The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3979: , Earth Fighter (2)

Most of the bonus effects of the orcs and the beastmaster's true body are related to the characteristic items of their totem warriors.

The Tauren clan, Minotaur's characteristic item, is called the'Children of the Earth'.

The effect is to increase the recovery speed of physical strength and injuries by 50% when Minotaur is stepping on the ground.

This made the Minotaurs unit that had awakened the totem bloodline, and almost became the biological unit with the strongest continuous combat capability on the ground for their ten thousand civilizations.

With this as a prerequisite, after unlocking the Beastmaster Species and obtaining the true body of the Beastmaster, the Earth Fighter, Minotaur's ability was undoubtedly further strengthened.

The ‘Earth Fighter’ of the full-level event provides a 100% bonus to the speed of recovery of physical strength and injury to Minotaur, who is stepping on the ground, just by passive bonus.

In the case of actively motivating the'Earth Fighter' and showing the true body of the Beastmaster, Minotaur's physical recovery speed and injury recovery speed are directly doubled, increasing to 200%, and gaining% Fifty full damage reduction!

At the same time, this superb resilience also made Minotaur's Beastmaster's true body state lasting much longer than other races.

Other orcs, such as Horus of the Eagle-Human tribe, still have to consider the consumption problem when activating the real body of the Beastmaster. After all, the explosive state cannot last for too long.

But the Minotaurs of the Tauren clan are different. They have the capital to open the real body of the Beastmaster for a long time. At the same time, in the extended strengthening project, there are also buff items that reduce the consumption of totem and increase the duration of the real body of the Beastmaster.

This makes the Beastmaster's true body completely a common skill for Minotaur.

The only limitation is that they have to step on the ground to enjoy the various bonuses above.

Because Minotaur will draw power from the earth in the process of the power of the totem.

Once off the ground, they can't draw power.

However, this limitation actually doesn't matter to Minotaur.

After all, as a ground unit, it does not have the ability to fly. Under normal circumstances, it is unlikely that they will need to leave the ground for a long time to fight.

At this moment, the Beastmaster’s true body opened, and Niu Xian, who was transformed into an Earth Fighter, relied on his super defensive ability and recovery ability to wield the tauren totem totem in his hand. He simply showed a kind of like ten thousand people. The enemy's aura.

Killing individual units of the mechanical clan is as easy as cutting melons and vegetables.

It can only be said that the troops of their tauren clan, serving as the vanguard of the orc army, can only be said to be more suitable.

The Rhinoceros and the Boars’ Agamagan followed closely behind. As the Human’s Ganesha, as an important BUFF unit in the orc army, it is located in the Central Army. While ensuring safety, it is also an important BUFF unit. It can ensure that the most orc soldiers in their orc army can enjoy the BUFF enhancement of Ganisa.

In addition, the cavalry units of the werewolves and the lizardmen are distributed on both sides of the orc army, which is basically an entire offensive formation of the orc army.

Needless to say, the offensive ability of the Orc Legion.

The planet landing troops of their ten thousand world civilizations, under normal circumstances, as long as the orc army enters the field, then for them, the situation of this landing battle can basically be stabilized.

No matter how bad they are, they can still occupy a place on the planet.

Centered on the area cleared by Jie Zichuan and Dilit jointly using the earthquake technique.

After the tank and mecha corps cooperated with the orc corps to repel the mechanical civilization garrison that had swept over. After opening the situation, the landing ships of their Ten Thousand World Civilization Landing Forces began to land continuously. In terms of landing efficiency, they suddenly surpassed the immortality on the other side. Clan army.

During this process, the landing troops on the side of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization also quickly fired a signal bounce to notify the undead army to attack this area.

In terms of offensive efficiency, it is a little bit more competitive. This kind of thing is actually harmless, but the two civilized armies are all allies at this stage. If they fight separately, it would not be great.

The undead army who confirmed the signal didn't linger at all.

Although they did not directly meet with the landing forces of their ten thousand civilizations, the focus of the offensive was already placed in the same large area as them.

In this process, although the resistance of the mechanical civilization side was extremely fierce, it ultimately failed to withstand the joint offensive of their Ten Thousand World Civilization and Styx Civilization Landing Forces.

In the process of frantic destruction by the landing forces, the first thing that was disintegrated on a large scale was undoubtedly the defensive firepower that was an important home field advantage for the mechanical civilization.

The defensive firepower has been disintegrated on a large scale, which is undoubtedly worse for the mechanical civilization garrison, which is already in a very bad situation at the level of the army.

Lacking the support of defensive firepower, UU Reading is not only the landfall on the planet, but also the destruction of base fortresses and production factories. At the same time, it is also struggling to death in the void battlefield outside the planet, trying to resist the world. The mechanical civilization garrison, which was jointly offensive by the civilized army and the undead army, has also been more thoroughly suppressed.

At this moment, on the void battlefield, the planetary garrison of mechanical civilization has been forced to retreat outside the planet's atmosphere.

Retire again? Then you can only retreat to the inside of the planet.

To some extent, it is not an exaggeration to say that the army of mechanical civilization has been driven to a dead end.

It is impossible for the defense forces in the planet of mechanical civilization to be continuously output.

Under normal circumstances, the first two waves of garrison troops tend to have the largest forces.

Therefore, as long as one defeats the first two waves of defensive forces from the enemy on the premise that one’s own side is not severely injured, then after that, as an offensive side, the battle will only become better and better, with the enemy side at the same time. The resistance is significantly reduced, and the offensive efficiency will also become higher and higher, commonly known as snowballing!

Next, what Luo Ji and Zhong Mo need to do is to wait.

Let's see if it was the landing force they sent into the planet to level off the mechanical civilization planet first, or the mechanical civilization garrison outside the planet that was defeated because they could not withstand the offensive of their combined army.

As for the enemy's thirteen X-class mechanical fighters, that's what comes after.

At this stage, all you need to do is contain it.

At the same time, even if one or two are missed, facing their combined army of Ten Thousand Worlds and Styx civilizations, this gap in the size of the forces, two X-level fighters, facing these tens of millions of army, what can they do?

This is nothing more than the difference between letting them lose a little more force or less.

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