose?

Does he have the ability to fight back on the spot with mechanical civilization? !

The vanguard fleet of mechanical civilization, which came over aggressively, was hit head-on at this time.

A wave of operations was immediately destroyed by the Giants Army Corps.

Take away as many materials as possible, and complete a wave of local materials. By the way, I also use the materials obtained from local materials to equip myself with a wave of wealthy, fully armed giant soldiers. The legion continued to push forward.

At this moment, it can be regarded as a mechanical civilization army who has some preliminary understanding of the Giants Corps. It should also be realized that it is difficult to influence these war units with its own starship alone.

So soon, a small group of S-class fighters came to emergency support after receiving the command of the main brain of the army!

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