The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3995: , Small gifts (2)

Luo Ji has always had no unrestricted interest. Since he said such things, he was naturally certain.

If his plan goes well, Zhong Mo must be dead soon.

Of course, the premise is that the plan goes smoothly.

"The whole army is passed on to further strengthen its guard. If the undead army suddenly strengthens its offensive in the next period of time and starts to further accelerate the attacking rhythm, it means that Zhong Mo has been recruited in all likelihood. !"

After this, half a month passed.

In a galaxy-level war, this point of time can be said to be fleeting.

During this period of time, the main planet of mechanical civilization was completely flattened, and then, as the forces continued to converge, the undead army under Zhong Mo unsurprisingly began to increase its offensive.

Generally speaking, after the confluence of the army, with the adequacy of the forces in hand, increasing the offensive is a natural move, which in itself is not enough to explain too many problems.

But the problem lies in the fact that if the undead army does not intend to further speed up the attack, but instead wants to increase the offensive appropriately while maintaining their classic tactics, its focus is still placed in the latter part of the war. , Then at this stage, on the battlefield, in addition to the low-level arms that are an important part of the undead army, they will at most send some intermediate arms to increase combat power, increase suppression and consumption capabilities.

As for the high-level arms and top-level arms.

It's not that they will never send, but it is absolutely impossible to have a significant investment.

Because once you have invested in a significant scale, it is equivalent to moving out of the late battle of your own army directly now, so where does it mean to wait for the late battle? You just started the fight!

And that's it now.

In the latest round of confrontation, the undead army and many high-level troops have already appeared on the battlefield.

In addition, the ghost fleet has also undergone a large-scale mobilization.

All signs indicate that Zhong Mo's undead army does not intend to fight them in the later stages.

Thanks to Luo Ji’s advance reminder, the undead army that suddenly increased the scale of offensive and strengthened the offensive force, although it still brought them considerable losses, but if they were well prepared, at least this loss , For the time being, the success was controlled within the range they could bear, and it would not be too heavy.

Seeing the latest feedback on the frontline battle situation before him, Luo Ji felt nervous, but on the surface he was still calm.

"Don't be careless. At this stage, Zhong Mo will not rule out the possibility that Zhong Mo will deliberately do everything, disturb or lure us into being fooled.

While speaking, Luo Ji, who had completely adjusted his emotions, quickly spoke again...

"Stabilize the situation, try to avoid head-on fights with the undead army as much as possible, and drag the battle down! If Zhong Mo is really hit, the longer it is, the more anxious the opponent will be, and the better it will be for us!"

At the end, Luo Ji had already clenched his fists unconsciously.

This was a matter of the life and death of his civilization in the world, and Luo Ji wouldn't be nervous if he didn't think about it.

At that time, as long as Zhong Mo is dead, the best situation is, of course, the battle is over and the battlefield is lifted.

Of course, this battlefield was organized by the system.

So Luo Ji and the others don't know what the specific mechanism of this battlefield is.

Under the premise of Zhong Mo's death, assuming the worst situation is nothing more than that the battlefield has not been lifted, and the war has to continue.

But without Zhong Mo, the undead army is also a group of dragons without a leader, and the remaining big clans of the undead are not one heart.

At that time, even if it will not split on the spot, but lose the constraints of Zhong Mo, it is estimated that the various races of the Styx civilization will not get along too happily.

At that time, even if the undead of the Styx civilization can recognize the situation in front of them, they plan to continue to work together to deal with the counterattack of their ten thousand civilizations, but the actual effect will definitely not be too good.

At that time, Luo Ji only needs to drag the word tactics with his last hand. While he can get a chance to recuperate and rejuvenate, it will take a long time to ensure that the Stygian civilization will be completely divided.

During this period, Zhong Mo, who also paid close attention to the frontline battle report, confirmed the latest battle report and learned that the offensive of their undead army did not achieve very good results. Zhong Mo basically knew Luo Ji's thoughts.

"Maintain the offensive intensity and continue to chase."

The order was given, and after the soldiers went out to pass the order, Zhong Mo gently rolled up the gray sleeve robe of his right hand, and raised the hand that pierced Luo Ji's heart at the time.

As a member of the undead clan, Zhong Mo's skin was pale, with a grayish color.

The limbs are slightly thin and weak, but they are not yet skinny.

At this moment, on Zhong Mo's right hand, starting from his fingertips, a series of black fine lines, now all over his body.

The overall appearance will make people feel shuddering after watching it for a long time.

Needless to say, this is exactly the "little gift" Luo Ji left him.

This'little gift' carefully prepared by Luo Ji has been quietly hidden in the body of the alchemy substitute.

It wasn't until Zhong Mo pierced his body with his right arm and triggered it, that he took advantage of the situation.

However, because the alchemy double blew himself up at that time, which attracted Zhong Mo's attention, he did not notice this change in the first time.

During this process, Zhong Mo also mobilized a lot of power to evade the self-detonation attack.

When he reacted, the things that had invaded his body accompanied by black fine lines were about to be lifted to his soul!

Timely vigilant Zhong Mo, his first reaction was to adjust his power to resist, but the mobilized power turned out to be a nutrient for the other party. After swallowing his power, he plunged directly into his soul.

Faced with this situation, Zhong Mo at the time quickly opened the system panel and checked his status bar.

Then thoroughly confirmed that he was cursed.

After this, he tried to use his powerful soul magic to remove this curse from his soul.

It turned out that the curse was almost like a gangrene attached to his bones, entangled in his soul tightly.

The more he mobilized his soul power, the faster the curse would be swallowed.

Zhong Mo, who was aware of this situation, hurriedly stopped in time, but the curse did not mean to stop.

At the same time, all these characteristics made him thoroughly confirm the origin of this curse.

Needless to say, this is exactly the curse on his wife, Xu Yu!

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